October 03, 2024

Our  Service  In  This  Culminating  Cycle

Marsha Bogolin   Loveland, Colorado

September 29, 2024   Temple of Light Service

Steve Ventola — What rousing music to begin—wonderful! Great to see you all. Welcome to our Temple of Light service, a time where we can deepen our core agreement, and let the works of the LORD be done. It's a delight to introduce and cite Marsha's spiritual diligence. I always appreciate her on-the-mark ability to keep her heart oriented no matter what happens. I've always appreciated Marsha's example, and I think we all have. With that let's begin our time with some music.

How Shall We Give Thee Glory

music by PenDell Pittman, words by Hugh Malafry

Marsha Bogolin — The pure and noble expression that comes through PenDell’s voice always moves my heart. In the beautiful space this has opened, I'd like to offer a devotion.

Beloved Lord, as we gather in this Temple space as priests and priestesses of Melchizedek, it is our deepest desire to be of greatest service to you in this culminating time, that so many have longed for and worked toward for millennia. We would open ourselves continually for your unfolding guidance that you may have a body for your action on earth, yielded, eager and unified. Thank you, Lord, for those who have represented you, your spirit and character, so that we have known you in the flesh, and for the privilege we have to represent you in this day. Aumen.

As I said in the prayer and as Yujin suggested in his Temple service — and as I was feeling as I saw you joining this Zoom — I'd like to greet you as priests and priestesses of Melchizedek. In form, what we look like and what we do covers quite a variety, but deep in our core we know a oneness of purpose, of values and vision that is very rare.

I only knew Yujin’s theme [templeoflightservices.blogspot.com/true-priesthood-and-climax-times-yujin.html] a few days before he spoke, but for many months I’ve been drawn to expand my awareness of something similar: How to be of greatest service in this culminating cycle. The time we’re in now seems to me to be the culminating cycle of ALL culminating cycles. So I was compelled to read all of the “Book of Revelation” and many parts of the “Book of Grace” for her insights, and other materials. I loved Anne's service last month. [templeoflightservices.blogspot.com/communion-in-temple-anne-blaney-arm-b.html] The way she told the story of Solomon conveyed the great care and preparation Heaven set for that culminating cycle. I think it's the same now. I don't know what your experience is, but the training I received in previous decades certainly conveyed Heaven's care and preparation for this cycle. It was the greatest blessing in my life.

I'm interested in previous culminating cycles because they carry implications for how to handle the one we're in now. So my topic today is, “Our Service In This Culminating Cycle”. I think many of us know the basics: stay centered, hold a place of calm amidst turmoil. I want to show a photo that evokes one aspect of our service in this culminating cycle. Can you see? It’s a woman in bombed-out building, and it looks like she’s sharing attunement with a globe, and there’s a cloud of light between them.

Probably many of us are already actively offering attunement. Perhaps you, like me, realize there’s yet more to expand in our awareness of what attunement really includes. The currents this photo evokes may give us a starting point to look deeper into what is required to meet this culminating cycle in victory.

Probably the most significant culminating cycle in history was near the end of our Master’s life on earth. I’ll share a few key points through the “Book of Grace” and Uranda, that I trust will stir deeper awareness. When I read Grace’s book on John 12-17, it brought many tears. The context she set and the quotes she included conveyed the great generosity of the Lord's love in His last days. One verse from John continues to move me deeply:

“Before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.” [John 13:1]

“He loved them unto the end.” The way Grace drew parts of the story together really shows how He loved them unto the end. I think we all know the prayer in John 17, but I want to read a small part of it: “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us…. That they may be made perfect in one. … Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am.”

Jesus’ words alone were such a profound expression of love, but even more so in the context of the crucifixion he knew was impending, and the suffering that would unleash for humanity for centuries to come. Grace wrote about that prayer: “His great heart overflowed with love for his body, and his prayer was that they as members of that body would achieve the works yet to be done in his name.”

