August 15, 2021

Temple  of  Light

August  Monthly  Service  Notice

August 15, 2021

What a great pleasure it is to invite you all to participate in the next Temple of Light monthly service, on Sunday, August 22nd at 10 a.m. Pacific Time.  The ZOOM Link is attached.

Everyone is welcome; no one is excluded—but we only send a Notice and Zoom link to those who have requested it. Please do not pass the link on to anyone without letting us know, as we prefer that anyone who would like to be placed on our mailing list and receive the monthly Temple service Zoom link, write to us and let us know, and we will be glad to send the link directly and place him or her on the mailing list. Everyone is welcome.

Every one on the mailing list is welcome to help focus a Temple of Light service—to read and speak whenever it is your time and your turn and the space is available; so please just write and let us know and we will work it out for a service time in the months to come. The opportunity is to participate actively in both phases of the service period: radiant radiation and responsive radiation—both are essential to unified radiation and generation in service to the LORD and to His people and His world. Active participation in both the radiant and the responsive phases require that one-pointed resonance and attention be given to the spirit and the words that are brought to focus.

For the August 22nd service next Sunday, the primary focus will be provided by our friends Arno van Haght, Mia Euvrard, and Laura Malan, from Johannesburg, South Africa. How absolutely wonderful!

And for our Anniversary Meditation together in mid-September, Yujin Pak and Marsha Bogolin, from Seoul, South Korea will lead the service. Because of the Time Zone difference, this Temple service will held on Wednesday evening, September 15th Pacific Time at 5:30 pm — which is 8:30 pm Eastern Time; and it will be Thursday, September 16th at 9:30 a.m. Korea Time. Thank you Yujin and Marsha.

The Temple of Light website can be be found at

Considering our opportunities in a Temple of Light service, or a Tone of Life service, or any service or attunement, or assembly of people who are conscious of Angelic identity, these words spoken by Uranda in 1946 are Divine Guidance:

“True Spiritual Power is effective only on the level on which it is released. It is comparatively easy, from the standpoint of one properly attuned, to release Spiritual Power in the higher levels, and those higher vibrations are tremendously powerful, but they are active only on the levels on which they are released, and in connection with those attuned to such levels. This means that only as it can be worked out through human beings to release Spiritual Power on those levels to which human beings are more generally responsive, or in which they are attuned, can the release of that Spiritual Power be effective in meeting the issues of the world. So we have to Radiate the Christ Love in a true sense on all the levels of consciousness, so that those responsive to God may be influenced and blessed, regardless of where they are or who they may be. There are those who think that if they reach a high point and simply Radiate on that level that they will be doing humanity a wonderful good. That is ridiculous, because comparatively few are reached by a Radiation on high levels. That does not mean that the one who Radiates cannot be attuned to a high point, for he must be if he truly Radiates, but he must radiate on the level where he seeks to be effective, and then the release on that level will tend to make it move upward. It emphasizes the fact that unless we Let Love Radiate in our daily function, it will not be released on the level of expression where it can be of real value in the world. If we are able to gather and go up into a high mountain of consciousness, what we do there is of value—but the real value comes only when those individuals then move down into the world of man and live in the everyday walks of life, letting that Spiritual Power find expression on those levels of activity.”

With hearts full of thanksgiving and wonder, for our many opportunities in service, and sending love to all.  David Barnes & Anne Blaney

These are the service dates selected for the next few months

WednesdaySeptember 152021  5:30 p.m. Pacific Time  8:30 p.m. Eastern Time  (Thursday, September 16, 2021 9:30 a.m. South Korea Time)  Yujin Pak and Marsha Bogolin, Seoul, South Korea

Sunday, October 17, 2021  10 a.m. Pacific Time  1 p.m. Eastern Time

Sunday, November 28, 2021  10 a.m. Pacific Time  1 p.m. Eastern Time