David Barnes Salmon Arm, B.C. and Robert Merriman Denver, Colorado
91st Anniversary Service — Temple of Light
September 17, 2023
David Barnes— Thank you everyone. Good morning, and welcome to the Dawn of a New Spiritual Day. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD. We have treasure in heaven. Great is your reward in heaven. Where your heart is there will your treasure be also. Let's have a moment of devotion, at the opening of this new seven year cycle.
O LORD of heaven and earth, may we now feel and know, vividly and keenly, that we are all together here this morning in Thy heaven. If this is Thy heaven, then You are present; and each one of us and all of us together are visible and known to Thee. We are not hidden from Thee; although we know that if one is not in heaven, the LORD of heaven and earth is hidden from those who hide themselves, who do not come naked and unashamed into Thy presence. And so we would be innocent and guileless, open and yielded, providing evidence of the presence of a body of angels who come and go by Thy Name on earth. This a small, composite Body, representing a movement through the cycles of restoration, cycles that may come to completion in us as individuals and as a Body, that there might be a governmental priestly Body on earth, available to steward the cycles of restoration that may come for the whole body of mankind, however many individuals that might include, in the days to come. How very thankful I am, and we are together, to be present in this significant period of time, acknowledging the cycles that have been opened in the rhythms of the Creative Spirit emanating from Thee and Thy heavenly host, being made available to be known in our consciousness here on earth, in this earthly host, in this small nucleus, composite Body of angels who receive the privilege of being present and acknowledging the opportunity that is before us in the years to come, to move through the complete cycle of restoration, that Divine Man and Divine Woman may be present on earth, God-Man and God-Woman might be present on earth; and then a Whole New Day will open. For now, we are here and we are grateful to be present in this Holy Spirit, one another together with Thee in the heaven of Thy Christ Spirit. Aumen
Perhaps the words of that devotion or prayer bring to us all some of the essences that are present now, and have been moving in the creative cycles that have drawn all of us to serve, and held us in place, through adversity—there has been adversity. It was rather promised in the Book of Revelation that if you took the little book of life and ate it, it would be sweet in the mouth; but when you came into incarnation, it may well be bitter in the belly—a little adversity. However, staying in the processes of recreation in consciousness, the bitterness begins to pass away; and then a new and thrilling adventure begins; and there comes a sweetness, not only in the mouth but in the belly, and in the mind, and in the heart, and in the whole body. And then you begin to recognize that this same experience of transformation is available to all, and you have a responsibility to assist others to come through this period where they remember that they too took the little book and ate it—and when they were born and were growing up, there was a certain amount of bitterness and a sense that all is not quite right. So how do I reconcile the fact that I have had this experience of illumination, where I look around and I see that All is Love, and yet I also look around and I see that most people are terrified, living in fear, and know not that All is Love. And so the work begins, to bring an experience and a consciousness, and assurance through living, some words of assurance, to draw the world of my responsibility out of fear and into love.
So an awareness of the largeness of the task begins to dawn. How does one go about doing this. Well, none of us were left alone; and somewhere along the way we met someone who knew more than we knew. And it was so wonderful to meet someone in the flesh who knew, someone who was consciously moving through the cycles of restoration. Probably we met someone who knew Martin, who knew Uranda, the one who opened this movement that we're all aware of and continuing within, this cycle that opened in 1932. We call it the Third Sacred School; we called it Emissaries of Divine Light, and still do. I do. We thought of it as the spiritual expression plane, and were called to express our own true Spirit, the Spirit of the LORD, the Spirit of the Body of the LORD, to let the Body of the LORD be drawn together, into a formation of angels who together let His Spirit imbue this Body. And so the cells of the Body were drawn together and birthed.
