David Barnes — Good morning everyone. It is spring equinox; autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere. The atmosphere of heaven and earth is changing rapidly here where we are; the quality of the light increasing is so beautiful and welcome. We are also entering the Easter season, emphasizing the spirit of resurrection which is always at work in the Body of the Son of God, and it is always at work in the earth at this season of the year.
It is so beautiful to have this opportunity to be together now; and I want to tell you what a thrill, a pleasure, a joy it has been to work with Davina over this past month. I think we've come to know each other in a way that we always felt was possible, but never knew because we've never had the opportunity to engage in this kind of action before. I've come into a place of profound respect and love for Davina, for the woman that she is. There is great trust, born of this concentrated experience that we've shared. Deeply heartfelt, frank and open, sacred conversations have flowed between us. I know that if we were to fulfill the potential of what is present this morning we could go on for hours. If we can share some fine points it will be fulfilling, and we'll have the rest of the year, all of us together, to share more.
This service marks the beginning of the third year of the Temple of Light service pattern—once a month. I did a count and discovered that there have been eighteen women who provided a focus for our services over these two years; and about fifteen men. Beyond that, the comments provided essences for services, comments offered by a number of women and men from Korea, England, South Africa, and across North America. Having friends join us from Korea has been most wonderful.
Here is a piece that I want to read at the beginning of our service, from the book of Malachi, Chapter 3: “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts… Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts…” I think this is the theme that Davina and I want to share: Return unto me and I will return unto you. “Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts… Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you”—open David, open Davina, and open every one on this service line—“and prove me now herewith if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
So this service relates to the opportunity that we always have to return; not just return ourselves—presumably that's already been done—but open up the gateway and the doorway for the Great Return of response, return of the substance of the earth and the sacred systems of the earth, and the world, to the LORD. “Return unto me, and I will return unto you.” I don't know how far we'll get with this today but, in relationship to that return, Uranda said this a number of years ago:
“We have come to the next step. This is the period when Mother God must come into her own, or man is lost. If he continues to cling to the old concepts with respect to God he is going to fail. How are you going to have the Child without the Mother? Jehovah is Mother God, and the manifestation of the [Child or the] Body must be in relationship to the Mother.” We have Father God in the invisible realms of heaven now, and Mother God in the visible, and we have not yet let Mother God have a body. “And until we let Mother God have a body, Father God, in the invisible cycle, cannot have any real meaning on earth to bring forth the child in relationship to individual living, or living in the kingdoms of this world, the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, etc.” And so, “This is the period when Mother God must come into her own, or man is lost.” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2019/07/mother-god-must-come-into-her-own-from.html]
This subject could take up every service that we have for the rest of this year, and it probably will in one form or another, because this is the Great Return that is so very important—return unto me, and I will return unto you. And so, as sons and daughters of God, in representation of the Father and the Mother, we open the door for the return of the Mother, and the ongoing revelation of the patterns of life in the family of man, and in all the kingdoms of creation, for the return of the body and the substance of Mother Earth to the Father—all of which essences, Father, Mother, and Child are present within us as individuals and as a collective.
So, I have no idea really where Davina will take us in her sharing. But this opens up a line of thought that maybe I'll take up a little later in this service, or maybe a little later in the months to come. Davina, you are looking beautiful this morning, and it's a thrill to be with you; and I would turn everything over to you now.
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Davina Misroch — Thank you David, I found your words deeply moving, and the call behind them precisely what today’s initiation is about. Today I’m going to be capturing essences.
Here is a Tabernacle, a Holy Place. Here we stand in the Presence of the LORD to deliver His Word … to us, through us and beyond.
“But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”(1 Corinthians 2:9) Here is the promise! How do I love the LORD? In the deep, quiet recesses of my heart there is a holy place, inviolate, yielded. Here, in that place, is Divine Control, true government of Spirit. If I examine this, I must ask: “Is it steadfast, is it stable, is it continual? Is it a whole or just a partial experience? Am I fully relinquishing my personal hold and assuming the stance of simple stewardship under His direction, letting the Father within do the works? To the degree that there is total surrender in total trust to the LORD, to that extent my creative field, my world, the responding ones everywhere are returned to Him.
