July 28, 2023

Wings  Of  Two  Eagles

Yujin Pak

speaking from

Atlanta, Georgia   July 23, 2023

Temple of Light service

It is wonderful to be with you all. As some mentioned, Marsha and I are here in Atlanta with our friends here; and we have had a marvelous time together since yesterday. We will be here for one more day.

I'm still feeling the echoes of the powerful soaring spirit of the music of “Home Among the Stars” [“Ceremony of Exaltation”]. I felt in the music, the power of the soaring spirit of the body of the Lord—perhaps the soaring of the eagle Mary Janak and Robert Kauffman touched on one month ago in their service here. An eagle in flight, [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-living-expression-of-god-on-earth.html] a symbol of the Spirit of Truth, perhaps a symbol of the body of the Lord in flight. A very apt symbol, don't you think, of the character and spirit of the Lord, of divine expression?

I want to recount an episode that Marsha and I were witness to five days ago on a high mountain lake above Loveland, Colorado, at about 6,500 feet nestled among mountains. Truly beautiful. Marsha and I were a little above the lake shoreline overlooking the panorama, sharing what might come to focus in this Sunday service today; and mid-sentence, a short distance from us, across the water, a white-headed eagle came swooping down from above and landed on a small rock. I thought this amazing, wonderous, what coincidence! And then within a minute later, a second white-headed eagle came flying above and then swooped directly down onto the same rock. And the two eagles were then standing together, wingspan distance from each other on that rock that was maybe five or six feet wide. This was a dramatic sight; and I wondered: “What is the message, the meaning? Evidently, heaven is conveying something. In the spiritual context of this moment, the timing... How does an eagle appear now? Not one, but two. Not in a tree, or far, but in front of us on a small rock, on this pristine lake, and in this pristine moment... The eagle that was already on the rock wasn't perturbed by the second eagle swooping down and landing next to it. Evidently, they were partners. I discovered, googling on the internet later that these were bald eagles and that they mate for life, and are often in pairs.

“What does heaven desire to bring to focus?” This was the stream of conversation Marsha and I were having as the eagles appeared. Various thoughts came to me, some of it progressively over the last five days, including about the meaning of these two eagles. One thought was: These were two eagles in agreement—majestic, independent, strong, upright, but in agreement, and completely unafraid of each other. And standing on the rock together—what rock? the Rock of Truth. And then I thought about two other eagles: Uranda and Martin. The spirit of Uranda, the eagle, landed on the rock of truth in this incarnation first; then a second eagle came flying and landed on the same rock, and shared agreement. Two majestic beings sharing one agreement in service to our LORD and KING. My heart was full of the meaning of this: two majestic eagles in agreement.

Then I thought, these two eagles in agreement relate not just to the past—Uranda and Martin, as magnificent as they were—but they relate to two God Beings in agreement, anywhere, and now; two God Beings in agreement today. And ultimately not just two in agreement, but two in agreement and more; and the expansion of that agreement. The strength, the uprightness, the noble expression of the divine through any one of us, first. But it has to start with one. And who might that one be? It's each one of us. It’s the noble expression of the divine, symbolized in the eagle in each of us. It begins to come forth in us. That brings the possibility of the second eagle appearing and coming into agreement. If there isn't the first starting point, there isn't a starting point. So there has to be one first, and that's each one of us. As each one of us comes into agreement with the LORD Most High, that's the first agreement. Then there is the natural agreement between us, between the divine expression, the eagle in each of us, the natural agreement between you and me, between you and someone else near you. That's how it happens. The LORD’s power is manifest through two or more—we have heard this before—two or more in Noble Agreement. Some of you probably remember the drawings of the Ark of the Covenant: two cherubim with wings extended towards the center, between which the LORD comes forth. The wings of two cherubim—and I thought, hmm, the wings of two eagles in agreement, allowing the LORD's power to come forth.

And I want to say a word about the services offered through the Temple of Light monthly; the services offered through the Tone of Life; through other groupings; through Sunrise Ranch; through Korea. These are all important vessels in the manifestation of the LORD's expression on earth, and I hold them precious and valuable.

YouTube  Temple  Service  Video

Yesterday a group of us were gathered here and at Carol Smith's suggestion we read Uranda’s 1954 service transcript, Atomic Power [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2023/07/atomic-powercorrelation-of-concurrent.html]. So timely, so pertinent, so important. As probably many of us here know, the movie “Oppenheimer” just opened a few days ago and many people are seeing it. Uranda speaks about Robert Oppenheimer in this service “Atomic Power”, and his own keen interest in the emergence of right power, spiritual power on earth. But, he says, that the manifestation of material power is moving ahead of the manifestation of divine control through the LORD's body on earth and we have some catching up to do. And he was urging diligence so that the divine control needed to allow power to be used rightly would be in place.

Hearing this could engender, for some of us, a little sense of discouragement. If the control pattern that was manifest under Martin’s leadership dissipated so much, the thought might go, “What chance now?” To this concern and possible sense of futility, “How could we do it now?” I say this: Victory is possible in the exact conditions we have now. Victory is possible in these exact conditions. One person maintaining true agreement with heaven—a true control pattern brought forth decisive victory. We already have the precedent of that through our Master, under the most unfavorable condition imaginable. Are our conditions today less favorable than His? He did it in circumstances of the greatest imaginable pressure. So here's my rhetorical question: Should we do less? Should we do less? Did we come on earth to do less? Did we want all conditions to be really nice, really favorable? Our KING didn’t ask that. He would have preferred otherwise. We would have preferred otherwise. But we take the circumstances and the conditions exactly as they come. And one person holding true agreement in heaven, allowing the pressure of the circumstance to be in fact the power, the wind behind the wings, can allow the flight of the expression of the KING, the expression of the eagle. That one flight establishes victory. One flight. And we can be sure, if here is one flight there will be a second flight, and a third and a fourth.

In what worked out with our Master, He held the control pattern and the heavenly agreement under those circumstances, and brought forth victory. But He wasn't alone. There was one disciple that held that control pattern with him. Not just one, as probably all of us recall. There were three women who held the agreement and the control pattern, and that assured a victory that needed to come. Because of that, that which worked out in this time could work out. And had those patterns not held, we probably wouldn't have had the beginning in this recent cycle. Not ideal circumstances and conditions, but victory was established. Not ideal circumstances today, but we can establish victory regardless. One person, two persons, assuring there's the flight of the eagle in themselves—this is the victory.

In the late 1990’s when there was great deal of turbulence going on in the Emissary body, the manifest body of the LORD on earth focalized at that time, Grace Van Duzen said this: “We didn't come this far, to fail.” There was no doubt, no question, in her statement, “We didn't come this far, to fail.” Yes, we didn't come this far to fail. Let there be the wings of two eagles in agreement, standing in the pattern of truth, now. As Martin often said, “We don't need great numbers.” Great numbers would be great, but we don't need great numbers. The Master didn't have great numbers to do what He did. We don't need great numbers to do what we need to do today.