Four cycles of seven years. Uranda was here for three of those cycles and in the next year, at the beginning of fourth seven year cycle, a fire cycle, he died. It was a time of considerable confusion in the developing Body. Martin was present and he assumed full and victorious, magnificent, responsibility, to steward, to guide the cycles of restoration. Nonetheless, there was a great loss. Martin and others, in the relative obscurity of the Cariboo region of B.C. and at Sunrise Ranch, carried through, and around 1974 we began to see the emergence again of a coordinated Body, more substantial, and a design of focalization within it. The first four cycles of seven years ended in 1960. The next four cycles of seven years ended in 1988. 56 years—from 1932 to 1988. The seven year period from 1981 to 1988 was a fire cycle, and something profound and powerful was moving in the Emissary Body at that time, with a promise inherent within it—also a warning, that came many times through Martin, a warning that there was a steadiness needed, steadfastness that had to be maintained in leadership. So that was a seven year fire cycle, from 1981 to 1988. At the end of that cycle Martin's incarnation was finished.
We moved into a new seven year water cycle, full of promise. Within seven years, by 1995, it was scattered, pretty much. Many people were not held together by the fire of love, by the gravitational pull of the Spirit of Love. Thus the centrifugal force that is an aspect of the Spirit of Love tended to throw people off in various directions, different ones making various interpretations about what had gone on. But the creative cycles were still operating. And there were those who continued to move, aligned in the Victory Pattern, that being dominant in consciousness; and there were several threads that took form. But by 1995 what appeared to be an integrating experience in the Emissary Body, in the leadership formation of the Third Sacred School, had fragmented. This that should have come, in the cycles of restoration, to the point of being a mature and well developed representative body, because of the priesthood leadership presence within it, fragmented. There was failure evident in those first seven years as we moved from 1988 to 1995, a seven year water cycle.
So, 1995 through 2002 was a seven year air cycle, and I think it could be said that for many the Lord was not in the wind—for many, from 1988 to 1995 the Lord was not in the water. For others, moving in the Victory Pattern, the Lord was present in water and in the air; but for many the Lord was not in the water or in the air. We moved into an earth cycle, 2002 to 2009, and for many the Lord was not in the earth—there was just an earthquake. For some the Lord was in the earth, and the cycle was stewarded with care, knowing that there was something of a Promised Land ahead; even while all of us were functioning in a wilderness cycle. Even the leadership that carries through clearly and honorably is in the wilderness when the whole body, or the promise of that body, insists on wandering through the wilderness. And then we came to 2009 and the fire of that cycle which concluded in 2016. Water, air, earth fire—four cycles of seven years.
I ask you to think back to 2016, and consider what has happened between 2016 and today, as more and more of us have been moving with vigor in the integrating aspect of this new water cycle that opened under the hand of the LORD in 2016. Speaking for myself, I am a new man in a completely different place than I was in 2016 when this water cycle opened. In 2014, Anne and I were driving down the North Thompson River past Riverbend Orchard. I had lived there for 20+ years on and off, and I found my orientation in the Third Sacred School and in EDL, with Martin, at Riverbend Orchard. [And I would mention Don Berger, who was a leadership presence at Riverbend for a number of years, and a very good friend. Don completed his cycle of incarnation last month. Stuart Berger is with us today, Don’s son. Stuart and I were there at Riverbend in those early days. I am thankful for Don and what he brought, and for his good friendship to me over those years.] But in 2014 we were driving past Riverbend Orchard and an inspiration came to both of us and we decided to initiate the Great Cosmic Story website. I came home and I began the work that night. By the next day, May 1st, although I'd never done any of this kind of computer work, we had the website up and running; and I think Don Hynes and Tom Starrs were the first two that wrote to me and gave me feedback and encouragement. Don still writes almost every week about to what's posted and Tom is here. This was a point [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2014/05/listen-exeter-april-18-1982-spirit-is.html] of initiation within a vision that a new seven year water cycle would be opening in 2016. And along with that I began to watch other people going through the same kind of changes in consciousness that I was going through, being prepared to move into in entirely new time. So consider for yourself, and think about the steps that have unfolded for you between 2016 and 2023.
I think we can all agree that we are in a profoundly new and different place in consciousness, in the heaven. According to response and interest, the Spirit present in this water cycle has brought forth an awareness of the refocalization of the design of leadership in the Christ Body that is forming. By leadership, I don't mean one person is going to be leading all the rest. I mean each of us as a point of priesthood leadership in the continuing formation of the Christ Body. And I now, at this point, acknowledge that I stand, we stand, on the threshold of a new and Promised Land. What might have been but a vision a number of years back is now right at the door. What was it that was said long ago? “Go in and possess the land.” At that time it was a physical land. This time it is a new quality of pneumaplasm, substance, design, control, a new movement of the four forces at work in the creative process, stewarded by me and you and others that we know. This is happening. This is the Dawn of a New Day, and a new range of experience opening up, that we could call a heavenly Promised Land.