The Holy Place is to be kept inviolate. There must be enough generation of spiritual substance to hold the vibrational hedge of the Holy Place. Is it just a small place in the deep, quiet recesses of my heart that is pure and inviolate? How much space is there internally and externally for this Holy Place? To “dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High”, and to make “the LORD … the most High” one’s “habitation”, as it is said in Psalm 91, takes an obedient mind and a pure heart, that holds the heavenly atmosphere in stability, consistency and balance.
In these times the Ark of the Covenant is one of restoration where the pure and holy essences are preserved, kept holy, sacred, inviolate, a space held safe, where the Design of Spirit is present. This Ark is our responsibility.
How trustworthy am I in preserving this sacred space within myself, never, never letting it be violated? No one can keep sacred this space in me except me. We all have equal responsibility in this. If there is a sacred place in us as individuals it is because we have preserved it. The Tabernacle takes form around the Ark. The Ark is the focus of spirit for what takes form, and we form the Ark of restoration to restore all things to the LORD.
The composition of this Ark is a living ark: it is composed of people. It includes those who are conscious and many who are not so conscious but are handling their responsibilities with uprightness: honour, integrity and honesty—all participating in the expression of the spirit of God at whatever level and in whatever way.
The invitation has been extended over decades to relinquish everything of the human world, to ‘come out of her my people’. The command has come again: Finish the work! I respond strongly in spirit, but what about action? If I’m honest, I still note areas where I feel the pull of addictive behaviour to the human nature world, man’s world. Some addictions are obvious, others more subtle. I caution myself to be watchful, alert. The stimulation of externals is everywhere, and it produces addictive behaviour. We have a deliberate choice as to whether we are to be subject to, whether we are to be governed by, external stimuli.
Stability comes because we are centred in the stable spirit of God. To the extent of that centering, we do not lose our balance and we are not thrown by, or dependent on, any external events. Even if we stumble or occasionally “fall off our horse”, as Roger de Winton would say, we can get back on our horse, regain our centering in spirit and find ourselves restored to equilibrium.
There must be a firm hand which says “No” to the addictive behaviour, “No” to the stimulation of externals, and, especially in these days, it definitely takes a certain amount of discipline to move towards the point of stability. The choice is ours: we can either be addicted to human nature or to experience the truth—one or the other. But to choose the truth we have to let go of the addiction, and no longer give way to it. We can’t have both.
It is not just a matter of hearing and seeing: the responsibility is the doing. It has no value unless we are doing it, and willingly. And, until we emerge out of our own state of addiction, we cannot provide what is necessary for others to do likewise. The choice is stark. As Martin has said: “Choose God or choose the absence of God. Choose the truth or choose a lie.”
In choosing God, choosing the Kingdom, choosing the KING above all else, here is the spirit of the Single Eye: my love, my passion: the spirit of the Single Eye. “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light” (Matthew 6:22)
I will share some essential quotes from a service by Martin Exeter from March 27, 1983, titled “The World To Come”:
“What sort of a gatekeeper are you for what enters your consciousness?”
“Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked”—that is the human state.” “Only with thine eyes”—not with your heart, not with your emotions. The very moment you become emotionally involved with these things you have allowed corruption to come into the holy place of your own consciousness.”
“Let the consciousness be kept holy, so that the heart is pure … welcome nothing else but the heavenly consciousness. There is no judgment in heaven. There is no condemnation in heaven, no reason for it. Let it be so in our consciousness, that we may participate in the continuing creative cycle by which the world to come comes. It cannot do so if we keep betraying it, and we betray it every time we allow motivations to come into our consciousness and give them our emotional support, motivations which have little or nothing to do with the heavenly state, motivations which have earthly origins. The world to come is coming. Who shall be included in the world to come? Those who let themselves be included in the consciousness of the Creator of that world, and those who include that Creator in their own consciousness consistently, so that there is never a break. As this becomes absolute then the statement is fulfilled: ‘Behold, I come quickly,’ bringing my world with me, in which are included all who accept that state of consciousness.
Nothing shall enter in that defiles or works abomination or makes a lie. If we are inclined to defile and work abomination and make lies, we do not enter in. But if we are a faithful gatekeeper, in our own state of consciousness, then we may participate in what has been described as the new heaven and the new earth, the world to come, which is and has been in the process of coming, thus far, for nineteen centuries.”
“We are invited to dwell in the garden in our own consciousness where we may exercise the duties of a gatekeeper. And sharing in the heavenly consciousness, the world to come comes quickly. Praise the Lord!”