I want to come back to this a little later, but I want to bring to you something different for a moment, different but in the vein of the emergence of the expression of the eagle. I want to bring to you the evidence of the manifestation of one wing of an eagle that relates to the emergence of spiritual expression in Korea. And I want to show you some of this through words as well as through photographs. Some of you have known about this, but I want to bring it a little more specifically. But I want to bring this not as one specific place, but as a symbol—a symbol of the noble spirit, the response, and the hunger present in the world, in response to the LORD of Lords. I also want to bring this in a spirit of mirth and joy, and in a spirit of enlivenment, and also encouragement. And I want to put it this way: I want to introduce you to your dance partners in the East—you, a wing of the eagle here in the West, please meet your dance partners of the eagle in the east. They also happen to be your younger companions. That's also the delightful part—younger companions, in a shared passion for the truth shared passion for the LORD, in a shared passion to stand in the identity of upright Noble Kings, serving the KING of Kings together. So. I'll show a number of photos quite quickly, and then I want to read some things for you.

YouTube Video  Yujin's Korea Photos

This first photo, I put in because of the symbol and the feel that it gives. It's a symbol of the passionate response upward, represented in this body and group of people. The photo is one of our numbers in Korea. Isn't that truly beautiful? Then, a picture of a triangle of light—this is a physical setting that is in many of our seminars. 


Now, various individuals. I'll go over them quickly. These are your younger companions. Many of these are our staff; many of them are faculty; they range in age from twenties to sixties. Isn’t that delightful! And in the center of this photo is Jae Hyoung, our main other eagle in Korea. He and I and Marsha gave services in Korea; now he and I mostly, but now joined by the younger generation in giving services. This is all our staff in seminars and classes. Vigorous expression.


This is an Art of Living seminar, a first level seminar, doing the water wheel—you'll remember that—true thinking. We have a lot of attunement teaching and practice going on. That's Marsha giving a presentation, and me and another translator translating. Here are three white-haired ones; so there are older generations—both of these individuals have been with the ministry for 25-30 years. Then, these are 3 young sisters. The oldest sister has done all the classes, and is serving as staff in our seminars. And that's the mother, by the way, of the three sisters. She's come to a number of our seminars and has been transforming, and the daughters say their house and home have changed so dramatically; there is ease and tenderness and something that they had not known together because of various traumas that they had gone through together. In this photo, she is crying in joy. The new generation—aren’t those eyes gorgeous!


Now I want to introduce these three women. These three women are the focus or vision team in Korea, beside me and Jae Hyoung, and have the responsibility to set the pattern and direction for the whole program. These are the three women and Jae Hyoung. And this one, she is the one who has probably been with us the longest as faculty. She was a top corporate coach in Korea. And this is a group of seven women who coordinate something that is called a Servers Group, which is about 36 people now, used to be 22—and the 22 had been meeting every two weeks by Zoom for hour and a half to two hours for the last two years; having done all the classes, and they've been growing together, and they've been joined by 14 more.

So about 34 are meeting every two weeks by Zoom now. And these seven coordinate that group, and they break up into small groups, and so on. And this is a group of—I'm not sure if all 33 were here—but 33 individuals gathered just in April, and this occasion is just after the Living the Word class. And in that Living the Word class I took a risk and shared in the last hour, “Meeting My King” by Uranda, which is the final hour in some of the classes we used to have long ago. It penetrated very deeply for many of them. So they are moving in the spirit of this. And this servers group is, right now, reading Uranda’s “Talks Beside The Sundial, Volume One.” They already read “Volume Two” a while back, so right now they are reading “Volume One”. And one of the things they're doing is, every couple of days, each one of them uploads one or two lines that they loved and a comment about it. So, there's a powerful generation going on. But when this group was gathered, they wrote a poem together at the end of the weekend which I want to read to you. What they did was that the 33 of them wrote one sentence each, and then one person collated them and synthesized them into one collective poem. It was this man, Woosung, in his late thirties, who did the synthesis. I want to read what emerged because it carries the spirit of the eagle rising. It is titled “The Song of the Sword”. They also titled it, “Opening A New Cycle Of 50,000 Years.”

It's time.

It's time.

It's a good time right now.

A time that will not return again.

O sons and daughters of the sun,

On this morning of a new 50,000 years.

We who have passed through a new serene and exultant door,

Clad in armor of dignified light

That neither harm nor destroys.

Let us dance the joyful dance of life,

Let us sing the song of love.

The sharpest most peaceful sword in the world,

The sword of worthiness,

Is here within.

There is nothing to fear.

Whatever comes, I shall trust the heaven within me.

I shall stand tall.

I will reveal heaven's timeless longing.

I will bring forth the ocean of life, the forest of heaven.

Come, kindred sisters and brothers

Here now into the embrace of light.

I shine light upon the light in my sisters and brothers.

I reveal the will of heaven. 04-23-23

They wrote this, but it wasn't one person, it was the 33 together. And I had no part in it. I was amazed and delighted. So you can feel the spirit of deep response to the LORD, and the rising in stature. Next, I want to play a short portion of an audio of Norae Jiyoung, who is one of the three women. She is our executive director. In the three women is represented the seed of a new generation of spiritual focus, but she in these words will really represent all of them. By the way, this was sent to a small group of us, but I felt it representational to all of us as elders of light, so I wanted to share it:

“Dear Elders of Light. I am very grateful to be able to write this letter. I am Norae Jiyoung. A few weeks ago I heard through Yujin that you have been doing zoom meetings. My heart was warmly beating and I was deeply grateful because you were there, even us in Korea were able to meet these words. I want to tell you our story along with my thanks to you. Korean friends, including me, had the last time of Living the Word program today. This was a time to meet every two weeks after LTW to read and share the words of Uranda and Martin. Since it was the last day, they shared their thinking and inspiration about the Living the Word program. The expression that came out the most in that impression was ‘the body of light.’ And I would like to convey a few more sentences. ‘I am so grateful to be able to be with this the body of light.’ ‘I don't want to go back to me before Living the Word.’ ‘Solidarity with the Word and divine people who love the Word.’ ‘Living the Word is LOVE.’ Hearing this story, I thought of you all together. Before we were like this, my mentors Yujin and Masha, and you must have been there. I thought that. I am here in Korea. But my spirit is with you. Yujin introduced you to me. You are indeed dear Friends of the Light. Because of you, we were able to be invited into the body of a light. Your service in the past has become a path for us. Thank you for being a channel of light. With you in your meeting. I send you deep love and blessing. 27th May 2023. Norae.

I want to share some words from about a month ago, which was the first service where now we are having this younger generation of leadership speak together in service with me and with Jae Hyoung. Norae spoke at that time, along with Sunhee Lee and me. I want to read Norae's closing words in that service:

“Come, let us stand in the identity of the KING together. Let's truly allow ourselves to be Kings. Let's stand together and shine our light on each other, and let's center in our KING of Kings in heaven so that heaven's creation may be born in a new earth. That is our work. That is what we are here to do now. And let us close with these words together. LORD, not my will but Thy will be done.”

