Service In The Temple Of Light
David Barnes March-May 2021 Salmon Arm, BC
First, we should acknowledge together, and thank the LORD for the wonders that have been made manifest in our lives over the years, each one of us, and the wonders that are yet to come. Right at the beginning, I want to say a few words about how this new monthly Temple of Light service pattern opened up, as it came through Bill and Linda Bahan, Anne Blaney and me in more recent days. We acknowledge and clearly recognize that it is emerging and being born through all of you, and many others as well. We do not open up such things in isolation. They emerge through the whole, through many Angels in expression on earth at this time. This morning I was reflecting on a passage from the Gospel of John. The Master Jesus—the Master of the Temple of Love—had this to say: “Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee.” The word Son relates to the formation of the Temple of Light, and the hour has come to initiate a new cycle that complements the fine work that is being done by many people, coming alive with new energy, new spirit and new substance in this day. In this initiation, the Son may glorify the Father and prepare the way for the Mother.
We have a life span in which to give ourselves to this vibrational formation which has been developing. If we do it right, when our incarnation is complete we pass it on to another generation of Angels who have come into Temple service with us, prepared to carry it on after we are finished and we leave. This is a large project, the restoration of the consciousness mankind, and the formation of the Temple of Light, which rightly should enfold within its sphere of influence every human being who yields to that; and it also includes the whole earth and all of creation. We are in the midst of a vast re-creation project, and process of refocalization.
Recently a certain amount of emphasis has been placed on an awareness of the spiritual presence of Melchizedek, Priest of the Most High God, and the Melchizedek influence that is known in these days, as we bring our substance and our contributions toward the building and the shining in the Temple of Light in this era. Not long ago, Yujin Pak spoke of these things in a service in Seoul, South Korea. What a privilege and a great responsibility, to recognize that Melchizedek came four thousand years ago and reminded Abraham of his work and his commission in initiating the cycle of the restoration of the Temple of Light in the earth; and Moses carried it forward with the formation of the Tabernacle, the Ark, the Priesthood and the Twelve Tribes; and Melchizedek came again, this time in the form of the Master Jesus, born as a human being, to live the life of a man on earth, calling others to remembrance and awakening, and setting in motion a cycle that would absolutely, firmly establish the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the Tribes of the earth in oneness, and all creation as part of the glory of the shining of the Temple of Light. More recently Uranda incarnated to carry forward this work, to open up the cycle in this Age. We find, right from the beginning, that he emphasized the reality of the Temple of Light. All of us were introduced long ago to Uranda’s writing, Seven Steps To The Temple Of Light, which we have opened many times I am sure. But now we find ourselves walking those Seven Steps in reality every day, opening the Way for others, even as he opened essential doors for us—and as the Master Jesus opened the Seven Seals in a complete sense for all who would walk in the Way of the Master on earth. We acknowledge the Angels and the Archangels who came before us and very clearly opened the Way to the Temple of Light.
Here are some words by Uranda, speaking about Melchizedek, Priest of the Most High God, KING of Salem, KING of Peace. [] Addressing the 1953 Class, and speaking to us right now, he said: “Your function here in this School has for its purpose the basic initiation into the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek. There can be no true manifestation of spiritual power except on the basis of the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek. This is the keynote, the key point, in relationship to the outworking of the whole Divine Plan and Pattern. And those who would share in the fulfilment of that Divine Purpose on earth must, to some degree at least, begin to share the reality of the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek… It is necessary that we enter the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek—not only to speak the Word of the Lord but to do the works of the Lord, to work out the Divine Pattern on earth, to live the reality... And it is only as this reality of Priesthood is made manifest that we can have the manifestation of power necessary to the accomplishment of the Divine Purpose on earth.”
We here know that long ago we participated in that basic initiation, and we have moved along the Path leading onward from that point—we and many others, not just we few here—but we may clearly acknowledge that the initiation took place for us way, way back. And here we are now as Angels, friends together with a responsibility that is in accord with the Word, the Creative Command, “Let US remake man, mankind, and all creation.” Let US as Angels, as a collective, working together with the Archangelic focalizations who are centered in the LORD of Lords—let US play our part, letting it come to focus from the lowest to the highest vibration in the Heaven, according to what each one of us is called to do in our work and our service together. In order to lay the foundation clearly, I want to say a few things right the start of this new cycle, represented by the initiation of this new monthly Temple of Light service pattern.