How effective is my mind operating as the Guardian Angel, the gatekeeper for my Holy Place? Am I maintaining my consciousness in the Holy Place, keeping the container holy, inviolate, or am I opening my Holy Place to the corruption all around? Is my response stable and consistent according to the First Commandment, or is it pulled off into the realm of effects? Is there vacillation between the two? Moment by moment, where is the control point? What am I giving myself to? Neatly put: “To be open to the divine, one has to be closed to that which isn’t.”
This has been stated another way too: “We cannot serve God and Mammon”—the holy state and the worldly state. To have one foot in the Holy Place and the other foot in the realm of effects, man’s world, the mind-made world, the unreal, is vacillating between the two. This is doublemindedness. Here is a divided state and wherever we see or experience this, we find a house divided against itself.
Are we coming all the way through or are we still in the Borderland? Here is a quote from a transcript titled “Borderland” by Uranda, from October 16 1947 [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-work-is-not-finishedborderland.html] “He who looks back overmuch to the kingdom of the prince of this world will find himself moving outward from the Borderland and slipping back across the boundary into the realm of the prince of death. He whose eyes are steadfastly set upon that of true citizenship in the Kingdom cannot be turned aside by conditions or circumstances or by what any may think or say or do.”
And in another service: “We either move toward God, in the fulfilment of His will, or we move away from God toward oblivion.”
What does it take to yield to the spirit of the Single Eye? It takes everything— everything! All of me. Relinquishing all. Full reverence and devotion to the First Commandment. This is what it takes to finish the work—individually and collectively. Isn’t that why we are here? To let the LORD’s Light shine through us to all the Kingdoms of His Earth? Isn’t that the only means by which the resurrection can come—in my consciousness, in your consciousness? If my eye be single, my whole body shall be full of light. If the eye of His Body be single, HIS Body shall be full of Light; and the Veil thins, unveiling what is true, letting disintegrate what isn’t.
“The Word is with us continually, even unto the end of the unreal world. When does the unreal world end? When it is no longer present in consciousness. We are concerned with the end of the world” (“The World To Come” Martin Exeter). Let His Kingdom come.
In my experience I have known within me many things that will need to be born, to emerge, in the outer, in time. Grabbing hold of the inner feeling and seeking self-actively to actualise it easily aborts a cycle. In patience and tranquillity “divine navigation” governs and controls. We choose. That is how His Kingdom comes. It cannot come on any other basis.
In a service Nancy Rose Exeter gave at 100 Mile House in 1987, she said this: “As we remain trustworthy, as we remain in that appropriate arc, so that we don't separate ourselves for self-centered reasons, ever, then we participate together, male and female, so that the whole spectrum is present in attuning the world, attuning whatever may be in our individual worlds. All of these things that come to us then are indeed felt, but we are stable. We remain in the stance of the one who attunes, the one who is radiant, so that all of these things can move and come into balance and alignment as they should.”
When I am in true oneness with the LORD, I know the experience of being the connecting link. In my home, there is one space in particular where the seamlessness of the oneness of being with the LORD comes to focus: that is in my kitchen. In the quietness, tranquillity, my ‘very small’ kitchen is vast. In the simple preparation of food, the flow of what is above translates from the Invisible into the visible, the outer, creatively, with precision and to perfection. There is great joy in that.
As we as a Body continue to integrate, we are One together, and the experience of the connecting link becomes ever more present and increasingly known. Within myself I sense a fusion going on—a top down, bottom-up fusion occurring. It is in a quiet internal place—a reunion of the Inner Realms of the Invisible and the Outer Realms of the visible.
“As I AM lifted up, I shall draw all men unto Me” takes on new meaning in a vibrational sense, as the process is allowed to continue uninterrupted in an unbroken line. The resurrection and the restoration is proceeding, the real resurrection, Here, Now. What is happening is happening to the whole body of mankind, no exceptions. All are participating in the resurrection or in the disintegration of what has existed in the experience of human beings until now. This nightmare state is passing away. We either identify ourselves with the nightmare state and pass away with it or we allow ourselves to move in the resurrecting process.
There is a vision that has been with me for a very long time, a vision seen from the inner eye. It appears as a collective of angels in formation, a latticework, a garland of gossamer vibration connecting one to another like a web along delicate, beautiful lines, held between angels individually and in constellations.