Then I want to share a response that someone wrote two days later. And it was written by this young woman, Soyeun. She says: “Today I heard this service by Sunhee, Norae and Yugin. I was so thankful to hear such precious words: An invitation to the position and identity of the King. An invitation to be a channel for heaven through releasing all and giving all. An invitation to so function as to assist in the emergence of the greatness of heaven through one's companions. I heard it deeply. Thus, it is to be outwardly a true King, and inwardly a Priest of Light. I inscribe deeply inside me, that all that is needed is to give way, so that heaven might come forth through me. There was a time when I pondered living as a priest or priestess. On this day, I lift to heaven my inner ceremony of ordination. I will live as a Priestess of Light. I will stand in the place of the King.”

So, I wanted to share the spirit of the priests and priestesses, emerging in the East—one part of the body, one wing of the eagle. And I want to share this, for us to know that there is more emerging than just the ones that are immediately visible to us. And in part also to know that they are depending on us. They know our presence. They keenly know our presence! And they know the training that we have had, the training that they have had much less of. With the lesser amount of training, they are doing their utmost to come forth, release self-centeredness, release patterns of preference, stubbornness, and to allow the Lord to act through them. Just before I left, I spoke with the small group of them, particularly the three women, and I said to them, “Your job is to speak the Word. Your job is to represent the LORD on earth. But to represent the LORD on earth, ultimately, you will need to accept being the Lord on earth, through yourself.” And I said, “This may seem like a big job. But this is the call of the day, and it is what the accelerating cycle is assisting in happening, that the identity and spirit of the Lord may come forth fully.”

There was a time when we were with Martin—in some ways we were young. We are older, more experienced now. And in a way, the requirement was maybe a little bit lesser then, than now. Two words of Martin stay with me. In a way this is his legacy, will and wish for us: Be Me. Be Me. Don't imitate me, but be me, as in the full stature of Divine Being through you. Be me, as in be the full expression of the Lord through you. And the younger generation emerging is already attuning into that creative invitation: Be Me, on earth. And I feel we, in a way, have a responsibility from this side, to embrace them, invite them, to join as the two noble, majestic eagles on the rock of truth.

So, in part today, I bring you your dance partners. But again, not just Korea, but representing many more that are rising in the earth. And as I said earlier, to never think that the fewer in numbers means that victory is not possible. One Divine Being, God Being, in agreement with heaven, brought victory. It doesn't take numbers. Let us let there be one, two, three, four, more—through a core, even if small. There's something to transpire, which is a great and decisive victory. So, let us be heartened—the LORD is with us.

Gary Courtland-Miles — Thank you so much Yujin. It's been a delight to soar with you and all our friends, to hold that spirit inviolate, as we look down with the great vision, to let the great vision of truth come through our eye—the I that we are. And it's just such a joy to see and delight in the love in each one of the individuals and as a group from Korea. It's wonderful, wonderful work that's been done there, and as you reminded us, we hold something steady and sacred for them as well. So yes, it can be done. It's wonderful to fly with you.

Carol Travis — I am so moved, that it's difficult to speak; I am moved by the beauty and the wonder of the spirit of those Korean friends that you have shared with us. I've had a privilege of attending some of your Zoom calls over the last couple of years and I know how much they appreciate our surround for them and how glorious this spirit is that's come forth, just in the last couple of years for them. And as you said, we had so much more, in our experience of the mentors that greeted us when we came in touch with this ministry. And now we are the elders and we do have the responsibility to put our arms around these ones that we know of, and many more that we don't know of. I'm so grateful for what you have brought to focus, and I love the image of the eagles. I too have had such experiences. Once when I came back to Sunrise Ranch after many years, there was an eagle that flew along the side of the road of the bus that I was travelling on to the Ranch, and I thought my goodness, that's interesting! Then once when there was a Congress and I went up the hill above Green Ridge with a friend and we got lost. We came down the hill; it was difficult, all kinds of brush and everything and we came out right by the canal. As we were giving thanks for having made it down the hill in time for the Congress session that we were supposed to be focusing, an eagle came and landed on a branch, right next to us. And I felt the spirit of Martin and Uranda so deeply in that. I don't think it was a coincidence, not at all. Thank you and bless you for what you bring to focus.

Jim Crowner — Yujin, I live in a place where I'm blessed—some call it God's country but we all know it's all God's country—but I live in a place where eagles are very apparent all the time. I can't go outside my house without hearing them and I'm blessed in that. But through what you shared today, we all live with eagles. We all live with eagles that are everywhere, but we may not readily see that in momentary living—but with expanded consciousness, expanded heart and expanded love for one another, we have opportunity to see that more readily apparent in everything and in everyone we come in contact with. I just thank you for your magnificent expression.

Millicent Holliday — Yujin, it's just been wonderful to be closely with you today, and I'm thinking of what you showed of those beautiful, precious ones in Korea, and it makes me think of the parents' attitude towards their child, that they would do everything to offer protection, to offer encouragement, to offer enfoldment for their child so that they can grow to be their full radiant potential and shine their glorious lights. Their lights shine so brightly. What a wonder and what a joy. And how much in our own day to day worlds, we can be aware of those lights around us and give them the opportunity to rise up and fly with us, and restore this glorious place to what the Lord intended. Thank you Yujin.

Laura Fisher — My thanks to you Yujin, and for the glory that has been put upon us on this day. I am thinking of something that we once called the long view. And I want to tell you that I was privileged to be in the home that cared for the family, for Martin when he was leaving. It had been very foggy in Kamloops for 3 weeks. About 10 minutes after we got the news, the fog began to lift. And shortly after that a huge eagle landed in the tree outside the kitchen window where I was working. There is such proof of longevity and absolute trust in a process that has been going on forever. And here we are, a gathering of elders, saying good-bye to some and hello to others. I so honor the work you and Marsha have done in Korea, to bring these ones to such a glorious abundance of adoration of true purpose. Our job of providing a place on earth for people to sing their praises upward is a glorious job, and how beautifully we do it together, my friends, how we always have, and we always will. Two wings of the same eagle. Thank you, so much.

Anne Blaney — What stood out to me listening to Norae, and hearing about the these young ones in Korea, was the nakedness of their heart. How they were able to speak with a freshness, a yieldedness and an openness of heart. And I was thinking how there is a tendency as one gets older to cover the heart by various means. You said something Yujin, about using the pressure to be the wind beneath the wings, using the pressure of the world. As we get older, we are more aware of the pressures of the world. The response to that is really key: not to let the perception get burdened, or go numb to what it is that has been exposed, the fact that has been exposed. And to take that next step of using the awareness of the pressure to allow the heart to continue to be used as it was in its naked youth. So I don't know about anyone else, but I was having memories of the state of the heart; for instance, when went to class when we were younger—and these stories reminded me of that state of the open heart which is so crucial for the Lord, because it allows perception of finer things. And that's our job now. So I appreciate very much what you brought, and I too was very touched. Thank you.