I want to give a little background to that vital point in the cycle. Grace highlights critical moments — moments of truth you could say — that led to this culminating point. We probably remember that Mary’s and Martha's brother Lazarus was sick, and they asked Jesus to come to Bethany where they lived. But instead, for two days Jesus stayed where He was. He knew, as Grace wrote, “There was no need for overt action on his part, as long as Mary and Martha were in agreement with him, in oneness with the Lord. There were previous instances of healing regardless of distances.” We know some of those. Presumably they did too. But after two days — and this part is from Grace — “when he vibrationally perceived the lack of that response in the two women, Jesus told his disciples that they would go into Judea. They reminded him that the Jews had sought to stone him and they questioned his action.” So already there was considerable reaction to Jesus building, and He had to be careful where He went because some of the Jews were seeking to kill Him.

Bethany was near Jerusalem, and many Jews had come there to comfort Mary and Martha because they thought Lazarus was dead. So Jesus at first didn’t go into Bethany but He was still, according to Grace, in an extremely dangerous place near Bethany. Martha went out to meet Him there and said, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died [an accusation].” A little later, Mary also came to where Jesus was and said the same thing. Grace wrote of Jesus: “He groaned in the spirit and was troubled [not because Lazarus was dead, which he was not, but because Mary fell into the same trap as her sister and accused him, rather than maintaining a steadfast connection with the Lord in this time of great pressure].” That's a very powerful key, isn't it?

Right after that is the famous verse: “Jesus wept.” Grace wrote of this: “The shortest verse in the Bible conveys the weight of the heavy burden which fell upon this greatest One in the face of that monstrous failure. He knew that at that crucial point the possibility of the movement of his ministry and his life in a direction other than the cross was lost. He was aware that centuries would pass before his Body could be drawn together, though his own victory was never in question.” That’s so poignant! As we know, Jesus then went to Bethany and called forth Lazarus from the tomb. Grace wrote: “What was seen as the miracle of raising the dead caused many to follow Jesus, and that goaded the Pharisees into immediate and desperate action. This was brought to focus through the failure of Mary and Martha to carry through in perfect trust of Jesus in a time of crisis.”

So the impact of Lazarus being “raised from the dead,” as many thought of it, intensified reaction among the leaders of the Jews. We can see how these seemingly small breaches of trust in these two women, who were close to Jesus, initiated a sequence of events that led to much greater tragedy. The “Book of John” describes what happened right after that seeming miracle of raising the dead: “From that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death. Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews, but went unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples.” [John 11:53-54]

Jesus spent those days preparing His disciples for the coming crises and “loving them unto the end.” He took bread and wine and spoke words we’ve come to know as the Communion Service. He washed their feet. Symbolic acts to comfort and prepare them. With such tender, thoughtful and generous care, His heart did truly overflow with love — even at this high-pressure time. 

I'd like to play 10 minutes of a service by Uranda, dated March 12, 1953, called “Intercession,” because it covers [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/father-forgive-them-uranda-march-12.html] other pivotal moments in this cycle. Uranda had just described what motivated Judas to betray. In brief, he was trying to force Jesus to use His extraordinary power to restore the kingdom to Israel. This is Uranda speaking:

“But the most significant part of the outworking came before the actual betrayal, came before the mockery of the trial began. This was in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Master took His eleven disciples, for one was busy about his own self-determination, so he was busy about his own business and he was not there. And the Master took His eleven disciples and went into the Garden that is called Gethsemane, and He established eight of those disciples in one group, the base of a pyramid, of a creative triangle. He took three of those disciples a little further on, a line nearer the top of the creative triangle, then He Himself went a little further and established a point as the apex of that creative triangle. Even then, with the thousands of His would-be followers scattered and turned away, there was still an opportunity for those eleven disciples to help hold the vibrational pattern. Eight forming the base of the creative triangle, three a little nearer the apex, and the Master Himself at the apex of the triangle. We can see the three points established in such a pattern from the Biblical record. But most of the disciples promptly went to sleep. Instead of watching with Him, holding the vibrational pattern, staying centered in Him, they went to sleep. Just as surely as Judas failed Him, those who went to sleep failed Him.