There begins to be a spiritual coronation of blessing being laid on all the kingdoms of this world. As this becomes a reality, then all earth is restored to our KING.
David Barnes — Thank you Davina. The world to come has been in the process of coming for 1,900 years in a very specific way, so Martin just said in the quote that Davina read. Being within that Heavenly Borderland, above the fallen world that I am in but not of, insofar as I am concerned it can be said that the world to come is here. Heaven is here, in a very real sense; the Garden is at hand, it is here; and the Lord has come to His Temple, in answer to the promise as recorded by the Prophet Malachi, “Return unto me, and I will return unto you.”
I think that all of us here on this Zoom call should be able to easily acknowledge that heaven is here—acknowledge that since that amazing period of time in the mid-1940s, in a very real way the process of the reunion of heaven and earth has been established in this world; and all of us are actually living and moving in an experience of heaven on earth. This has happened, and it is happening. And this has not happened in a body of people, however small a body of people, since before the fall. There has never been a Body of God sustained in heaven on earth since before the fall. The birth of the Spiritual Body brought forth by Uranda, and those who worked with him in its beginning formation, was accomplished, and we are a part of the beginning formation. This occurred not that long ago.
And this is a massive project. I did some research last night. As of now, according to Uranda’s dates, it was around 28,000 years ago [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2015/06/from-cosmic-uranda-2-1939-cosmic-age-or.html] that the first point of the rebellion that resulted in the fall of man took place, near the beginning of a 25,800 year Fire cycle. And after the end of that 25,800 year cycle the Master Jesus incarnated, to initiate this particular phase of the restoration that we are in now. He came just after the beginning of a new 25,800 year Water cycle and a smaller 2,160 year Water cycle. He came into incarnation in order to allow the conception of this particular Christ Body formation that is now present—that Uranda came to help birth. This Christ Body is continuing to grow and develop, and as long as we provide the substance, and hold strong the vibrational hedge related to this ongoing formation, we have the experience of being in Heaven, being in the Garden, being in this Spiritual Body, in the world of the fallen condition but not of it. And this is not just a theory—it has happened. It is happening, and the world to come is here now for anyone who does what is required in their own life to experience that as being so.
This realization brings to consciousness a tremendous sense of humility before the greatness of what is yet to be done under the hand of the LORD of this creative cycle of restoration. Having returned, it is natural to acknowledge and recognize Who I serve. I am focused in One who is supreme; but also focused in many who serve closely with Him, like you and I do on earth in this Spiritual Body, which we might recognize has many aspects to it. But our work is centralized in the return of the earth, the form for the incarnation of the spirit of Mother God, to heaven and to the LORD, so that heaven and earth are one.
The spirit of the Single Eye in the head comes to focus right here [pointing to the pituitary in the center of the forehead] in the spirit of the womb, the spirit of truth, the spirit of the Mother, in love with the Father. The spirit of love is present in the pattern of the head of the body of the individual, and the Body of the Whole, so that life and life more abundant can be born through the radiance of Shekinah—the focus of spirit on earth, or anywhere there is a focus of spirit—moving through the pure heart in blessing, gratitude, with a single-minded devotion to let all substance rise up and return home, that the spirit of the new earth might blend with the spirit and substance of the new heaven in me and in you, and in this Body.
There is something that is of great significance that I would like to begin to open up, so that we can entertain it ourselves in the days and the months to come, and see what then opens further to be shared in service, and other venues as well. And all venues that serve the LORD of Heaven on earth in this day are all vitally important to what is transpiring. Each one is responsible for a different level, range, or dimension of substance, revealing certain aspects of the spirit of the One Body that are absolutely essential—and more venues will develop in the days to come.
Relative to what I want to open up here, Uranda said this to a group that gathered with him in a sanctuary space in 1949, a very small group, mostly women: “All together, you provide that focus of Divine Womanhood as you are centered in your QUEEN, by which the restoration becomes possible, providing you are honest and true.” In our services and meditations in the past we haven’t spoken much about the QUEEN of Heaven and earth. We talk about the KING of Heaven and earth. I think there's something we could share this morning that will make available a blessed open door, as we move in the cycles of resurrection in the days to come.