Arno Van Haght — Thank you Yujin, and to Mary for refocusing the presence of the Spirit of Truth a few weeks ago. Earlier Yujin, you provided encouragement—that victory is possible, regardless of the circumstance; and shortly thereafter you used the word “establish”, and of course you cannot establish anything if it hasn't already been present, insofar as it has already come up in consciousness. But you used it as an encouragement for us not to despair—that the victory has always been present. Perhaps what has been missing is the willingness to offer the fullness of the capacities that we have, to establish the reality of that victory. The design and control is already in place. It is simply for us to embody the reality of that, as we take up the place that is individually, uniquely ours, in that design, the place already established for us, and then the reality of that victory becomes a personal experience, but also a collective experience. The fact that we could even be here, even have memories of Martin and Uranda, have the Word that was shared in Korea, their fruit the way that it has, is evidence of the victory. The Spirit of Truth, the Comforter has never left us, ever. It's the reason that we are able to continue to work with such devotion and passion and joy to release more of the fulfillment, that the KING has been waiting and wanting and desiring to share with us. And here we are, with the opportunity to allow that, to be real, in the midst of things just as they are. On the one hand, we might recognize the responsibility to what was symbolized by the newly maturing ones in Korea. They are actually evidence of the victory; they're already the evidence of the expansion of that victory, and the many more that are symbolized by them. And in fact they enfold all of us as much as we enfold them, because arguably while some of us might have doubted that victory was possible in the last 15-30 years, clearly they don't believe that! So one wonders who's encompassing whom. But again, the Lord in His sense of humor, but also in the inevitability of the fulfillment of His promise, will not take “no” for an answer. And so we're back to Grace Van Duzen, who said “We've come too far to fail.” What a wonderful way to celebrate with all of you, the present victory, to expand the victory in the little things as much as in the big things; to know that the East meets the West, the South meets the North, the cross is established over the entire holy world, and the LORD is in His Holy Temple because we are here. We are able to let that light shine—because we can.

David Barnes — Yujin, I had an image come to mind, of the two wings of the great eagle. And I thought of how often that great eagle, Martin, who himself came in the spirit and power of Elijah, told the story of the prophet Elijah. The story of how Elijah had told his disciple, Elisha, that if he was present at the time of Elijah's ascension that Elijah would cast his mantle, and if Elisha was present and was in the right state of consciousness, he would receive the mantle of Elijah. And Martin years ago cast his mantle, you might say he spread his wings over the body he loved and brought forth, and said: if you are present when I depart, my mantle will land upon you, and the great responsibility that comes with the bearing of that mantle as my disciples, becomes yours. And there's evidence of that here today, in what you've brought to us, of the recognition that that mantle has been cast and that there are those who know that they are here to bear it—the great cloud, the great wing, the mantle of the Master surrounding and flowing upon those who carry the responsibility for the focus of spirit, the spirit of the LORD's Body, now.  I know that Uranda's mantle was spread over the whole of Robert Oppenheimer's life. We saw the movie the other day and it became obvious: I spent a lot of time yesterday, working with the paper “Atomic Power” and it became obvious to me that his great mantle was cast like protecting wings and as a guiding force, over Oppenheimer and all that he had under his care at that time. It's easy to perceive the spirit that was present there when you listen to the man. My main point is that that mantle of the LORD's casting has been present over all those who have done the work to receive it, and we have been offered the opportunity to bear that great mantle and to carry forward our responsibility now, providing the reality of agreement, the arc of agreement, between those two wings above the Ark, with the mercy seat between, and the spirit of Shekinah moving in the Temple. This is a reality. It's happening now. We're experiencing it. And your great spirit, bringing the expansive field from the east to us today has been so rich. There is a great deal of work to be done, and fields of enfoldment and care that await our hand; and you have demonstrated, Yujin, how this can be done with a light touch and a light spirit, focused absolutely in the spirit of the KING. It's been a wonderful morning, all of us together. It has felt like we were in Council together, and I think we have been.

Yujin Pak — Thank you, David, and each one. I'm delighted to bring the wing of the east into our midst; but more delighted to bring the spirit of victory of our KING into our midst. And I want to close with these words. There are some who have thought, “if what Martin raised of a body of the KING on earth went through what it did, there's no more possibility and it can't be done.” So the words, “It can't be done.” We have heard them somewhere, “It can't be done.” Twelve spies of Joshua went into the promised land and ten of them reported back fearfully that there were great giants in the land, and we are as grasshoppers before them: “It can't be done.” In the vocabulary of the body of the LORD. There is no such sentence, “It can't be done.”

Would our KING say of the circumstance that we currently are working with, “It can't be done”? Would Martin or Uranda say to us now, “It can't be done”? We know their spirit. We know the spirit of the Lord. It can be done, and the doing is the maintaining of the character, the spirit of victory of the LORD, no matter what happens at the level of form. And that's exactly what the Master did. No matter what happens at the level of form, no matter what pressures emerge—which may emerge quite a bit, in the days ahead, no matter what happens at the level of form, we express the character and the spirit of victory of the LORD into that condition, that circumstance. And we are unmoved by the results, unmoved by what happens at the level of form.

This is the victory. It was made very clear to us, again and again, and all that is left is for us to prove it. How large a body maintains the spirit of victory through the tumults that may come, we don't know. But there will be a core that will maintain that spirit of victory, just as the three women and one man maintained it with the KING at that time. That representation will be present—and may it be not just three women and one man, but many women and many men, and all of us included here. So, it is wonderful to be very flexible, and surrendered at the level of form, expressing the spirit of victory, knowing that the victory is spirit, and that spirit and spiritual expression is supreme. Wonderful to share this time together. Thank you, friends.

Robert Merriman — Wonderful indeed, Yujin. Thank you so very much. Our next service in the Temple of Light will be on August 20th with Daniel Cartwright. And the following service on September 17th will be with David Barnes and myself. Let us sustain the current that is moving as we listen to some music, and prepare to provide living proof that true stature walks on the earth.

Yujin Pak — yujinpak@gmail.com

Gratitude to Gary Courtland-Miles for his fine work video editing

July 14, 2023

Temple  of  Light

July 2023  Monthly  Service  Notice

Good morning in the Temple of Light —

The thick substance of our service last month with Mary Janak and Robert Kauffman lingers in the atmosphere of Heaven that we share now, as the July service approaches.