“It is not only those who deliberately fight against God in a pattern of self-determination that tend to defeat the manifestation of God on earth, but those who are so asleep, so lethargic, that they do not respond, no aliveness can be stirred into them, no sense of responsibility. They are ready to go to sleep and let God do it. Here in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Master began a most remarkable pattern of intercession. His followers had turned away. One of His disciples was out betraying Him, and ten of the disciples were asleep. Do not imagine that all went to sleep. Someone was there to write the record, someone was there who knew what happened. If they had all been asleep do you think the Master would have appeared to one of those disciples or to someone else and said, “Well now, while all you were asleep, this happened to me, that happened to me, I was sweating, as it were, blood etc., while I was going through this agony up here. I must tell you all about it because you were all asleep and you did not see it." Can you see the Master doing any such thing? No. The very fact that there is a record proves that they were not all asleep, but most of them were asleep, failing our Lord on earth. In the face of this, it would have been so easy for our Lord to find reasons to be discouraged. He had helped so many people, He had ministered such long hours, He had done so many things. He had spoken so many words, and here He was, alone and neglected. He had so many reasons to be discouraged. One of His disciples was out to betray Him, and there, a little way away, He could hear the snores of disciples who were supposed to be serving with Him. They were asleep. Yes, He had plenty of reason to be discouraged. If He had been functioning on the basis of the ordinary human pattern, He would have said, “It is not worth it. Let them all go to … wherever they were headed for!”

“The pattern of reaction out of the world was rushing in upon Him because those who were supposed to hold the pattern with Him were afar away or asleep. He was left defenseless. There was no one of those who were asleep or of those who were far away who had any real realization of what they were doing. And so, that hour passed. In the agony of facing the vibratory patterns of the world, the mental and emotional pressures of human reactions, human rejections, human failures, in the face of that monstrous ingratitude, there was no judging, there was no condemnation, there was no resentment, there was the same spirit and attitude which found expression from His lips later upon the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” This attitude of forgiveness, this attitude of refusing to respond to all that man had done, all the rejection, allowed Him to remain perfectly centered in God the Father.”

Perhaps this is the ultimate example of “coming to zero,” where the Master chose spiritual expression over results. There was so much at stake in the realm of results. Beyond His own life and service on earth, there was all that He and others had worked for through thousands of years, and what the breaks in His hedge would unleash for mankind. Yet, in the face of that monumental loss, because our Master chose integrity over results, He brought forth an unprecedented victory. I think that is a vital key for us: No matter how great the loss, if we choose true character over results, there WILL be victory. Grace describes His victory this way: “His final victory was the greatest act of love ever consummated on this earth. … Never yet … had anyone proved that it was possible, in the world exactly the way it is, for divine man to experience all that man’s inhumanity to man could inflict, and carry through in purity of love and truth. … Jesus bestowed the ultimate blessing of salvation upon his whole body, the true vine, that in the Lord’s season all the earth would be inhabited by Man and Woman in the original Garden. This was rendered possible because of Jesus’ experience in that Garden.” We can see through this that Jesus opened the door for mankind to return to our True Stature and Identity.

I heard Uranda’s audio a few months ago, and through it I began to see more clearly what is needed from the Lord’s priesthood in this cycle. One requirement, as he indicated, is: No resentment, no judgment, no discouragement, no matter what. That is what Jesus did throughout His ministry and at that critical time of excruciating pressure. It's important to note also that His victory in this enabled God’s power to work through Him to complete the full resurrection. And that opened the door for us now. A little later in this audio Uranda speaks of this and clarifies a misinterpretation of what Jesus actually said on the cross. I’ll read that:

“Not once in the whole pattern did He veer from the attitude of, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’ And it was because of this that He remained perfectly centered in God and was a channel through which the power of God was made manifest. If, as He was losing consciousness, He had said, ‘My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?’ His body would NOT have come forth from that tomb, there would have been no resurrection. It would have been a failure on His part…. If He had given way to resentment, or if He had felt that He was somehow separated from God, lost His attunement with God, He would not have been a channel for the manifestation of the power of God. So, in the attitude of forgiveness He was interceding for man.”

Grace offers another important insight on that night in Gethsemane: “He was under extreme pressure, borne for the whole body of humankind. He went a little farther alone and prayed that, if it were possible, ‘this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.’ At that point there was still that possibility, but when he returned to the disciples he found them asleep. He said to Peter, ‘What, could ye not watch with me one hour? … the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.’”

What I see in this is: At that critical point, it was still possible — if the disciples had held in conscious agreement with the Lord — that intercession could have prevented the crucifixion, and centuries of darkness and destruction that followed. So clearly intercession is another important requirement for this culminating cycle. Intercession is nullifying the results of destructive actions. Uranda said intercession must take place during the cycle of the destructive action, while the cycle is in process. When the deed is done it's too late.