Uranda said this in 1952: “Do you think the Master's life was without love? Oh no! Mary of Bethany was his sweetheart. Mary of Bethany provided the centering, from the standpoint of the negative aspect of being, for that outworking for which He was on earth, and for which He labored.”
I'm sure a lot of you, probably mostly the women but perhaps the men too, are aware that there were a significant number of women disciples of the Master when He was on earth, women who were absolutely vital to His ministry. I went through the Biblical record and did some research, and I found nine women named, identified, characterized—significant women. A number of them were named Mary. Martha and Mary of Bethany were two of His most relied upon women, in terms of the core of His Body of women disciples. Others named are Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, Salome, Elizabeth and half-a-dozen Marys. By the way, a number of these women were very wealthy, and they provided substance, funds, for His ministry as it was developing. I have read about nine women. By the time that His ministry was over He only had eleven primary men that were named. But you can see that there was something significant here, in His ministry, in terms of the angels who incarnated to be with Him, female and male, and the work of gathering those ones, and the substance began to accrue around this core which was centered in Jesus and Mary of Bethany.
I think it is altogether fitting and proper that very little is said in the Bible, and very little is known in general, about Mary of Bethany. We know how the ministry of the Master Himself was corrupted so very shortly after He was here. If the Great Return relates to the whole, then there is something we must understand about the defilement of the earth and of the feminine vibration, wisdom, the Mother Presence, that occurred at the time of the fall, when what was supposed to be the sons and the daughters of God became the sons and daughters of perdition, and took over and usurped the earth, the substance and body of the Mother, and raped it, and maintained that state for the past 28,000 years. Naturally there would be a very great deal of care on the part of the Master about the manner in which He exposed this one, Mary of Bethany, who came into incarnation on earth to be with Him and form that innermost core of essential generation, that, as it was maintained in the Holy of Holies, would be allowed to expand outward in rings of development of the Spiritual Body, under His guidance. Perhaps you remember this verse from the Book of John, Chapter Twelve—versions of it are recorded four times in the Gospels, each one framed a little bit different:
“Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany”—just six days. You can imagine, if you know something of great magnitude is coming your way in six days, you will be feeling it coming; you will feel the weight of it, the density of it, the significance of it, and the challenge of it. Even in the minor things that we have to face in our world today, we feel the shadow of it coming. It was six days before the Passover, and He knew what was coming. “Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. And there they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.” One can feel the substance of that core interaction of spiritual intimacy rising, at that crucial period of movement. “Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.”
Those three words have resonated in me for many years: Let her alone. As the command of the LORD to the satanic government of this world, as it relates to the body and substance of the Mother, of the QUEEN, He said, “Let Her Alone”, and that command resonates in this day. Now we're not just talking about earthbound men and women; we are talking about that which is most holy and most sacred, as it relates to the whole earth, and the Royal Household of the KING and the QUEEN, of which the sons and daughters of God are a part. Let Her Alone! That command resounds to this day; and it should be resounding through us, as we are sons and daughters of God. There shall not be any violation of this sacred presence, this holy presence, which is only known in the Holy Place and in the Holy of Holies.
Here are a few words by Uranda from 1939: “All God Beings are under the Law of the Positive and the Negative, and so are they male and female. The Great Master came into the outer planes to bring the truths of salvation to mankind” and while He was on earth, under the Law “He could not marry during His life on earth”—and we won't go into that right now, as to why the Law works in this way; but we will just accept it as fact. But under the Law, “He could not marry during his life on earth, though His Cosmic Beloved incarnated to be with Him during His outer ministry. Mary of Bethany and the Master Jesus, being Cosmic Beloveds, were very close sweethearts during all of their outer life manifestation. Let it be noted that Mary of Bethany was not Mary Magdalene, who anointed Jesus.” They were two different women. We could go into that another time, considering Mary Magdalene, without regard to any of the statements about her in popular culture these days; but we could examine it and gain a feeling for the significance of what Mary Magdalene brought as a disciple of the Master. But it was Mary of Bethany, His Cosmic Beloved, who “incarnated to be with Him during His outer ministry.” As Uranda emphasizes, “Mary of Bethany and the Master, being Cosmic Beloveds, were very close sweethearts during all of their outer life manifestation.” Also note that “Mary of Bethany was of all women, most beautiful, holy and pure… and they are our great KING and QUEEN.” Uranda also tells us that the God Being, that angel who incarnated as Mary of Bethany, “has not incarnated since that time. She ascended with the Master Jesus” when He ascended.