So, welcome to all who are drawn to participate in the next Temple of Light service, which will be focused by Yujin Pak, speaking from Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, July 23, 2023 @ 10 am Pacific Time; 1 pm Eastern Time

These words spoken by Martin Cecil, from an Assembly session on April 12, 1979 emphasize the need for an increased personal vision, an increased sense of stature and destiny, relative to participation in the Grand Design now unfolding:

“We were considering the matter of true stature, emphasizing the increasing awareness that needs to emerge in our experience of this stature, of a sense of destiny, and of the vital nature of present experience. What is our vision? How much real awareness do we have in this present time, in spite of apparently more or less humdrum circumstances, of the reality of the Plan of God which is still unfolding and of which we are invited to be a very significant part? If one is associated with the Plan of God one would have some consciousness of the reality of something unfolding. We know that it is there and we would never deny it. When the Master was on earth there were a few who sensed there was something more to the experience which they were sharing with him than just that little daily round. They didn’t really know what it was—they could ask some stupid questions, and there was scarcely any awareness of the vast ramifications of what was moving. How about us now? We have had a considerable period of time to become acquainted with the unfoldment of the Plan of God as it has brought us to this point. This only has meaning to us to the extent that we realize that we are still a part of that continuing unfoldment, allowing us to have a sense of destiny relative to the experience that is unfolding now—this is the significant thing! Our concern surely is to have a consciousness of our stature, which is part and parcel of what is happening now. There is a Grand Design unfolding—the Plan of God is moving. We cannot be associated with it and still feel insignificant, still feel that it doesn’t really matter what we do or how we behave or what we say or what we think. When we begin to have a sense of true destiny and a sense of true stature, then we are very careful to reflect this in our living, even in the most apparently insignificant details of our living.”

As representatives of the Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek, what we do as a miniature Body is of considerable importance—allowing a clear point of orientation in Spirit to be brought to focus, with Yujin leading the way this month. Truly we are a blessing as we bring forth the clarity of vision and destiny and stature that is natural now.  David Barnes and Anne Blaney

These are the Temple service dates selected for the next two months:

Sunday, August 20, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT  with  Daniel Cartwright from Portland, Oregon

Sunday, September 17, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT  with  David Barnes from Salmon Arm, B.C. and

Robert Merriman from Denver, Colorado — Anniversary service

If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a Temple of Light service in months to come, please let us know at templeoflightaum@gmail.com

Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @ templeoflightservices.blogspot.com

July 04, 2023

The  Living  Expression  Of  God  On  Earth

Mary Janak  Denver, Colorado  and  Robert Kauffman  Atlanta, Georgia

June 28, 2023

Temple of Light service

Mary Janak — I’d like to welcome each one of you.  I’m delighted to be here with Robert. I’ve had a wonderful time creating with him and, in preparing, connecting with different friends; so this has truly been from the beginning a collective effort; and I have the privilege and honor of speaking for all of us, actually, so that in this hour the Tone of Life we sound will bless our worlds; and I recognize and respect the substance that each person brings. Robert, I believe we have a video to play.

YouTube Video

What beauty that was, that touched my heart. Maybe it touched yours as well. Water—a symbol of Truth, and the first of the four creative forces—water, air, earth and fire. And the eagle—majestic, noble, powerful, visionary and free. Here’s what Uranda had to say about the flying eagle, in a service titled The “Four Beasts” on June 19, 1953: “The flying eagle—the symbol of the Lord of Truth. When we begin to become acquainted with the reality of Truth, what do we find? There is an ability to move in the air of spirit: the flying eagle, not something that is earthbound, not something that is limited to one little point here or there. And what is the nature of the eagle? The eagle is called the king of birds; the eagle carries a very positive pattern… But the nature of an eagle, the bearing of an eagle, what it suggests in relationship to the positive expression of Being!”

We know what it is to move in the air of Spirit; to express Spirit in the daily moments of our lives; to move with the creative process through all the situations of our lives. And because of this, it occurred to me that our individual lives are celebrations of victory. And our service times like these are also celebrations of victory, because we come together physically as a body in agreement to serve our LORD and KING.

We experience victory because we choose to live the Truth. I know this victory when I choose to be controlled, and to act, to my highest understanding of what is right that I know in my deepest heart, to contribute to the circumstances of my life, just as they are, no matter what I feel about them, and not try to change them. To listen to the Word of guidance from Who I Am about the right time, the right place, the right way. To seek the most creative and uplifting outcome, always. For what else could I do? Nothing. That’s my purpose. And I know the experience of love when I do this. First and foremost, it’s love for the One I Am, and above us all, our LORD and KING, Who focalizes this beautiful earth. And out of that first commandment comes the second, love for others. Every moment of living is an attunement.

Here is something Martin had to say about love and truth, in a service titled “Truth Accepted” on December 12, 1962 [TSS 10:68] “Love and truth are, in fact, inseparable… for love to be creative [that fire force] … it must manifest in the right design, the true design, under God’s control. Then it is creative. The truth, containing within itself the elements of divine design and control, is therefore essential to the manifestation of love at all levels of being.”

The truth of love, as we know it in our own experience, heals us and other people, it uplifts us, and it’s unifying; it’s unifying for everyone, anywhere, who seeks to live their highest integrity. It is all-inclusive. But fight the fire of love through self-will and you will feel the burn. That is the design of how things are.

YouTube Video  Speaker View

The creative process transforms us if we are willing to be made whole—if I am willing to be made whole. I and we travel up the Spiral of Life in our process of becoming whole. I suspect it’s a journey without end. Even beyond this physical form, I suspect there is constant creativity, change and growth. In my experience, over the years of my life, I’ve found that moving through the creative process is miraculous, especially when I’ve been in circumstances that have been very challenging, to say the least. I know I speak for all of us in saying that. And what this leaves me with is the deepest gratitude in my heart for the One I Am and for our LORD and KING.

I have found it’s true—the truth is an immovable object. It’s absolute. It’s “yes” or “no”. There’s no in between. It’s a foundation I have lived on since I first became aware of it. It has sustained me and brought me to now, and I know I will stand on it for the rest of my time here on earth. Martin made this important point about truth, in a service from November 1, 1981 titled “Being the Truth”:

“The quality and character of this immovable mass of truth is a constant; it endureth forever; but the Truth causes movement. If we provide in our own experience of living that immovability of truth, then all around us things move. The question then arises as to whether that movement around us is going to dissipate our experience of immovability.

“When we are one with the Truth, we reveal the Reality of being. We are. We are what we are. I am that I am. And nothing can make it otherwise. This indicates something of the real nature and quality of the rock, our own true being. So we are present on earth in the world to make manifest that rock… We remain unmoved in our hearts by the changes…”

And yet at the same time, our hearts are moved and filled with passion to live by the truth of love that we each know. I feel a passion to live my purpose here on earth. So that when my time is complete, I may hear the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” What could be more meaningful? The key word is to live—to do. Not just talk about what I think is true. But to speak and act in ways that are true. So, in considering this for this morning, I thought of this question:  “What do I know to be true because I have lived it, and I am living it now?”

A few things came to mind that I’d like to share with you. But before I do, I’d like to say: I know you have lived these truths, too, and you could add many more to the few that I’m going to describe. And my purpose in offering them into our field of substance is attunement. To have a specific time of unified radiation beyond us on these points of agreement that are backed up by the substance, the rich substance, of our living, each one of us. So here are a few of the truths that I know in my life:

I go in the direction of my response.

