December 19, 2021

Temple  of  Light

December  Monthly  Service  Notice

December 19, 2021

Good morning friends. The primary focus for this December Temple Service will be provided by Carol Smith and Steve Ventola, from Atlanta, Georgia — with a period of radiant conversation open for all when they complete what they have to share.

At this glorious time in the annual cycle, with both Solstice and Christmas now at hand, we look forward with great joy to these 90 minutes of sweet communion with the LORD, with all who are drawn together to serve in the Living Temple of His Archangelic Body on earth, opening more fully into the wonder of the Cosmic Story unfolding through us season after season. These words spoken by Uranda in 1953, illuminate the Glory of the birth and continuing incarnation of the Lord of Love, the Master Jesus, on earth just over 2000 years ago:

“There were many remarkable revelations of the reality of Shekinah at the time of the Master’s birth, but the central key is the Angels’ Song: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’ Glory to God in the highest. What is the Glory? The Shekinah Cloud of Glory. Glory to God in the highest. That carries to the Highest Focalization of Deity, going beyond the range of human consciousness or awareness — and the expression was made in relationship to those who dwell on earth. So we see with the eye of the heart how there was a Great Cone allowed to settle down over the earth, the base of it enfolding the earth as in a net, and the point of it extending upward to God in the Highest — the Shekinah Cloud of Glory — and it was brought to the earth, enfolding man, centered on earth, made manifest to man through the form of the babe that was to become a Man, extended to God in the Highest. There was no break, no point of separation, no veil, except the inability of human beings to see. The Cloud of Glory, the Shekinah, extended to the earth, enfolding the earth and carrying to God in the Highest. Glory all the way. The Shekinah Cloud of Glory here, and all the Way to God in the Highest. And then, when that is a reality, what does follow? ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth’—enfolded in the Shekinah Glory something begins to manifest. ‘Peace on earth, good will toward men.’ The coming of the Master was the Supreme Gesture from God, the zenith of God’s Gift of Love to man — the Supreme Gesture of goodwill.” []

Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light monthly service — but we only send a Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone — we prefer that those who want to be on our Mailing List and receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write to us directly. This helps keep a light touch of control on who comes through the door. Transcripts and videos of past services are available on the Temple of Light website @

If you wish to lead the way and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Through the Word and the words spoken in the sacred space of a Temple service, a pristine opportunity awaits all of us together, as we gather in the Heaven of Archangelic Love — and in our togetherness we reveal that it is Glory all the Way. Anne Blaney & David Barnes

These are the Temple service dates selected for the next three months:

Sunday, January 23, 2021  10 a.m. Pacific Time  1 p.m. Eastern Time  Bill Bahan & Linda Bahan  Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Sunday, February 20, 2021  10 a.m. Pacific Time  1 p.m. Eastern Time  To be determined

Sunday, March 20, 2021  10 a.m. Pacific Time  1 p.m. Eastern Time  David Barnes, Salmon Arm, B.C.  &  Arno Van Haght, Johannesberg, South Africa