There are many implications in that for our service in this culminating cycle. We have the vision to see destructive patterns brewing before they actually manifest. What intercession is ours to do with these and how? We’re at one important juncture right now: before, during and after the U.S. election. Here’s a cycle to hold agreement that minimizes tragedy and sets lines of force for the restoration of human consciousness. No doubt there will be more critical junctures in the future. A key to that is in the design Jesus set in Gethsemane, to hold lines of agreement, which is another requirement for our service. What do we need to do of that in this cycle? I ponder, is there more to build among us to provide a sufficient pattern of agreement? Not necessarily three points of a triangle, but a strong, clear, unified radiation to meet the reactive destruction swirling in mankind.

I want to read something from another culminating cycle, from Martin, two weeks after Uranda's plane crash, because it gives some further keys on this. It was called “Sacred Fulfillment,” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/sacred-fulfillment.html] words spoken on August 22, 1954, and he had been talking about the tragedy of the plane crash:

“While tragedy is never God’s Will, nevertheless this particular experience has been an essential factor, if the job for which we are here is to be done. I do not say that in a sense that God designed it to be so. No. There was a better way. But, because of the lethargy, because of the dullness of human hearts and minds, because of the failure in vibrancy of response, the outworking cycles have been so slow in relationship to that field where our particular responsibility rests that it was getting to be so far out of balance with the progress in other fields, the scientific development, for instance, in the world… while here, in relationship to this pattern where the control with respect to those things out there is supposed to manifest, there was a lagging. … If there is to be control in relationship to these fields of progress — science, medicine, elsewhere — it must manifest through a control pattern established on earth, and we have had the opportunity to share in letting that control pattern be established.

“… The situation is out of hand, the control is not adequately present on earth in relationship to these other things, and we can see a vast tragedy looming before the human race. Because of the limitation of time, then, there was a need for a shift in the pattern, a change, in such a way that perchance the shock might have the required effect that the long years of Ministry had not. And, during the last two weeks, there has been a growing up, a greater assumption of responsibility, the initiation of something that can yet appear, and must appear. And I thank God for that which has been working in your hearts and minds. So, we may recognize that this tragedy is, in fact, an open door set before us.

“That which needs to be accomplished in relationship to the world… must first be accomplished in miniature. … We know, from our own standpoint, that these essential changes must come in ourselves as individuals if we are to anticipate that they shall come in the world.”

A little later Martin says: “…What is it that our Ministry is designed to accomplish? To make possible the Resurrection and the Life for the world—without tragedy.” What a compelling statement! Doesn’t it evoke passion for our purpose?

“To make possible the Resurrection and the Life for the world — without tragedy. There will be some tragedy, but without that vast tragedy which will appear, surely and certainly, unless the essential elements of control are established on earth. Through whom? Through you, and through those who share with you in this Ministry. Who else would do it? … This is your responsibility, right here, as a Unit, in agreement with each other and in agreement with the Unit at Sunrise Ranch, that together you may hold that line stretched upon the surface of the earth, the line by which all things were created in the beginning.”

All this emphasizes the importance of agreement, holding a true pattern of agreement. What does that mean? It’s an agreement held for the Lord’s will to manifest. Martin says this: “We do not arbitrarily say, ‘It must work out this way, or that way. It must be this individual or that individual. It must be within this specified time.’ We place no limitations upon it, … we say, simply, that it must work out in God's Way, according to His Will.”

We all know about the Ark of the Covenant. A covenant is a sacred agreement. So I think of it also as the Ark of Agreement. The powerful current between the two cherubim connotes an Ark of Agreement. I want to show you a short clip of a time-lapse video from NASA of the Sun. Can you see the arcs of light moving?

When I first saw this video, it evoked a deep memory of arks of agreement between angelic Beings. Those beautiful arcs of light, arks of agreement, on the surface of the sun are clearly part of its powerful radiance. So it is with us. The powerful radiance of the Lord’s Body manifests on earth through arks of agreement, natural in true friendships based in our passion for the Lord.

We all have experienced how these have held a protective surround for important outworkings through challenging times and also how they have allowed new creations to emerge. These arks of agreement will be even more vital in the days ahead as we navigate rapidly shifting waters. Far more than a “support group,” as we bring our intelligent perception into these true friendships, God’s Design unfolds through them, bringing into form His Garden.