I respond to my Lord, the One I Am. My decision is made. It is absolute. It is irrevocable.

Although the circumstances in my life change, these are my opportunities to apply my absolute decision.

To live the truth of my decision. That I respond to the Lord first and foremost.

I will not let anything stop me from fulfilling my spiritual purpose.

My presence has power. It is the power of the One I Am.

When I become free in my limitations, then I can become free from my limitations.

Whatever is true, cannot be lost.

So in this substance, I would offer a prayer: O Lord, let my heart be pure, so that I may see with Thy vision what the right thing is to do. And not only see, but may I have the strength, the courage, the wisdom, and ability to act on it. To Thy glory, Amen.

We know the victory in our lives, and nothing can take that away because it is true. So let us give thanks to our LORD and KING for this tremendous gift of living here on earth now—that we may be of service now; that we know the confidence and assurance of living in the truth of love. We know the joy of living and of creating together. Let it continue.  Robert has an audio to play of Uranda chanting “The Land of the Living”, and after that Robert will speak.

Robert Kauffman — I want to thank Mary for choosing to have us play that chant. I’m going to read it now since the words are not easily understood. I think they’re very important to the development of the offering this hour:

There is a Land of the Living, a land, a Land of the Living

O come, O come and dwell

O come and dwell, in the Land of the Living

O come and serve, O come and serve, the God of the Living

The God of the Living

There is a Land of Light, there is a Land of Light

O come and dwell in the Land of the Light

O come ... O come ... O come

YouTube  Audio

So when I first saw these words, a question immediately came to mind: where is this land of the living Uranda speaks of? My mind hearkened back to a conversation that I shared with David and some others in which he commented that the Temple of Light service pattern has entered into the Earth phase now that we have begun our third year. That conversation was back in March, and I realize that over the last three months, my heart and mind have been filled with feelings and thoughts of the Earth—this place where I live—and we live. It’s the only place I’ve ever known within the range of physical experience. 

Now, as Mary so beautifully began to describe, we are beginning to understand that “the Land” also refers to another place, a holy place within which we may live together in a shared understanding that “the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.” And we are coming to an understanding that the ways in which we have thought about the world may need to change. Oh, we’ve made judgments about all kinds of things in our past. For millennia our forebears have been making judgments and forming beliefs that simply are not true. The earth in which we live actually falls under the pattern of essential truth, as Mary has described.

In the past, we’ve talked about a veil in relation to our understanding of this essential truth, and I’ve thought about what’s meant by this word for years. Now, is this something that God inflicted upon us?—you know, with the cherubim wielding those flaming swords that hold us back from Heaven? And it keeps coming back home to me that that’s not it at all. It’s the judgments we make, it’s the thoughts we hold, and it’s all our unnatural biases.

I want to tell you about a particular book that just really floored me, caught my attention in an unusual way. It’s by Paco Calvo and it’s called “Planta Sapiens”, a book that explores the possibility that plants have intelligence—that they have consciousness. What he presents is actually quite convincing although he admits, in all humility, that he doesn’t have the last word. Scientists still have many experiments to do. But as far as the public is concerned, something else stands in the way.

I’ve just been speaking about the last 150 pages of this book; however, in the first 50 pages, Calvo did something I’ve never seen anybody do before. He takes a full one quarter of the book to inform the reader that there’s no point in even beginning to consider the consciousness of plants unless you, the reader, can find it in yourself to allow your own consciousness to shift. He calls it: “Plant Blindness” and a principle aspect of this is that we’re genetically wired to be interested in watching things that move—like animals. Plants don’t move—well they do, but very slowly. There’s record of researchers, even hundreds of years ago, setting up experiments to chart how vines will grow in circles, step by step, constantly picking away at different objects within their reach to find something to hang on to as they grow.  They give evidence of choices made: a thought process by all appearances. But Paco was saying from the very beginning, “you’re not going to easily believe me.  Plants just stand there; they’re nothing like us.”

The reason why this has attracted me is because it gives indication of many people in this world who are choosing to explore this planet in an entirely different way—particularly regarding living organisms. Life is such a special, unique condition. I think sometimes we’re so imbued with it, we’re just so surrounded by it, that we lose track of what it really is: the design and control that absolutely underscores every aspect of our lives. I’m developing a point here. Last month, in his service, Gary Courtland-Miles spoke about listening, listening for the Word [templeoflightservices.blogspot.com/2023/06/radiant-listening-and-joyous-service.html] a discerning of the cycles that are moving round about us.  I would introduce to you today that it’s important for us to look as well. It’s not just that plants and animals may have capabilities, mental and emotional capabilities, that we have ceased acknowledging—perhaps protecting ourselves through reaction and judgment.  It’s time to start to look once again to begin seeing what we’ve missed.

Last week I was introduced to a service that Martin gave 40 years ago called “Activation of the Seventh Sense” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2019/01/from-activation-of-seventh-sense-martin.html]. I’ll get to that “seventh sense” a bit later but I want to start with an analogy he developed about walking. With walking you’re actually shifting your balance continuously and you’re moving from a known state to an unknown state, and it gets more interesting—let me read: “With running, it can be rhythmic and care can be taken that the steps go in the right place and the movement therefore can be quicker. I suppose carrying this analogy through a bit, we might reach a point one day when we can leap upon the mountains and skip upon the hills, but it is only because we have developed the facility for doing this on a deliberate and intelligent basis. Whatever the extent of our motion thus far, it is carrying us into the unknown, but we are never far from the known.”

In this service he talked a lot about observation, looking. It’s not so much what nature has to teach us as it is to see the cycles that are working out all around us.  I’ll give you a couple of examples that you might not be particularly aware of. For instance plants and fungi have an incredible relationship. In fact the truth is that most plants cannot live without the fungi. In many cases the fungi create their own system of roots called mycelia which actually live within the root system of the plants—and not just next to them but fully inside them. Any why do they do this? This isn’t just a dog-eat-dog world or survival of the fittest; no, they do it to nourish one another. The trees and other plants need nourishment from the ground, the minerals which the fungi provide. And the fungi don’t photosynthesize; they need the sugars provided by the plants. They work together. And I can give you one other example, this one being much closer to home. Remember the phrase from the Bible: “closer than hands and feet.” Well let me assure you that within your digestive system, you have all kinds of creatures living in there. They’re not you; they don’t share your DNA. And we couldn’t live without what we call our “gut flora”. We have developed and grown together with these creatures over a very long time.