Throughout the past few years, many of us have become more keenly aware of the opportunities available to let intensified and rhythmic currents of radiation flow through our own body temples, into the living earth itself, and into the world body of humanity that is showing so many manifestations of sickness. When thinking about these things this morning, it took me back to late 1987 and early 1988, that time when Martin Exeter was completing his incarnation; and all of us were aware that something unprecedented in experience was taking place in his body—and then he left. That was thirty-three years ago this year. Thirty-three years is the length of time that the Master lived on earth in the body of Jesus—preparing Himself to begin His public ministry and complete His incarnation, and finish the work that He came on earth to accomplish. It is written in the Book of Acts that after the crucifixion He continued with the disciples for forty days, “To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”
I have often thought, over this past year, of these thirty-three years that have passed since Martin left, as symbolizing thirty-three of those forty days when the Master remained close with His disciples—a period where Martin’s spirit has lingered close with us, and has been felt by us, speaking silently and heard by us in the sanctuary of the Temple of our own hearts and minds and bodies—speaking of things pertaining to the Kingdom of God in this day, and preparing a body of people who would assemble in the forming Temple of Light and serve in Angelic maturity. All of us have been involved in that unfolding pattern of listening, and hearing what it is that the Lord has been speaking over the past thirty-three years. We have been diligent about our generations, being prepared for a day when once again there could be drawn together an assembly of disciples and ministers, prophets and priests, male and female, in the Upper Room of the Temple, letting an outpouring of the Spirit occur through us in waves of radiance, and return, so that the LORD might have a vehicle, a Temple Body on earth through which to release His radiance. We discover, as we find union in the Temple, that this is our own Angelic radiance, one with His Almighty radiance.
Some of Martin’s last words to us were, “The light of the body is in the eye. If thine eye be single thy whole body shall be filled with light.” “Let your light so shine.” The Word of the Lord to those who are invited to participate in the formation and serve in the Temple, is: “If thine eye be single thy whole collective Temple Body shall be filled with light—shall be a Temple of Light composed of many Angels incarnate and in expression”—many human beings in spiritual expression together. Laura Fisher wrote me a note this morning; she said, “It is my pleasure to be with you as you prepare for service this morning. The times I was with Martin's household on Sunday mornings before service, there was a silence that rang like universal Toning! It was deafening and all consuming!” The Lord is in his holy temple—let all the earth keep silence before Him.
Here we are gathered today, some of the people who worked and served with Martin; some of those who, over these intervening years, have come to know him as he was and is, and have come to know the LORD because of him. And so right now, in March 2021, it is keenly felt that there is a need to begin a new pattern of service that is designed to facilitate the generation of a very unique quality of refined pneumaplasm. This will happen—it is a Divine promise—when everyone gathered together in one accord in one place is sustaining an atmosphere that allows an outpouring of spirit that is natural to each specific service period. This is an opportunity to bring our love and thanksgiving to the focus of spirit for this Seven-Plane World, the LORD of Lords, and provide Him with a Body, a vehicle through which to release His Power under control and through His design—worship in spirit and in truth. We wouldn’t be able to do that if we didn’t know Him and His spirit, that spirit which is present in the Temple of Love, the Temple of Light, and the Temple of Life, now forming in Heaven and on earth. He is the High Priest in the Temple—not as in priestly lineages of this religious world, but as we spoke earlier, the lineage of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
So we will gather, as we are here, to provide a Body of ministers and disciples, prophets and priests, who know that this is who they are—who I am. By reason of our presence in that capacity, by whatever name it might rightly be called, we provide a living vehicle through which the radiation of Shekinah may flow into His Body and His world—may pour forth in rhythms of blessing, released outward to all, and welcomed as they return to us and to Him in the ascending current.
Those who know the Voice of the Master love His Voice. The Master is in the Temple. We find that present often in the eastern world—when one enters a Temple there is a priest or a master in the Temple. Those who love the Master of All know His voice, and they follow Him. So we are going to use, as part of what we do, the high vibrational qualities that are inherent in primary Third Sacred School materials, to open some doors, release the radiation, look at things anew, and allow a movement together into higher ranges—and let a vertical expansion take place. Much preoccupation with external or horizontal expansion has prevailed over the last 2000 years—some of that necessary in order to get people and situations in the world changed around so that the LORD could have a clear shot at refocalizing the cycle of restoration in this era, working through new arrangements of substance and people. But there has been a tremendous over-preoccupation with horizontal expansion and horizontal creation, even among our numbers in the past, and most people seem to think that squashing all activity into the physical and mental levels, with a thinly destructive emotional layer woven through it all, is the only way to go. But here we have an opportunity to let a fine vertical, pneumaplasmic and spiritual expansion occur.