Didn’t we all feel the evidence of His Garden, richly manifest, in the decades we were drawn to the Emissaries? Isn’t that part of what helped us see and feel what this was all about? And the purpose for which we ourselves came on earth? I’m not suggesting we repeat the patterns of the past, but that the Lord surely will provide new ways — appropriate for now — to let the glory of His Garden be felt and known again on earth. We touch that when we gather, even in virtual space. I sense more of us are realizing the value of in-person gatherings also.

Another important part of our service in this culminating cycle is expanding our experience of being with Him in His Garden, when we're together but also when we're alone. From childhood I loved nature, lying on the grass looking up at the clouds. I had a special place in the forest that was my fairyland. But a much more profound level has opened. Recently while sitting in Rocky Mountain National Park, I realized: I’m 73, yet only now beginning to really see and feel the Lord’s Presence in nature. I see a tiny wildflower with such intricate detail and feel the vastness of His love that covers every facet of what’s present. A gentle breeze is like His breath caressing me. When I walk in nature, I feel I’m walking in His Body. As the Garden becomes more vivid and real in our own experience, it’s amplified for mankind. Those whose hearts tune into that vibration will be stirred also. Especially in a time of so much disintegration, it’s important that there be those experiencing the emergence of the Lord in His Garden.

I’m finding that an important part of my service also is to feel His joy. You know in the Prayer of Intercession — even at that time of great sadness — He spoke of His joy. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/the-masters-prayer-of-intercession.html] It’s a very deep inner joy. It doesn’t only come when I’m in nature, but that is one of the easy ways to feel it. There are many ways to feel Him coming into His Garden. Through His thoughtful guidance and redirects, even through the challenges that come — we can feel and know more vividly than ever: He is coming into His Garden.

Quite a few of my friends live alone, and I know some of them find that challenging. I’ve had to live alone for about two years because of Yujin’s immigration process. But I’ve actually found that I’m not living alone. I’m living with the Lord. I’m communing with Him throughout my day. There’s an intimate communion that is possible when you are living alone. There’s nothing to distract you — if you choose that — from the experience of moving in communion with Him, letting Him guide you through the moments of your day, even when challenges come. Whatever challenges we face, I've noticed that they ultimately boil down to a choice between fear and trust. Fear closes the possibilities. Trust opens a vast resource of possibilities. When we choose trust over fear, it opens a vast portal, both for us to rise into our greater Presence and for the Lord to come into us more fully, filling us with His wisdom and love.

The Lord is coming into His Garden in many ways, interpenetrating our consciousness as we are available. For instance, through insights that come. Perhaps you’ve had this experience. Sometimes I feel a Presence hovering that is bringing the insights, a particular Being. Last week I was awakened at 4 a.m. and golden realizations flowed in through the rest of the night. As precious as those realizations were, even more precious was the sense of the Lord’s Presence, interpenetrating my consciousness and filling me. I felt the considerateness, the tenderness of His love. I remembered the disciple John’s words, “He loved them unto the end.” Suddenly I was filled with, “He IS loving us unto the end now!” He is loving us unto the end NOW! Just as that great heart overflowed with love in that culminating cycle 2000 years ago, when He gave so much to let the victory be as full as possible, don’t you know deep in your Being that He is and will be fully loving us unto the end in this culminating cycle? Let’s remember that. No matter what the outer circumstances are, He is loving us unto the end. His love seeded our victory in this cycle. Not only those of us online, but all who choose true victory.

YouTube  Video

Suzanne Core — Marsha, how shall we give Him glory? We are certainly giving him glory in this hour, thanks to your precious heart, the beautiful spirit of the one you are, and how you share that with us, how you have shared it in this hour. All I can think is: Let love command, every moment, every day. It really is easy. Thank you for bringing us to this level in this hour.

