December 06, 2022

Seventh  Seal  Of  The  Silver  Cord  Of  Eternal  Life

Uranda   August 22, 1948   Sunrise Ranch

“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) We are, this morning, gathered together here in His Name. We are few in number, but as we let go in His Name, that is, in the Christ Spirit, in the Christ Fire of Love, in the Christ adherence to fundamental Truth, in the Christ recognition of the Fatherhood of God, in the Christ acceptance of the Brotherhood of man, in the Christ Spirit of Harmony, in the Christ Spirit of the Kingdom made manifest on earth—as we let go IN the Christ, and all that is implied therein, all that is contained therein, so that we are a part of that, He is in the midst of us. He is present with us, and He knows the desire of our hearts, the longing within to serve now and always, according to His Will, the desire of the heart to be a true disciple, the desire of the heart to bring forth fruit in the Harvest Field.

As you rest in the realization that He knows, and as you rest in the realization that I know, you find comfort in the assurance that, though sometimes the expression of life may seem to be inadequate, sometimes there may be a bit of stumbling, you know that the Lord looketh on the heart, and in that knowledge, in that assurance, there is that which inspires a still more full and complete letting go whereby you may be strengthened and sustained by that Spirit that never fails. Though man may stumble and fail, God never fails. There is no lack nor limitation in the Spirit of the Living God—and by His Grace we are beginning to realize something of what the Spirit is, and what the Spirit means. There has been a tendency on the part of human beings to imagine that the Spirit of the Living God was somehow far distant or unattainable, but, as I considered with you a moment ago something of what it means to have the privilege of gathering here in the Name of the Christ, I am sure you found a deeper recognition of the fact that we are functioning in His Name, and if we be in His Name, then His Spirit must surely function more effectively and more perfectly through us.

What does it mean to let His Spirit have its way? What does it mean to abide in His Spirit, to let the Spirit sustain and direct? What do you think of when you think of the Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit mean to you? Is your vision of the Spirit limited to some concept with respect to a given moment, a momentary experience, either of the past or the future, to something that has meaning only as we gather here in Service—or do you find yourself recognizing the nature and influence of the Spirit at work moment by moment in every phase of life, in all that you think and say and do? Do you find the Current of the Spirit unifying body and mind and your own spiritual expression with the things of God? Do you find the Spirit of God finding manifestation through your own emotional realm? What is it that expresses through your emotional realm? Is it the spirit of this world, the spirit of some ill reaction, emotion or fear, or do you find, when you look into your heart, the emotional realm, that there the currents of the Holy Spirit are flowing—purifying, bringing an alignment, a consciousness of Oneness into your own being?

The other evening we considered the Oneness of the Spirit, and recognized that it was not many spirits, but One Spirit, working in and through many Members, many Branches of the One Vine, and now the accomplishment of that One Spirit in you, individually, must be to bring all members of yourself, all parts, planes, phases of your being into one expression of life, so that there be no division between the spiritual expression, the mind, the heart and the body. There are only three planes—physical, mental and spiritual—but the emotional, or the heart, permeates all three. It is not a distinct, separate phase in itself. The heart, the feeling nature, or the emotional realm, pertains to the physical and mental and spiritual planes, and it is a means by which we can feel, recognize and know the permeating power of the Spirit unifying all planes of being, bringing into alignment, into Oneness, all phases of our function.

Some have imagined that that limited the sphere of function, but that is because there was a limited concept with respect to the Spirit. When there is a true realization of the Spirit, of its sphere of function, then we find that life blossoms out into all phases of being, into still greater expressions of beauty and wonder, when we let the One Spirit unify all phases of the individual nature—and when the One Spirit has wrought the work of Oneness in the human being, body and mind and spirit, then surely there must be harmony, coordination, unification, between all those individuals who have been individually unified in and by the Spirit. How could there then be divisions? How could there then be dissensions? How could there then be tendencies to pull one way and another? Surely, when we recognize the reality of the Spirit, when we recognize the unifying power of the Spirit in ourselves, individually, and when we recognize that the Spirit cannot be divided, that it is One Spirit, then all those who are Members of the Vine, through whom the Spirit expresses, must be coordinated, harmonized, unified, to the Glory of God; and then the Currents, not of this world but of the Kingdom, are manifesting through us in the earth; then our accomplishments are not the doing of the human being, but it is the Lord doing the work. “This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.” (Mark 12:11)

The Spirit—the One Spirit—manifesting through all the different channels, makes the vision of Oneness of Heaven and earth a reality. The Master said that, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” We have accepted that idea. We say that it is true. How is that which is “at hand” to come into manifestation? Through the working of the Spirit through the human being, through the Unit of human beings provided, manifesting the Spirit of Heaven on earth—and where the Spirit of Heaven manifests, where the Spirit of Heaven is the current flowing through thought and word and deed, it is Heaven and earth blended, unified—At One.