This is not just for us. It relates to what might occur in this composite and reforming Body of the LORD on earth, the Lord of Love, [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/composite.html] the Lord of Truth, and the Lord of Life—three focal points which are One, the Triune Ray continuing to incarnate in this Archangelic Body, in the rhythms and cycles of recreation. It's always been happening since the LORD of Lords conceived, over 2000 years ago, what it is that is unfolding right now; and since it was carried forward in a very particular way by the disciple John; and which John wrote about in the Book of Revelation, which is the blueprint of the Third Sacred School—opening up into, not just the Third, but the Fourth, the Fifth, the Sixth, the Seventh, and beyond.
Now, we should understand that moving in the Third Day doesn't mean that when we move into the Fourth Day we move into the Fourth Sacred School, as some have assumed. It means, among other things, that we move into a level of purification that is beyond that which possible in the Third Day. Martin spoke of EDL the Door. Here it was, 1988 [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/edlthedoor.html] and the door was opening into a new cycle. Move through the door! The door is from one room in the Temple of Light into another room in the Temple of Light. And the room of the Third is just as important as the room of the Fourth and the Fifth and the Sixth and the Seventh—and the Second and the First. They are all necessary—Seven Rooms in the Temple of Light. And they all must be occupied by angels, angels who know what they're doing in their human consciousness, and are capable of stewarding the cycles of restoration in the whole Body, but initially this composite Body that we call the Body of the Son and the Daughter of God.
There was considerable loss between 1988 and 2016; but during that same period there was also considerable regeneration under the hand of certain ones. And now, here we are, with a water cycle having been opened, bringing us to this point, where we move into an air cycle, which relates to the quality of the atmosphere that moves through those who are drawn into this new design and control formation of the priesthood. According to response and radiation, so it will be. It is not complete by any means. But there's something coming before us that is filled with promise, and that relates to regeneration of new qualities of pneumaplasm, the firmament, the air of the spirit, in this new seven year cycle which relates dominantly to air, and carries within it the design and control of the new water cycle that is still present. And if we handle ourselves right, it will expand the experience of what is present in the water. And the fire is certainly with us, and the material that is being acted upon is the earth itself—the earth of our own being, and the earth of the Christ Body, transforming it.
This seven year air cycle, with us between now and 2030, is of vital importance to the new development of the nucleus of the Christ Body, this composite Body. And then we move into a seven year earth cycle, from 2030 to 2037. What we do in alignment with the Spirit of this coming seven year air cycle is going to leave us well placed, because we will do our job well as angels and as a priesthood, well placed to enter into a new seven year earth cycle, which is vitally important in relationship to what's to come. And there's always the danger of a bit of failure creeping in, in an earth cycle, because people get comfortable, and substance begins to accrue; we begin to gather things and stuff around us, and we seem prosperous. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Let it be treasure in heaven. Great is your reward in heaven.
But that seven year earth cycle—based on what we have done in the water cycle, what the LORD has done in that water cycle and us cooperating with it, and now moving into the air—will be very important. And after that earth cycle, what comes next? A seven year fire cycle—2035 to 2042, a fusion cycle. Now some of us may say, “Well, I won't be alive at that point, so it doesn't matter.” Yes it does! If we do our job there will be those coming after us who have been educated, who have been awakened to remember why they're here, as priests and priestesses, to steward this cycle. Then we move into a seven year water cycle once again. So we're in a time frame here relative to the development of this Body, and moving through the ongoing cycles of restoration, where we are in a position, because the LORD has brought us to this point, to recognize that the job is not finished at all. We are basically approaching the Three-and-a-half Day mark, where we might move deeper into the range of the Fourth and then completely into the Fourth where the fires of purification can burn hot and bright—and that is most welcome to us. No fear of the fires of purification—most welcome—clearing the heart and making us available as a clear, unclogged channel, able to continue movement in the Cycles of Restoration.