I’m suggesting that the earth can teach us much that is necessary but also it can only teach us just so far. Life on earth reflects the truth, but there’s a ceiling to what can be learned this way. So how do we reach beyond? Martin spoke about the seventh sense [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2019/01/from-seventh-sense-martin-cecil-june-5.html] and I would like to present something else I’ve been thinking a lot about over the past few months. This is what became known as the “Blessing Song”—originally written by Martin Cecil around 1976, and later put to music by John Simituck:

Thankful are we now to be

Filled with praise Lord to Thee

So shall our living bless the earth

Thankful are we

Holy King

You may realize by now that I love science, and to me, these words are an equation. Thankfulness is paramount, whether it’s “I” or “we” and filling every now. With what?—“filled with praise” and how?—“Lord to Thee”. Now that’s the First Great Commandment. But the First Great Commandment is accompanied by the Second Great Commandment: “to love thy neighbor as thyself”, and we are in the process of seeing this prove itself out within our lives. We can see that our working together in union, as if our lives depended on it, parallels the working of our gut flora in our bodies and the roots and mycelia. There is a connection there that we absolutely cannot live without. It’s the truth, the Truth of Life on this planet—the only life we know. And as we open our hearts and our eyes and our ears we begin to understand that thankfulness is not just a lack of resolve and taking control—I remember Martin spoke of the tendency to jump into decision-making and planning in fearful reaction to events. “It’s scary having to speak publicly, or design a building, or even talk to my friends without thinking ahead and making a judgment of what I should say or do next: How’s it all going to work?”

But to be thankful is to take a positive stance. It pops up all around us in our living: thankfulness for the trust, for the assurance, and for the consistency of my living—of the life that meets us in every moment. It’s incredibly effective because thankfulness is the opposite of judgment and fear. And with thankfulness what does this lead to? It leads to “praise”—what I would call the “wow-factor”. As we start to realize that there are some amazing aspects to the trust we place on life and that life puts in us, our hearts leap with praise. I suspect all animals, all creatures, do this. I had one experience of remarkable praise about twenty years ago, while visiting my sister in Thailand. She lived in a forest where somebody let all the chickens run wild to live within the forest. And one morning I happened to wake up about 4:30, just as it was starting to get light, I heard this first little chirp up in the trees and then a couple of cackles among the chickens as they roamed around on the forest floor. And as I sat and listened, the calls grew louder and louder and much more intense. About 5:00 or 5:30 it had become this incredible symphony of sounds. Every once in a while a rooster would crow and in branches way above me, there was a squirrel doing pushups in time to the music! Now if that’s not praise and glory and the fullness of life lived to the greatest, I don’t know what is. And I’m beginning to realize that I have the capacity to feel such deep praise within me—the same with all of you. That kind of lived praise really is a simple but powerful thing.

“So shall our living bless the earth” and the HOLY KING shall once again walk upon the earth in consciousness. I can’t help but wonder at how Martin could put it all together in such a clear and short song; there are so many broad implications. I would like to sing it for you now. This is the only song I know; I can never seem to remember the words to anything else. But when people insist: “Oh, Robert, what sacred song can you share?” I want you to know that it has been warmly received in some wonderful gatherings. Robert sang the “Blessing Song”.

I’ve had some time this morning to share my heart and thoughts and I now would like to offer to all of you to add your own voice. And please don’t refrain from singing if you so feel moved.

Deborah Starrs — Robert and Mary, I so much appreciate what you've shared with us this morning, particularly in terms of essences. Recently I was contracted to paint a mural. It's not so much about the painting of the mural, but that it caused me to scrutinize and observe the desert scene much more carefully, and to really appreciate the beauty that surrounds me here in the desert. I have a saying in doing art, that “If I can't see it, I can't do it”, and I think that's a principle that's true of so much of living. We see with our hearts, and something translates through to our minds and action. In fact, we're dealing with essences all the time, related to 10,000 myriad things in living. It's the art of living, to give thanks and to translate that accurately, with the tone in our moment to moment living. So thank you so much for bringing all this this morning.

Marsha Bogolin — Mary and Robert, I have tears wetting my eyes. I want to start Robert, with your song. You may think, “Well, I didn't sing perfectly”, but actually to me, it was absolutely perfect. As I looked at you (you know, you have a nose rather like Martin's) I felt Martin's heart through you, in him having written that song. With his British background, Martin didn't reveal it quite as vividly as you did, so that was a real gift for me. Also a gift was the experience you described of deeply looking, deeply sensing the LORD's design and control—that is so strong with me these days—the symbiotic relationship of all of nature. And Mary, that video with the eagle! I have seen many pictures of eagles and some videos, but I've never seen one that shows the eyes so vividly, and I could sense what the eagle is seeing as it showed what it was flying through. When you offered your prayer there was a point at which I looked into your eyes and they were the same eyes as that eagle—the purity of heart that you spoke in your prayer: that you might be able to see what to do and have the courage and strength to do it. Your absoluteness, the way you describe that, your absoluteness of love for the truth. It has been a riveting experience for me. Thank you so much.

Millicent Holliday — I too had tears in my eyes because what I sensed you both brought was being naked and unashamed before the LORD. And you bought reverence. It was beautiful. Thank you both so much.

Bill Bahan — I loved flying in the air of the spirit with both of you and appreciating the beauty of your spirits. I loved the symbolism of the eagle flying in the air of the spirit. There is such wonderful freedom as we fly in the air of the spirit, unencumbered by anything around us. That is total freedom, and that is total joy, because wherever there is the actual experience of freedom, there's always joy, always a sense of praise for the fact that we find ourselves in form on earth with this ability to live in the air of the spirit. As we were listening to Uranda's chanting, I heard something of the North American Native Indians in that chant, and we know that they had a certain attunement with the Spirit of God, and that was one of their ways of expressing that, and it's so powerful. And I loved your singing Robert. You and I have spent many hours together, and I've only heard you sing once before, and I knew you had a tremendous resonant voice. So don't hide that voice Robert—keep singing. And thank you Mary, for pointing out the fact that our times together are a celebration of victory, because we're flying together in the air of the spirit. It's always a true celebration to come together with all of you. I was amazed, Robert, that you should quote from Martin's service, “Activation of The Seventh Sense”, because that's one of the services I'm going to send out this Saturday, July 1st. You and I have never spoken about this service, but evidence of the fact that we fly together. So it's good to take this flight with you, all of you. Thank you both, Mary and Robert, for our time together.

Anne Blaney — Robert, I was also intrigued at that hint you dropped about the seventh sense. Maybe you didn't describe it but we began to experience it with you. While you were speaking Robert, to give you a little update from the world of nature, there's been so much activity outside as your voice was sounding in this house that it was almost comical. I've had squirrels run by the door, birds sweeping across the window and I kept thinking, “Do they hear Robert's voice?” I was thinking how Life is the product of Love and Truth, as we spoke about earlier with Mary's portion regarding the Spirit of Truth, and so by looking at essences of life we can see that the product of the union of Love and Truth is Life; and as you so beautifully described life—the plant world, how it senses, how that vine senses what to hold on to—we have this incredible seventh sense, to discern the essences that Deborah was mentioning, and connect essences to this larger Being that we are part of, a Being that comes to focus, as we increasingly listen for and hear and perceive with the seventh sense which, as humans, we have been designed to be capable of doing. So I love the richness and the complexity of life together, with the lovely description of that immovability of truth, and the vibrancy of life that you both brought together in this service. We do have this exceptional opportunity of being and dwelling in the land of the living. Thanks.