Can we afford to hesitate to let go to the power of the Spirit? Can we afford to hesitate to let the Spirit work in and through such channels as we have, individually, that they may be purified, adjusted, and so coordinated that the One Spirit finds one manifestation through the many Branches, for the one purpose of unifying Heaven and earth, of letting the Kingdom come, of letting the Father's Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven? It is not a difficult way; it is an easy Way, because it is the Way of Love, and there is nothing so easy and so wonderful as the Way of Love; and when Love functions through us truly, Truth finds expression and gives beauty to the manifestation of Life, and then it is that Life, and not mere existence, not mere drifting, but true living, the Living of Life, is manifest—and Life is Eternal.

So, now, in this instant, to the degree that we let the current of the Holy Spirit truly work through us, so that we are coordinated in that One Spirit to a degree that allows us to live Life as distinct from existence, we are now thereby letting Eternal Life manifest on earth. We are living in the expression of Eternal Life here on earth. The expression of Eternal Life does not necessarily mean that the individual must remain on earth, according to the human concept, forever, but it does mean that at least while we are on earth we let Eternal Life manifest through us, and in that we begin to see that the fulfilment of the promise is not something that must await the passing of untold thousands of years. “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”—and somehow, some way, the reality of that Kingdom that is at hand must be established still more fully, still more vividly, in the consciousness of those who are here gathered, that that realization may flow out in the current of the Spirit to bless all who are with us in Spirit and in purpose, to bless all who respond, that the hearts of men may be prepared for the coming of the Kingdom that is at hand.

Our function here must, in all respects, become in miniature that which shall grow and fill the whole earth—and that it influences the world, causing the responding ones to tend to do that which we do, is very important. So, as there is that unified realization of responsibility with respect to our influence out in the world, and the recognition of the fact that by these vibratory channels we are preparing the way for those out in the world, the individual consciousness of responsibility should cause one to keep ever near to the Heart of God, not that it should become a burden, but that it should be a searchlight, as it were, by which we may examine our individual courses of action in relationship to our unified purpose.

In this Service we have a sample, not necessarily perfect, and I do not suggest that it is in all phases complete, but a sample of the fact that the expression through the many Members, when unified, provides that which is of the whole. The manifestation of reality in and through each Member provides a phase of that which is requisite to the whole, and when that which is potential, in the sense of reality in each one, does find adequate expression in life and in Ministry, we will have a vibrantly alive and powerfully effective Nucleus of the Whole.

We cannot, properly, conceive the Whole to be less than all people on the face of the earth, insofar as this world is concerned, so even though we were ten thousand or ten million in number, we would still be but a Nucleus, not the Whole. When every man, woman and child upon the face of the earth permits the full potentiality of his reality to manifest, to find expression in his daily life, on the unified basis established through the One Spirit, then there shall be made manifest on earth the wholeness of God, insofar as anything in this world may be concerned—not the wholeness of God insofar as the ultimate is concerned, or His Fulness of Being, but the wholeness of God requisite to the full expression of Deity, and the Divine outworking in this world.

As there are many millions of cells in the body, so are there many millions of human beings in the world body of humanity. Therefore, as a Nucleus, we will be the formation of what we might call the Pineal Gland in relationship to the world body of humanity. Most human beings are not aware of the connecting link with the Divine Source; they are not aware of the fact of the Silver Cord, that is, the Current of the Spirit from the Divine Source in relationship to the human Temple—but in the world body that connecting point must be established in relationship to the consciousness of the world. But the time for that has not yet come. First, our function as that connecting point must become a fact, so that our manifestation is the manifestation of the One Spirit, and not the manifestation of a mixture of spirits. The manifestation of the spirit of this world provides a result much like Daniel described in the dream that Nebuchadnezzar had. The feet were a mixture of iron and miry clay. Being mixed with miry clay, the feet were weak. When our function as a Unit is a mixture of the Spirit of the Kingdom with inter-penetrating expressions of the many spirits of the world, we cannot possibly have the manifest strength of the Divine Source. Potentially it is here. Insofar as the Divine Source is concerned, it is not limited, but its manifestation is limited. We do not want to have a mixture of iron and miry clay. We wish to permit the manifest formation of that which is of the Pure Gold, or the pure expression of Divine things, and then there is that purity which can be depended upon. When it is that focalization in the Seal of Eternal Life which permits the Silver Cord to truly function in relationship to the world body of Responding Ones, we will be permitted, through Ministry, to begin to establish an awareness in the consciousness of the world of the fact of the connecting link with Deity.