I want to leave you with one sentence by Uranda, just to bring these specific essences into our midst, because these things are going to continue to unfold and be discussed and considered, lived with daily in the months and years and cycles to come. He said, “We are allowed six days, or six steps in the creative cycle, to allow us to move from the state of the fallen realm to the state of man restored.” Now, I'm not trying to say that man will be restored in the next three, seven year cycles, but I am giving a vision of the fact that we haven't completed the job. The goal is restoration, and there's still at least Three-and-a-half Days yet to move through; and what they will bring we don't know exactly, except coming events do cast their shadows before, and if we're attuned we're paying attention; and there is an assurance about what will come; and we're thrilled about it, and we're really interested. And we don't for any moment think that we've reached the goal. The goal is the restoration of a Nucleus Body, the Body of the Son, so that this Body can assist in providing the government necessary so that many more can awaken and come to their day of restoration. And then we will have Man restored, and God revealed in Man restored, with the Body of Divine Man being Jehovah, or the Body of God in expression on earth.
So let's not be complacent at all, but be open to this thrilling adventure that we're on, that is opening up into things that we haven't experienced before. This is the movement of the Spirit in the Body. We have to prove this out in the Body. We don't have the Lord of Truth and the Lord of Life with us, or the Lord of Love incarnate, but they are present with us and guiding us in Spirit. And there is a very great deal to unfold as the Body of the Archangel—which is the Body of the Lord of Love, the Lord of Truth, and Lord of Life—the members of the Body of the Archangel allows the Spirit of the Archangel to completely fill this Body. Then we can say the restoration is complete. Then we get on with another level, another range of creative action.
This is what I want to bring this morning. And we all have enough background in the terminology, and the movement itself, so that I don't have to go back and outline in detail and define what I'm talking about. We've got enough in our consciousness, so that we can get a clear sense of what I am saying. And it's not just us here, we know that. EDL is still present. There are people at Sunrise Ranch who are moving through the same cycle we're moving through. And there are others going by other names, moving in the same cycle. But this describes the central aspect of what is emerging, that which leads us home, brings us into the experience of oneness, of love, in the Body of the Lord of Love on earth—restored.
Robert, I love you! We share so much over the months; we speak together frequently about these and other important things. Take your time and say what you need to say as you share with us all what is moving now.
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Robert Merriman — Thank you. David. I don’t know about you all, but I’m remembering the first time I saw the Epoch Timeline that Uranda had prepared that was preserved and brought to Class. And that Timeline was so magnificent and filled with so many facets. As I came to understand it more, I realized that I had been called to participate in a great undertaking. A movie was made in the 60’s about the life of Christ called “The Greatest Story Ever Told”. Well, this story that we are in spans beyond the life of Jesus alone, and Uranda, and Martin, and us (in this incarnation). This is a story that we’ve been weaving together through eternity. How good it is to greet you here in these forms today, to allow new forms of pneumaplasm to be generated among us.
David, as you were speaking of the many levels opening up, of stretching beyond our ceilings, I was harkening back to Mary Janak’s part in the service that she and Robert Kauffman recently did in the Temple of Light, where she described the eagle, the symbol of Truth, the consciousness of the LORD moving through all the levels effortlessly on the wings of an eagle, to any level on which He needs to operate at any point in time. I do believe that what you’ve outlined here is a prescient view of the kind of freedom and the kind of expanse, and the kind of majesty that the Christ Body is meant to carry and bring to this Earth as an ultimate blessing. Yes, to the children of men, but also to all forms of life. What an adventure!