Perhaps that's enough for the moment, except to emphasize in conclusion that when we speak of our KING, in the days to come—and if we're inside the Heavenly Borderland, in the Kingdom, we have a very vivid awareness of the KING of the Kingdom, always—and when we speak of the KING, or the LORD of this Body that is now developing, we should also immediately recall that in the Kingdom there is also the QUEEN, just as real and present as the KING of the Kingdom, and just as vital. How can there be a spiritual conception, brought about by the vision and the presence of the KING, if we don't have the conception brought about by the vision and presence of the QUEEN as well—the male and the female. And in this regard, we think of those cycles that the Master set in motion over 2,000 years ago, cycles that have worked subconsciously and to some degree consciously, to bring us to the point where Uranda, the Lord of Truth, was able to incarnate and remind us of some of these things. And working through the cycles of his life, Uranda came to the point where, as a King in this outer world himself, representing his KING and QUEEN, Uranda had brought to him his Queen, without whom things would not have developed as substantially as they have—and here I speak of Kathy Meeker [Groves]. And so, through Uranda and Kathy there was a representation on earth of the KING and QUEEN of Heaven and earth; and therefore, because of the blending in the two here below, in relationship to the two above, they were able to bring forth through their ministry together that which we now know—this Spiritual Body. And more is to come for all of us, as these things are unveiled, and the Spirit of Truth brings all things to remembrance.
So, in the days to come when we think of the KING of Kings, we should think of the QUEEN of Queens as well, and recognize that 2000 years ago they incarnated to accomplish something, and there was cycle after cycle after cycle of spiritual conception because of their communion together—and all of this has implications for us now. The Master went frequently to Bethany, because that was His greatest sanctuary, that was the one place that He had on earth to lay His head—and fundamentally they maintained the hedge in a core sense, those three in particular, Mary and Martha and Lazarus in that home, that sanctuary; and others frequently came to be with them. And then in this period of time, a week before the Passover, when Mary anointed His head and His feet and wiped them with Her hair, there was something extraordinary taking place, in terms of the generation of substance that was gathering and allowing Him to move within an expanded angelic hedge—such as it was, not very much provided by people in general—provided by a few as He moved into the pattern that we know as the Crucifixion, when that which was provided from above was met in that which was provided from below, and there was angelic care present at both levels. There should have been more on this side of the equation, but it was enough. And we know that the beloved disciple John also played a vital role in all that transpired during the life of our Master on earth.
And so, with this consideration, and with our developing awareness of the KING and QUEEN of Heaven and earth—with just the little that we know, in the sense of becoming aware of it, not that our minds know very much—in the days and weeks and months to come we can take all of this into our sanctuary space and ponder it, and see what more comes clear. And this is part of the Great Return of the stolen substance, this recognition, first of the spirit of the Mother in oneness with the spirit of the Father, and the great care that the Father, the KING, has taken to bring it to this point, so that His QUEEN could be known once again, and the Mother would not be defiled, and Her Body would not be raped again by fallen man.
We care for all of this in the Holy Place and in the Holy of Holies, in the Temple of Light which is alive here and now; and we have an opportunity to ponder the presence of the KING and the QUEEN in the heaven that is here right now, the heaven that I and you live in, and have done without even knowing it really, through all the years of our life. It's been here all along. Now we know it, and we tend it with greater care and understanding than ever, that the work might be finished. But it's a big job, so it's going to take a while to finish it. It's going to be one generation of substance, but within several generations of people carrying forward.
In this piece in which Uranda states that this is the time when Mother God must come into her own or man is lost, Uranda indicated that it is in this 2,160 year Air cycle that things become absolutely critical. And certain things need to be achieved in this 2,160 year age—this period that began around 1766, near the beginning of which Uranda then came into incarnation, and Martin. And we came as well. So this is just the beginning of things, obviously, when we think of what it would actually take to have this whole human nature scene cleaned up, this that has taken 28,000 years to get into this mess, to be completely cleared up. When we first considered these things we may have thought, well, this is going happen in forty years, and it will all be over. Well, certain things need to happen within certain definite time frames; but in the larger picture, in terms of the whole mop-up operation, it is within a longer period, and it's going take several incarnations of angels, well trained to steward the process. That is why I love what Yujin is doing in Korea. He’s providing some education for people who are starting to really get it. It's beautiful.