You, gradually, whether you are specifically aware of some gland or Spiritual Cord in yourselves or not, have been becoming aware of that connecting link with things Divine, and as you let the influence of the Spirit work through you, as you remain true to that Central Current of Life, you find that Heaven and earth are One. You, as Members of the Nucleus, must be aware of the fact of unity with the Divine Source before you can be a means by which that which is Divine may be brought to the attention of the world body. In each one who lives, there is that Central Point of connection—there is the Silver Cord. That does not mean that you have to see something that looks like a silver cord. It does not mean that you have to be peculiarly aware of some gland in your body. It does not mean that some fanciful idea must be realized. It simply means that the Master knew what He was talking about when He said that, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”, and that Heaven and earth are One, that there is a connecting link through the Spirit by which the Divine may manifest on earth. This, expressed in different words, is the fulfilment of all these other things which are spoken of in symbolical, mystical language.

Therefore, when the reality of that Oneness of the Inner and the outer is established in you, when the Kingdom is manifest through you, then you provide that Seventh Seal, as it were, as a Unit, as a Nucleus—for the Silver Cord is connected with you, and the Current of the Spirit from the Divine Source is established through you. Then, through you as a Nucleus, an awareness of these things can be carried out into the consciousness of the world body of humanity. That development of awareness in the world body will have to work out more or less along the lines of its development in you, and yet it will be different, because you are to be the manifest expression of that which you, in the beginning, could not see or definitely know of. The Silver Cord of the Spirit, established in you the Nucleus, as the Seventh Seal, so to speak, then provides the fact of the union or the Oneness between Heaven and earth, whether the world knows it or not; for the average human being certainly knows nothing of the Silver Cord or the Seventh Seal in himself and, from the ordinary standpoint of perception, he does not need to know.

Some have been surprised, in time past, that I did not try to get people to become aware of some gland or see, in some fashion, supposedly a silver cord—as if that meant anything! That was a mystical way of telling a great truth. That was symbolic. That had meaning, and does have meaning, only in relationship to the fact that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand; and now that you are becoming aware of that, and as you function truly, not as a mixture of iron and miry clay, but as a Pure Gland of Life in the Body, you are aware of the Silver Cord that is the Current or flow of the Holy Spirit through you into the world. You are aware of what that Holy Spirit is doing in the world, though the world may not be aware, just as your consciousness may not be aware of what that Current of Life is doing in all phases of your organism—but if that Silver Cord were broken the body would be dead. It would die quickly. So, also, with the relationship of all Responding Ones with the Kingdom that is coming on earth. That can manifest only when there is a strong, vibrant Silver Cord, the flow of the Divine Current of Being flowing through the Nucleus into the world body, that all who will may be drawn to share in the building of the Whole Body.

Blessed Ones, there is not anything in the world so important as this; for everything in the world depends on this for any hope for continuity. There is not anything you could do out in the world that is worth one snap of your finger in relationship to that which we are privileged to devote our time and energy and attention to here. There is not any need with respect to our Nucleus formation and function which cannot be worked out in and through the power of the Holy Spirit in relationship to the world. When there is that purification, the removal of the miry clay, so that it is not a mixture, so that it is the pure expression of the Silver Cord of the Holy Spirit, then all that is needful will surely be drawn into manifestation as rapidly as it can be utilized, to the Glory of God and the blessing of our brother man.

If we are to do our job correctly here, then we must begin to truly depend upon the function of the Law in accordance with God's Way. We must begin to function as that Seventh Seal should. We must begin to let that Holy Spirit begin to work through us and permeate the world body of Responding Ones. We must begin to recognize that it is not to be a scattering of the Cells of the Seal, going out trying to do this or that, or get this, that or the other thing, that we can accomplish our purpose. It is by being what we ought to be; it is by functioning according to that to which we are called; it is by letting the power of the Silver Cord of the Holy Spirit work through us so vibrantly and effectively that the world body of Responding Ones may become alive to reality, and that the consciousness of the world body may begin to have an awareness of the fact that there is already a connection between the outer and the Inner. If there were not a connection between the outer and the Inner in you as an individual, you would not be alive. That connection, in mystical language, is called the Silver Cord. That, once broken, means you cease to have meaning as a human being. That Silver Cord is working, whether you are aware of it or not. It is working for each living human being, whether any one of them is aware of it or not.