In Uranda’s transcript from July 21, 1946 titled, “The Work Is Not Finished”, he said this:
“The One Christ Body is not an organization; it is not just a group of individuals responding to the LORD; it is actually a Body—One Unit, a single entity made up of many members. And it is from the standpoint of that Unit of that One Body that we have been privileged to function to a degree, already, in that period of Pentecost which has actually begun. As we continue on, letting the Father have His way, we will be privileged to reach the point of unison in function in the power of the LORD of Lords, where all things necessary shall be accomplished, that He, through His Body on earth, may finish the work which He began when He was here as Jesus Christ. He finished the work that He came to do at that time. He accomplished that which He was supposed to accomplish as one individual; but the work that He started was not finished. It still is not finished, and in order for it to be finished He must be permitted to function on earth through His Body, so that through His Body, [through His Collective Body] His Will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-work-is-not-finished.html]
Such vision! I think of that young man, Lloyd Arthur Meeker, in 1932 opening his heart and mind to initiate the adventure, the journey, that we are on, and that we’re in the process of inviting so many to participate in. I felt like I needed to put pen to paper in thinking about the 91st Anniversary of the coming of the Third Sacred School, what it meant in my heart and my understanding. I’d really love to share that with you.
1. First and foremost, I find my heart celebrating the opening of the vibrational portal for the second coming of Christ—this is huge!—this time through His Collective Body. The opening of the portal; it’s really happened! And it’s really in motion. And we really are, if we say “Yes!”, part of that. And then,
2. The coming of the Third Sacred School spelled the consistent speaking, once more, of the Word of God on Earth—unadulterated. The Word of God, the creative force of the stars, themselves! And then,
3. The creation of an effective vibrational invitation to every member of the human race to respond to the Word and to play their respective parts in the Collective Christ Body as it enters in and possesses the Promised Land, New Jerusalem, Paradise—the revelation of the KING’s Home on Earth, and nothing less.
I think of such an invitation as to come into this Body and possess the Land, the Vibrational Land—but it will relate to the physical, and we’ll see how, in some ways, during our lifetimes—and I also think of the spirit that was in Uranda to allow this invitation to be so clearly articulated and so masterfully coordinated within the cosmic rules of being, to allow the ley-lines of force to be created that would call, eventually, you and me, and so many others, to come participate in this great adventure. What was that spirit that was in him?
There is a line in the story of Caleb and Joshua, and the spies that went into the Promised Land, a line that really jumped out and grabbed me. This is the Lord speaking: “But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.” (Numbers 14:24)
I’ve heard reaction, by the way, to the word “posses”. Like, well, in some cases it evokes thoughts of evil spirits; or, perhaps the spirit of greed, like a human ego in a separate state trying to own something for itself. But what about being “possessed” by God? What about being possessed by the Power of Love and the Wonders of Truth that created this very planet? Once possessed by such a spirit, anything possessed by the one possessed by that Spirit, he or she will possess it in the Name of the LORD, in the Vibration of the Wholesome Creation of True Being. So, when Caleb was rewarded with “possessing” he didn’t do it in the name of little Caleb. He did it in the Name of the LORD.
I love expanding on the wholesome righteousness moving through Caleb’s agreement with Joshua, under pressure, because when they came back from the 40 days reconnoiter in the land of Canaan, and reported as they were commissioned to do, that they had seen great resources—"a land flowing with milk and honey” as they said. And they had also seen fortifications and some people of larger stature than they. But ten of the spies said, “It's way too frightening. It's a dangerous venture. We should not go!” But Caleb and Joshua, attuned with the current of the LORD, their heart and His heart, they, possessed by the LORD, had a completely different take on the same set of factors. When Caleb reported, he said, “Let us go up at once and possess it, for we are able to overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30)
As we saw in the Life of Jesus, and at other times in our own history, there has been, when the positive focus of Spirit is actually provided, a reaction from all that is not purified yet. And there was a great reaction among the people of Moses and Aaron, even building up to an uprising, a mutiny! In the King James version, it goes on to say: “And Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, which were with them that searched the land, rent their clothes: And they spake unto the company of the children of Israel saying, The land which we passed through to search it, is exceeding good land. If the Lord delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it to us, a land which floweth with milk and honey. Only, rebel not against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the Lord is with us: fear them not.” (Numbers 14:6-9)
Caleb had another spirit with him. It was the spirit of victory, undaunted by the things that seem large and immovable in human nature. Do we gathered here today see giants or do we see malleable substance that the Lord can use? When we check out the media we hear stories of wars, rumors of wars, shifting of tectonic plates, earthquakes, erratic weather patterns, floods, fires. Are those giants? Climate change: is that a giant, or is that an opportunity? Or even more personally: how about issues of aging, health concerns, inflation, economic concerns, financial concerns? Wasn't it fear that was at the core of the objections and the exaggerations?