Anne Blaney — Marsha I appreciate very much what you did here this morning.   I think the word “connection” applies here; that you helped connect us to the Great Story that we actually are continuing, and that connection is  absolutely necessary in order for our being to be here present with meaning, and understanding, and  courage, knowing what we're connected to and what we're part of. And the other aspect of connection which I appreciate, that you spoke of, was the element of agreement. It is so essential that these arcs of agreement be in place and functioning and strong. The agreement with those of the past yes, but with the ones who are right here with us. I think the undergirding of this whole presentation was touched on when you described what the Master did in the Garden of Gethsemane; how the Master laid out an order, a design of the agreement that could have been amongst His disciples. I think this is a huge clue—that there is an order to our agreement. I love your emphasis that this really is where the rubber hits the road, in our personal lives. When we allow intercession to happen in the smaller things in our personal lives, that gives us the substance to practice intercession on much larger scales; you mentioned a couple of examples. But how about that small grouping in the Garden of Gethsemane? I think that is something that here, in this place, we can look at. What was that particular grouping; what does it represent; how does it manifest in our lives? Are we assisting those agreements and dealing with whatever human stuff comes and says, “No, no, you know, you can't possibly get over that!” That kind of thinking. As you said, He is loving us right to the end. That was lovely, how you opened up this meditation. Yes here we are. He's still loving us in this end—and to this beginning. Thank you for bringing a sense of destiny and connection to the Great Story that we're part of, and getting down to some essentials that we need to be able to look at, and speak to intelligently and with courage. Thank you Marsha, thanks for your courage.

David Barnes — These very important components to the story, which you brought together in a very fine way Marsha, have been with us for a long time. Even as the Master was with His disciples, He told them many things. These many things have been with us for a long time too. As the disciples didn't get the implications, for the most part, quite often we too have not got the implications of the story in the moment as it's unfolding, even though we've been clearly instructed. So you bringing them together in this way this morning is artful, beautiful and significant, important for us all. It gives us another opportunity to get the implications in this present moment of our function together, in the Order of Melchizedek as it is manifesting right now. As Anne said, there is an order to the Order—for example, the way in which the Master placed His disciples in the garden. “Ye have not chosen to be placed in this way, but I have chosen to place you in this way.” And so there are implications relative to the placement of the order of things right now, the way it's manifesting, and we're experiencing something of this placement in the garden right now. Here we are in this wonderful garden substance together, which you focalized and in many ways brought us up into the fineness of that substance. But I don't hear any snoring this morning in the garden. There is a sense of alertness and wakefulness; probably not as great as it needs to be yet, but sufficient for this morning to experience the joy of what it is to be in the garden together, and to become aware of our placement in the garden, and that it is the LORD of All who has placed us where we are. And perhaps, where we are as individuals is becoming more apparent, as it relates to our specific placement, that the Great Intercessor might have a Body of Intercession through which to release the currents.

Uranda spoke of the Lord of Truth as the One Great Intercessor. Down through the ages the great problem was that he never had a Unified Body through which to release the currents of intercession. So he came in 1932 to draw together a Body—his instrument—because the LORD sent him here, and placed him here in this part of the garden now, at this time in this cycle, this culminating period, to be the focus that would draw together his Body once again, that he might have a Body on Earth, so that the larger Body of the LORD of Lords might take form, because the Great Intercessor has a Body through which to release the currents. There are implications to this, and it relates to the way we find ourselves being placed together to allow this to occur now. We couldn’t have talked about this just a few years ago—but look, here we are, awake with you in the garden, with the LORD, with the Great Intercessor, aware of the fact that I am of that Body and I am placed here to let this occur. And it is not by accident that Marsha Bogolan spoke this morning, on behalf of the Great Intercessor—part of his Body, placed here to release this Word, and let the current move through us as that instrument, and move into the body of mankind, that it might do its work, accomplish what it will. So I think you know how thrilled I am with what we've all shared over the months and the years in recent times, with what you allowed to occur, and for us to experience together, the wakefulness that we experienced this morning; and we may be prepared always for what is required next, according to His calling. Lovely Marsha. Thank you so much.

Jim Crowner — Here I am, and here we all are Lord

Marsha Bogolin — Thank you all. Yes, a Body for His action on earth. A Body for His intercession, that may minimize the tragedy. A Body that may know together the joy of His Garden, of being with Him in His Garden. Truly, His loving us gives us perspective on all the things that would prevent us from coming into agreement. I wanted to show that video of the sun because it gives us a visual reminder that gives perspective to what is really moving between us, and therefore what is most important. So thank you all. I know there's many implications yet to fill out, and I'll turn it now over to Robert for the closing music. My love is so much with you!

Marsha Bogolin — mbogolin@gmail.com