So then, it is not according to awareness that these things become fact. They are fact, whether the individual knows it or not. They are alive because there is a Silver Cord. You do not have to know there is a Silver Cord, in the sense of having seen it or felt it or anything else. It is there or you would be dead, as far as the human form is concerned. It is a fact—not something that can be argued about, properly. It is a fact. There is a union between the Inner and the outer in you whether you know it or not, and there always has been since the day you were born. Here, in a different sense, not merely from the standpoint of that which permits physical life, but from the standpoint of that which permits the fulness of life, we are privileged to be the Nucleus, a formation of the Seventh Seal, which provides the connecting link between the Inner and the outer, which permits the manifest expression, or the true function, of the Silver Cord of the Holy Spirit in relationship to the world body of Responding Ones.

When there is a realization of the importance and the responsibility that rests upon us in relationship to our function, we cannot set this in the scale against anything else in the world, because to do so would be to reject our Divine Calling; and it also reveals the fact that we have the privilege of utilizing the power of God in a manner that the world knows not of, in a way that you are only now beginning now to barely glimpse. The thing that is essential in relationship to this Unit is that there begin to be a realization that the Ways of God are the right Ways. He said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Theoretically, you accept that statement of the Master years ago, but you are beginning to see tonight that you are just now beginning to glimpse what it really means, because until you let the Kingdom of God manifest through you in the right expression of your Divine Calling, you cannot have the “things”. The “things” will not be added to you, and you cannot get them, no matter what you do or how you struggle or where you go. You may get a few of them, but they are snatched away. You can look where you will, from the ends of the earth, and you will not get them. You can try it and I will not lift a finger to stop you. You can go through hell or climb the highest mountains. You can go through all kinds of gymnastics and I will not stop you. I still find tendencies in some of you to feel that you will have to go out and utilize the world method of doing. You are going to have to go out and accomplish some certain thing. If you really want to do it, I would not undertake to stop you. The thing that is essential in relationship to this Unit is that there begin to be a realization that the Ways of God are the right Ways.

There is just One Way, and, sooner or later, you, individually and as a Unit, must realize it more than you yet have, and my purpose tonight is to emphasize the necessity of that realization. It is necessary that this Unit shall come to a realization of its correct function; it must be that Seventh Seal, by which the Silver Cord of the Holy Spirit may manifest on earth and function in relationship to the world body of Responding Ones, so that the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is a fact for us, regardless of what the world knows about it or does not know about it, and then, as surely as the sun rises and sets, all these things necessary to our Service and function and accomplishment shall be added. When we try to do the adding we fail, when we let God do the Works they are marvelous in our eyes. The question is: Are we ready, as a Unit, to begin to recognize the true significance of the Master's Word, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”? Either our Master spoke the truth or He was a liar. If we believe that He spoke the truth then, for goodness sake, let us act like it—let us think like it—let us speak like it—let us live like it. And any other course of function is declaring that He spoke not the truth. So, as we, with one accord in one place, in that place provided of the LORD on the face of the earth, reach the point of being that Nucleus, that Seventh Seal, by which the Silver Cord of the Holy Spirit is permitted to work on earth, by which the manifestation of the Kingdom becomes a reality, then, having sought and found the Kingdom—where? in Heaven? no, on earth—then these things shall be added unto us.

Therefore, let us function according to the Word of our LORD and KING. Let us be true to our KING, and let us serve without wavering, without denying Him, without causing our thoughts and words and acts to say that we do not believe what He said. If we do not believe it, we classify Him as a liar, and to do such a thing is to give allegiance to the prince of liars, the prince of this world. We cannot serve two masters. It must be one or the other, and there must be a cleansing, a division, an elimination of the unreal, so that here the pure, true expression of that Seventh Seal shall permit the glorious and wonderful outworking and function of the Silver Cord of the Holy Spirit, to the blessing of all Responding Ones everywhere, and we praise the LORD that it is so.

© emissaries of divine light