Was it lack of attunement with the heart of the One with whom we made a contract to come into human form and allow the affairs of this planet to be returned to attunement with the One that we serve?
And yes, as the Word has gone out, and as we show up together, having not rubbed shoulders for a long time, we are going to find many, many patterns coming among us, not just the world out there, but among us up close and personal for purification. And we'll also find ourselves working, perhaps, with individuals who are on their way to where they rightfully belong in the Christ Body—a beautiful process, a process of graceful ushering and malleable movement, in the Lord's guidance. But, if we object to that substitute pattern, and refuse to work with it, well, we won't ever be freed of that particular cosmic drama. It will stay with us. As Uranda put it in a Class session on July 8, 1953, titled “Shekiah and Sex”:
“We have to be adaptable. I have functioned in a thousand and one substitute situations, substitute conditions, all the way from maintaining a vibratory core by working with horses, back a few years ago, when my human pattern broke and went to pieces, I had to depend on horses for a while to have any kind of central control vibrational pattern. And maintaining it that way, it began to work out. Soon I could leave the substitute pattern of the horses behind and move into a higher sphere… In practically everything I do—not all—but most things I do I have to be functioning in some kind of substitute situation. And only as we function correctly in substitute situations can we move to the point where we can get out of them. But never if you say well, ‘I don't want to function as a substitute pattern. I want the real thing.’ All right, we will get to the real thing, but only if you function correctly in substitute patterns. Reject substitute patterns and you will never get anywhere; you will always be in them.” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/2022/01/shekinah-and-sex.html]
Well mankind has been in a substitute pattern for quite some time. I might say a rather macabre one at that. But it's all been unnecessary, just as the delay of forty years in the wilderness was unnecessary for the children of Israel. Had there been agreement, had there been clear thinking, by the people, in the consciousness of the Lord, they could have gone in, and they could have done the work that we're doing right now, with those resources eventually, had they held steady, had there not been a break.
Oh yes. There is a great adventure ahead and immense need to hold steady, giving thanks in all things, as patterns come and go. As one friend put it: any situation that we can be in in our adventure of serving the LORD is but a freeze frame in the LORD's home movie. It changes as we function rightly and give thanks in it, and it moves from glory unto glory. What a wonder to be about the business of the generation of new forms of pneumaplasm, to the end that the LORD may be free to move through consciousness on earth to any level He needs to operate at, for the fulfilment of His wishes, and for the creations of His perfect desires. We do this in our hearts; we do this individually, and we do this together. So together, let us open our time for response to the LORD.
Christina Pivarnik — Such exquisite, powerful and beautiful words that you have spoken—truly the Word of God. And what a humble joy and privilege it is to come together and speak the Word of God. To be the Word of God. And I was thinking that we meet so many people in our days and our lives, and there cannot be any room for judgment or opinions about any of them, what they're doing, because all these people on earth are here to fulfill God's mission, whether they are aware of it or not. What comes into play is to look for what is right, what's true, what's clear in those that we meet, and celebrate it, and that is jsuch an amazing experience to have. We share it together, because we need one another to fulfill this mission. I love David's timetable of everything. We don't always think in those terms, so thank you for that. Here we are, to let this all come forth in the most beautiful, gracious, powerful way that we are capable of, with no judgment, no opinion. Just let it come, whatever it might be. Let the fires roar, let the winds blow, whatever is needed to cleanse the earth and let it come into the new earth, because that's what we're here to embrace. Thank you very much and to all present for what we've been able to generate together—just so beautiful, in His work.