But here we are today, and we have these things that we have shared—and I've said enough. Davina, I look forward to much more sharing with you, because really it was out of the substance that we shared—and specifically out of the substance that Anne and I have been generating through our attunement over the last few months—that has allowed some of this to come through and be brought forward now. So, Davina, I'll turn it over to you, and you can receive the comments. And let's let our comments be succinct and sacred, and offered to the Most High, our LORD and His Beloved—and we are Their Body.
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Pamela Gray — In this spacious consideration I would like to highlight Davina's presence, and the fact that she brought her light. Thank you, Davina. You mentioned the word fusion: heaven and earth are one. As individuals, we provide atmosphere and specificity, all that we can to speak the Word—it's ours to speak. We use beautiful words. You read beautiful words that I love and cherish—behind the words was that spirit of the Single Eye, and the fusion of heaven and earth, that His will is done by angels. I loved that you brought forth the lattice of angels and that we're part of that, and of the release of love into the world.
Christina Pivarnik — My deepest appreciation for what you've both provided this morning—the sacred space, the holy place in which together we are able to dwell and meditate. This is what we hold in ourselves as we are out in the world. We are awake angels and we say, “I am here as the Lord and Queen, emerging as both to bring light and love. Isn't that what we're doing as awake angels, through the sacred, holy place, as Davina so exquisitely described, and David as well—this is what we bring. I'm so deeply thankful that we can have these considerations together, that we can let that spirit just roar with beauty.
Robert Kauffman — I'd like to say something to both Davina and David. Thank you very much for focusing on the large scale, the 28,000 years; but you also both clearly focused on what is more approachable and more impactful where I live. As one example, what I can do to sanctify my kitchen. I love that. Then David pointing out the innermost feelings of our Master—I can relate. Many times I have been talking to my wife Terry, and it became very clear to me, “Leave her alone”—alone from my force of personality pouring through me; just to be clearly one with my wife. Of course, that translates to any interaction with anybody. Even my cat. It's incredible. It all starts at such a fine focus, as Davina pointed out, but it magnifies from there into everything. I may not live to see the final outworking, but I am living far enough along to know that it's here. I love this time we spent together.
Leia Meryt — What a great pleasure to be part of this gossamer lattice that you mentioned—this net of light. I almost can't believe that I get to be here, to hear these words spoken out loud from the male and the female. I have known for a long time what the essences of Mary of Bethany are. I'm so privileged to have this gift, and to be with you all. I was looking through Grace Van Duzen’s book, “A Cosmic View of the Bible”, and she mentioned “mare”, the mother, Mary, pure consciousness, the eye, the womb—it’s no wonder that the water cycle is now, the womb. I am so appreciative to be part of this Body. I have felt the collective coming together so poignantly in the last while, for no other reason than allegiance to the QUEEN and the KING.
Robert Merriman — David, Davina, what an exquisite time of worship, this is, and I give thanks to the KING and QUEEN, for entrusting what has been opened at this time. We have noted the words "gossamer lattice." Gossamer—it's very, very delicate, and we've been entrusted by the LORD with delicate, precious substance. I sense our shared rejoicing, and give utterance to it, and yet at the same time note that my response and steadfastness, that you mentioned Davina, is required as this delicate substance is allowed to continue to develop into strong sinew, upon which the world can be drawn, as all is returned to the One we serve.
Davina Misroch — Thank you Robert; thank you everybody. Gossamer lattice-work. The reforming of the capstone, and the strengthening, taking shape ever stronger. The KING and the QUEEN have been present all along. There has never been a time when the QUEEN has not been here, though virtually unknown, and probably very wisely kept hidden. Leave her alone! But leave her alone to blossom. Let her true radiance come forth because there is a safe place for it to do so. And that safe place can only be brought by her angels, male and female, to create that safe place. Thankful are we, now to be, filled with praise, Lord to thee; so shall our living bless the earth. Thankful are we, Holy KING, Holy QUEEN. Amen.
Steve Ventola — The sacredness of this moment, articulated in our hearts, with our minds open for the continuance—our third year beginning reveals the earth of our KING and QUEEN. Let's so continue. For our Temple of Light service on April 30th, Robert Merriman will provide the focus.