So we are hopeful that, in the days to come, this service opportunity will give each of us who are Temple Priests and Priestesses an opportunity to share what we each have to bring and offer, through reading a transcript excerpt by Uranda or Martin, and speaking extemporaneously—original, authentic and fully alive now! Let each one speak in their own natural tongue and language, their own choice of phrasing and words—anything that fits in Temple service. Anything is welcome, that helps, as Uranda put it, “to work out the Divine Pattern on earth”—anything that is respectful and respecting of others, that is reverent, anything that is sacred, from lowest in the clear Heaven to the Most High that can be wisely and rightly shared. All this is open to us. There is no room for conflict, no room for judgment, no room for criticism. But there is a great deal of space for straight, clear, clean, direct talk, conversation and silence in Upper Room of the Temple—anything that really fits in the movement that we share together. After any reading, will have an open space for free-flowing and radiant conversation, moving in the clear current of the Word. And there is no need to imagine that any one of us should speak in a particular kind of group language, group-speak, or group-think. Each is totally free to speak in their own natural manner, as I am free now with you—and I certainly don’t expect that you would say it like I do.
Each Priest, male or female, is called to bring what they uniquely as an Angel are called to bring to the LORD and to His Priesthood Body. As such, each is part of the Body of the High Priest, reforming on earth in a conscious way, through conscious expression, because of the transformation that has been taking place in the subconscious, because of the pure heart and the Holy Ghost substance now permeating that subconscious realm. So there is no concern about what might erupt out of the subconscious into the conscious, to disrupt in a manner that doesn’t fit in the Temple, because only that which does fit is allowed in and out.
So we begin with small numbers, and let a vertical expansion take place, not so much concerned with horizontal expansion or larger numbers of people. But we have been interested in inviting certain ones to begin with, knowing the Core Focus that various ones have been maintaining; that focus which has allowed the emergence we have all seen through various groupings in various locations over the past couple of years in particular. And this monthly Temple of Light service pattern, at this point, can assist in providing a Core Focus point, that contributes in an integrating way, in a creative way, to all that is being offered everywhere through everyone who is functioning at any level in a genuine spiritual sense, in spiritual expression, whether they are conscious of so functioning or yet unconscious, but who have a love for what is at the core of integrity in themselves and in the world body. We can assist in providing an orientation point for this greater coming forth, something that is helpful in the world. So, as the highest essences of the spirit that we are naturally equipped to allow to move from the inner realms through us are allowed release, we are a representative Core Body and an external Temple setting through which the spirit can move both consciously and subconsciously from Core to the periphery of all that is being drawn together by love, into union with the Spirit of the Most High. We can let it build, and evolve and reshape in the creative process over the coming months.
I feel that it is important to be clear and specific at the beginning, relative to what this new venture is about. We are all very aware of the profane world. Profane is defined as that which is outside of the Temple—out of timing, out of phase, out of rhythm. Centered in the Word, we walk easily in the profane world, speaking with those who are awakening and who are drawn to us. But here there is opportunity to gather as Priests of the Most High God, in Temple service. [] This rings true and right to me. There is pure delight at the opportunity we have to be together in this way—together in Heaven on earth, as we have been over the past thirty-three years, letting this important cycle of clarification come. With an awareness of all its apparent losses, there is this apparent gain: evidence of the Presence of the LORD, of the Word made flesh, to this degree. We acknowledge these things and move together in accord. What fulfillment might the next seven years bring!
© Temple of Light
Yes, pure delight in-deed!
How wonderful to sense the Power and Glory being relead through this Temple.
Let us Abide in Attunement with HIM
and LET HIS WILL be done in and through us!
Yes, pure delight in-deed! How wonderful to sense the Power and Glory being released through this Temple. The LORD Is in HIS HOLY TEMPLE, Let us Abide in Attunement with HIM and LET HIS WILL be done in and through us!
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