Anne Blaney — Well thank you, Joshua and Caleb. I mean David and Robert. I was thinking about those two—they were actually sent by Moses. They didn't go off on their own—they were actually sent, and they went, and they carried out their commission. As was described in the story, they saw something entirely differently, compared to the other spies who went, looking at the same facts. I think this gives us a big clue regarding new forms of pneumaplasm. There is so much that to be explored in this regard: what is coming down and opening up. It's available, it's always been available, the possibilities have always been endless, in Spirit. But with the purification that has happened and is happening, we are now open to welcoming absolutely new ways to see what is taking place around us. You could term that, “recreation and consciousness”. There's a very specific job for the head or the nucleus of the Christ Body. There's a certain ability that has been given to us; we've had a lot of instruction regarding this. So we are embarking in this Air cycle, where the pneumaplasm can be generated, but it's going to be new—new forms of pneumaplasm. And I was thinking in terms of the four forces, how they're all happening at the same time. There's one that's dominant. But we can't forget that love, which is symbolized by the fire that is present, has two purposes: to burn away what doesn't serve us or the Lord anymore, and we're glad for that; but it is also present to blend and to unify, and to bring together those who are seeing the same vision, the same Promised Land, who have the same commission. These things can only be spoken of in a fine atmosphere, and I thank you both for creating that, and I am thankful for the atmosphere that's present this morning, so that we can consider this. It is so wonderful to share this anniversary time, to really see it in new ways, to look behind us and see in new ways, and know that the possibilities in Spirit are endless. It is in the heaven that we will be able to welcome the new forms that are waiting to be born through us. So thank you so much. Well done, Joshua and Caleb, David and Robert.
Gary Courtland-Miles — David and Robert, thank you, thank you for the report you to have brought back from the Promised Land. I think we have evidence this morning of that new substance, of pneumaplasm present in our collective consciousness—something that the mind can't nail down and shouldn't nail down. The generation of the right Spirit will allow this feast of pneumaplasm to receive Spirit, in a more expansive way and to let its intelligence inform us, so that we are “in-formation”, letting it have its way. It's not really an it, but it's something of the Lord's. It's something indefinable. So we have some new evidence today I think, as we've shared this hour together. So wonderful to let that seed grow and expand. Thank you all.
Millicent Holliday —I very much delighted in both of your expressions and I enjoy the atmosphere in this room where we are—not only here in this room in Atlanta where there is a distinctive atmosphere, but in our current collective room. Robert you were speaking of what was in Uranda's heart when, in 1932, he had his awakening, and what came to mind was “passion.” Well, where there's passion that is what controls our hearts. And I feel like Caleb and Joshua, because to me, the fields are white for harvest. They are waiting, longing for us, to present ourselves to our worlds, and shine radiantly so that they can come in their hundreds and in their their thousands. They wait, they wait, they long for us to mature. They long for us to be pure and passionate, passionate to provide for them the restoration. Yes, we have been so privleged to know; this fourth phase is the phase of purification, and it's also the phase of assurance—we know. We know it's not the phase of realization; it is the cycle of assurance. We don't have to be taught, but many do, because they long to know that assurance in us. So we have the responsibility just as the Master had, of renting the veil. We have been given the tools for the veil to be rent, so that heaven can flow free into the earth, and the earth's passion may rise up to meet the Spirit of Heaven. I thank you both for the beauty of your passion, and I feel the assurance of the days to come when our LORD can walk again in His Garden.
David Barnes — I appreciate the responses. After listening to her speak, you can see why Anne is so important to me, spiritually articulate as she is. It's wonderful to have such a partner in this creative activity. I also want to comment on what Milly just said about knowing. When the Master was on earth, speaking to scribes and Pharisees, He said: We speak that we do know and we speak that we have seen, and ye believe not our words. He spoke these words to Nicodemus, “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you heavenly things?” We haven't spent a whole lot of time this morning talking about earthly things. We've been talking about heavenly things; and we're actually able to move together in the heaven, with understanding, seeing, hearing, sharing a knowing.
The Master also said, a wicked and evil generation “seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.” What we've been sharing relates to the sign of the prophet Jonas—to an understanding of the movement of creative cycles. Jonas referred to the time when the Master would be present, and to the time when Uranda would arrive on the scene; and the cycles would shift. And here we are, moving in the rhythms of the three primary, creative cycles, in an Air-Water-Air pattern. We’ve got a lot of water and a lot of air with us and surrounding us. And then in this immediate seven year cycle pattern, we are moving from water to air. So we've got Air-Water-Air-Water-Air. We're swimming and flying in the Water of Truth and the Air of the Spirit, and something is knocking at our door, saying to us, “You are the evidence of the fulfillment of the sign of the prophet Jonas in this age. This was also called by Martin, the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.