Davina Misroch — Robert, Mary, I want to capture an essence that seemed to weave between the two of you. It was articulated in words by Mary, and it struck me so strongly that I wrote it down. And I think that Robert you actually lived it. “I will not let anything stop me from living my spiritual purpose.” That is what came radiating out of this service this evening. From my standpoint, listening to both of you, combining it, that's the essence that came radiating forth. Thank you.

Robert Kauffman — Well, I will make one more comment. Davina, nothing can stop us as we join together in one heart, in one mind, focused on the LORD. I would like to give Mary a chance to respond, if you would like.

Mary Janak — Thank you Robert. Thank you everyone. My heart is full of the rich substance of this time, and sometimes it is difficult for me to find the words when I feel so deeply. But there is joy in living, and joy is natural to us. And we know that joy. It is our Father's good pleasure that we share the Kingdom. The Kingdom is not only at hand, it is in our experience now—now, yes. We let goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our life because we express it, and we are doing now what we came to do. As Robert said, we are doing it together.  So I give thanks, we give thanks. Let us give thanks to our LORD and KING.

David Barnes — Robert and Mary, I appreciate both of you; appreciate what's been said in the feeling current that you released through the heart, that relates to the Spirit of Truth that you are, and that you love. Early on Mary, you emphasized that it is the Spirit of Truth that causes movement. The power of the Spirit of Love moving through the patterns of truth causes a particular kind and quality of movement. This is uncommon in the history of our world, where truth has not been the spirit that has been dominant in the hearts and minds of acquisitive and angry people enveloped in shame and struggling. It certainly has not been the Spirit of Truth in expression. But the power of love was there. And so the power of love had to move through channels that were not true to the truth. And yes, movement happened. But that kind of movement doesn't get us anywhere really—it is just the same old round. But now something different is happening in the world because the Spirit of Truth is rising. And the Spirit of Love flowing from the Lord of Love, through the Body of Truth that we may provide, brings a different kind of movement into the world, and that which doesn't belong, that isn't true to the truth, gets moved out of the way. The pattern, the design of life begins to appear, in accord with the sweet, beautiful substance and forms of Life in the Garden of Glory. Not this hell that man has made—covered with concrete; brutality evident everywhere; imposition upon the natural world; and imposition upon those human beings who are dominantly responsible for bringing true human contact with the natural world. All of those simple people of the world have been imposed upon because the power of love has been stolen and forced to move through channels which haven't provided the dominion of love and truth—but bringing overbearing and horrible death and violence. And now, something different is happening.

Some may look out at the world and say, “Well, show it to me. Where is it?” But if the seventh sense is opened, I see and know things that are uncommon in the world. I see how the Spirit of Love is moving through the Channels of Truth that are now developing, and the Garden experience is returning—for those with eyes to see it, and ears to hear the beautiful music of the Garden. This is something that is actually happening today, and has been happening through this body of people, and others in other gatherings who allow a focus of the Spirit of the Truth of Love to be present. There is the release of a current, invisible and vibrational, moving out of the way that which doesn't belong, and allowing to reappear, step-by-step, the beautiful revelation of the Garden of God. I hear it and I see it all around me. It's present when I go outside and work in my physical garden and I hear those birds singing, and I look down and there's something happening in the water and breezes, plant and soil and sun, that I'm working with—and I can hear and feel that the plant and the bird and the soil and I are working together to allow the release of invisible magic. I become aware of that in the Garden. We are here to allow these things to continue, so the whole world is restored to the Garden State—and the King and Queen of Love are seen and known to be present in the Garden. And we are of that Royal Garden Nature. We are here to steward the Garden of God, as we have done so simply this morning. And I thank you both for stirring us in various ways that are uncommon in this world. Some of these things we haven't engaged before, in the way that you opened up a little bit more this morning. I am grateful.

Yujin Pak — Thank you David; that’s so beautiful. I am so appreciative of all that has been shared in this time, through each one. And thank you Robert, for the depth of heart passion you expressed for your song and words. But I want to go back to what you shared Mary, because there's something of a particular essence that came through that is so important for us to mark and amplify. I thought that you took divine action through what you expressed—your positive expression of being. The prayer that you shared let my heart be so pure that I may see with right vision. What you shared was the right vision from your pure heart. And I felt that in what you expressed you did something very particular. It was, to me, you set the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the Lord of Truth, the Spirit of the Divine Eagle free in our midst, and through us in the world—a world that has a tremendous amount of confusion, including those who once knew Martin. A tremendous amount of confusion. It set something free of the Spirit of the Lord the Truth, the eagle—and when you showed that video of the eagle I felt a noble spirit and the crooked nose of Martin, the noble spirit of Martin—the noble spirit of the Lord of Truth. You said the truth is absolute, the truth is immovable, and yet all around it begins to move when it's present. And if we are not moved by all that moves, then we continue to express the immovable force into the world. The importance of the Spirit of Truth, in some ways more than the Spirit of Love, has been forgotten. What is needed more is not love, it's the Truth of Love—and that is Love. And you brought that sharply to focus today. When that eagle was flying in the video, I felt the reality and spirit of the truth of the LORD's Body—that eagle is the LORD's Body. And may the passion of our being together be that eagle. Marsha mentioned about the seeing the eye of the eagle. I noted that too—the vivid clarity of that eye that sees, and sees through all the confusion and represents the Lord of Truth, serving the Lord of Love. So, thank you for that specific action you took to release the Spirit of the Lord of Truth, and of that eagle in our midst, and into the world.

Mary Janak — Thank you Yujin. And what I'm experiencing now is an indescribable love—for you, for what you have expressed, your unique spirit and purpose. Bringing that to focus as you did is remarkable. And all that we have shared, and all the comments, contribute their own remarkable piece to the experience that we have now, the vision that we have now, the substance that we have now. And I feel in my heart of hearts the LORD's Promise: the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, is always with us. And we continue on with new vision, free in the air of spirit, to discover what the LORD would bring forth through us, because it is the LORD Who is building our house. And we are building that house on the foundation of truth, stable, immoveable, knowing that the glories of Life will appear in their season.

Steve Ventola — Mary and Robert, you've given us a clear choice today, a more articulate choice, that there's only one way to go. And the sensing is, blessed of the pure in heart for we shall see God. Blessed are the pure and heart for we shall see God. Let's continue along these lines, making the choice, of saying “Yes”—and realizing there's a clear choice in the truth. And the sixth sense, if we're only relying on our intuitive sense, we judge, there's judgment to the world. But our seventh sense, through a pure heart, allows for acknowledging the truth in every single moment, whoever we're with, acknowledging life as it is—as Robert, you so clearly expressed. Let’s all continue in the Way. Our next Temple of Light service will be on July 23rd, with Yujin Pak leading our time—and we look forward to that.

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Mary Janak  — mcjanak@comcast.net

Robert Kauffman — kauffmandesign@mindspring.com

Temple of Light — templeoflightservices.blogspot.com