Temple of Light
September Monthly Service Notice
September 11, 2022
Good morning everyone — Our next Temple of Light service will be focused by Robert Merriman from Denver, Colorado and Arno Van Haght from Johannesburg, South Africa on Sunday, September 18, 2022 @ 10 am Pacific Time
As substance gathers through this coming week, and we prepare to be with Robert and Arno, we are aware of this mid-September, 90th Anniversary since that period on September 16, 1932 when the Third Sacred School was opened through Uranda, and then carried forward by Martin Exeter—it is worth noting that we are now completing the 6th year of the 13th 7-year Cycle since that date in 1932, and on September 16th [next Friday] we enter the 7th year of this current 7-year Water Cycle. The coming year will allow the opening of significant opportunities in service, for the focalization of new patterns of Life in this Archangelic Body. And then, on September 16, 2023 we move into a new 7-year Air Cycle. The following words by Uranda and Martin emphasize the significance now:
“Lucifer was the bright and Morning Star, that which gave impulse to the expression of God on earth in a new cycle of time. Lucifer, seeing the fulness of love and devotion given to the LORD of Love, began to be arrogant, to be jealous of the LORD. Why should the LORD of Love receive all the wonder of the expression of love response? Pride entered in, and the bright and Morning Star let the serpent begin to turn into the dragon. And what happened? Michael and His Angels threw him out of heaven. The LORD of Lords did not have to do it. Michael and His Angels did it, and they did it promptly, effectively and with dispatch. If it had not been for intercession on the part of the LORD of Love Himself, they would have been annihilated. Michael himself took up the work of intercession—that the act of the LORD of Love might not be in vain, Michael himself accepted the intercessory work for mankind for a season. Michael stands at the Gateway of the Garden with a Flaming Sword that turns every way. Either there is the return to the Father, and the bringing forth of the fruits of the Tree of Life, or there is no entering in. The utter impudence of man in presuming to continue to hold back in the face of all that is done does not augur well for man. But all of you may have opportunity in the closing days of this cycle, and you will see that now this Christ Body is a form in which the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Truth are incarnate together at the same time in the one form, that the polarities may be established and the work of intercession may continue for a little time; for the Angel with the sword, when he begins his work, will not be interceding for anyone, and except there be intercession, who should remain? This is that to which you are called, and except you be cleansed, how should you stand untouched of that Sword? If you be not cleansed until you are touched of the Sword, how should you intercede for any?” Uranda September 14, 1946
“This is the will of God through Shekinah: that those who belong in the Body of the Son of God should be raised up at the last day. The last day is the Sixth Day of the creative cycle, upon which the creation, or the re-creation, of Man occurs—the last of the six days, when man is brought forth complete and whole. At the point of re-creation on the Sixth Day the facility called Man on earth is available for God to extend His creative works from the surface of the earth. The Seventh Day is the day when God rested because there was a Man—the union of God and Man… Let the increased enthusiasm hold you steady. Don't let it scatter you. If you are scattered, you are scattered out of the Body and you very quickly lose the power then, because the power of Shekinah moves through the Body, nowhere else. So remain where you belong and move forward with assurance in the Way, because we are all with one accord in one place, in our hearts saying always, I love You, LORD. We abide in Love, under the shadow of Shekinah, because we dwell in what has been the Secret Place of the Most High, but which is now no longer secret to us. Abiding under the shadow of Shekinah, all things are made new by Shekinah in the cycles of resurrection. No self-centered human mind is necessary to get the job done; it is done when the surface consciousness at last is content to be a doorkeeper in the House of the Lord.” Martin Cecil April 22, 1973
It is a supreme joy to invite all who want to participate, to be with Robert and Arno during this celebratory and also very serious phase of our service in the world. David Barnes and Anne Blaney
These are the Temple service dates selected for the next two months:
Sunday, October 30, 2022 @ 10 a.m. Pacific Time 1 p.m. Eastern Time
Gary Courtland Miles and David Barnes from British Columbia
Sunday, November 27, 2022 @ 10 a.m. Pacific Time 1 p.m. Eastern Time
Millicent Holliday, Carol Smith, and Terry Kauffman from Atlanta, Georgia
Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @ templeoflightservices.blogspot.com