So, as Robert outlined with such artistry, and as was emphasized by Anne and Gary and Milly, together we bring this Good Report from the Promised Land. This has been our work today—at the end of one cycle and the opening of another—to bring this Word of Good Report to the Archangel, the Word that comes through His Body: that we know, we have seen, and we are here; and there is some intelligence present in this Body; there is a heart that is no longer run around the foolish mind of fallen man. So heart and mind are present in this, His Body, awake and active, alert and keenly interested in continuing to move through the cycles of restoration, and steward them as we go through them. This is the Good Report of Joshua and Caleb, representing many; they came back and they reported to Moses and to the people. This is the Body of Moses. It says that the Archangel contended with the devil over the body of Moses. Well, that's what tends to happen as we move into the fires of purification—a bit of a struggle goes on for a while. Then, moving deeper into the fires, it becomes ecstasy as we come naked, and there's no shame and no fear. We're not afraid of the Lord of the Fire, or the Lord of Truth or the Lord of Life, because this Triune Spirit is moving in this My Body, and we're not afraid of our own Spirit. It's not going to destroy us. It's going to make us whole as individuals and whole as a One Body.
There's one more point I would like to bring, related to what Robert said about when we move deeper into the fire, there will be some things to meet, and one of them is the mistakes that we have made in the past. And we have the ability to look squarely into them and acknowledge that there was a mistake made, and a course correction is necessary; and we make the correction. I do, when I see that it's necessary; so that the mistake does not become a sin, and then grow to such an extent it becomes an unpardonable sin, because of the hardness of the heart. It was said long ago that Jesus became a Master because He didn't allow His mistakes to become sins. He corrected His mistakes as He moved along. He was interested in moving through the fires of purification and going beyond. He never let little mistakes that He made as a man prevent Him from moving into the cycles of complete restoration, of Mastery, and so His consciousness became that of Divine Man. In this regard and in conclusion, let me read you something written by David Karchere at Sunrise Ranch a few months ago. It’s good to read this right now:
“We are one people. And in knowing it for ourselves, we declare it to the world. This is our wake-up call… One love, one reality, one truth, one people, one ministry… This is not homogeneity I am talking about here… We are creating what is ours to manifest now. And what happens when you create? I will name something else that is almost guaranteed. We make mistakes. Do you get to begin anything without making mistakes? So we could think, Let’s not begin so we won’t make mistakes. We are beginning with each other. We are beginning with anyone who will join us, and they will make mistakes too. We will all make mistakes. And what do you do when you make mistakes? Get up and try again. Learn, and correct any errors you have made. Do it differently next time. That is all part of beginning, part of doing this in earnest. And if you think that those of us who are more experienced make mistakes, what happens when you bring younger people into the mix, who are fresh and new and just starting out in life, and just starting out in this work with us? Are they going to make mistakes? I guarantee it! And what happens then? We have to learn. They have to learn. We have to teach, guide, and lead. We are here for this. I am here for this. I know you are too.” [emissaries.org/the-fertile-crescent-of-today/]
Here is part of the pattern purification. So we can see that the Spirit of this newness is emerging through many. One body, one people. We move in the revelation of the sign of the prophet Jonas, in fire of purification, living from that place of assurance in where the LORD is leading His Body—to finish the Work.
Robert Merriman — Thank you, David. Thank you all. And above all. Thank the LORD, in whose heart we dwell. Steve, do you have a closing for us?
Steve Ventola — My closing thought is that it's such a joy to be all together and to hear the Word of the Lord today. Isn’t it? Individually we've heard it. And if I can emphasize something here, to go back and read the transcript by Uranda, “The Reality Of Leadership”, posted recently on the Great Cosmic Story, because it's chock full of thoughts about learning from our mistakes, facing the contests—but more than that, getting into the realm of actual creative activity. So, as we continue creative action in our worlds, let's hold what we shared in this time deep, deep, deep in our hearts. Our next Temple service will be on October 29th. Anne Blaney will lead us.