Temple of Light
February 2023 Monthly Service Notice
It is an honour to let you know that the next Temple of Light service will be focused by our good friend Marsha Bogolin from Loveland, Colorado, on Sunday, February 19, 2023 @ 10 am Pacific Time
Last month, Yujin Pak drew attention to the Divine Command which comes to all who are drawn into the Spiritual Body on earth, receiving the LORD’s Commission: Finish The Work, which is the greater work of intercession carried in Truth by each member in the Body of the Intercessor — I am come that they might have life and life more abundantly. The following phrases lifted from a 1984 service by Martin Exeter speak to this role and responsibility that gains increasing significance in these times:
“Amongst other roles, we have that of the intercessor to play—characterized by love and mercy. Intercession—to provide a facility for reconnecting the affairs of men with the affairs of God, the affairs of earth with the affairs of heaven. The natural rhythms of life may be known in human experience and be reestablished in all the realms for which human beings carry right responsibility. So there is something to be done. “Not by great numbers of people, not certainly by political manipulation, not by force of arms, not by technology, not by money; but by My Spirit in radiance, through My Body, is My Will done,” sayeth the Supreme One who I Am. “Therefore I raise up My Body by the action of My Spirit in the lives of those who are My Servants and My Friends.” To the extent that we have experienced this we discover that we are in harmony with, resonating with, all those who likewise are allowing the unique differentiation of this One Spirit to occur. We always have a gauge as to how effective we are in letting this happen—if there is friction, contention, conflict, then obviously this One Spirit is not being very effectively differentiated, and we get into our hassles on that basis. We are concerned with allowing proper integration to occur, as we ourselves differentiate the One Spirit. There is no area where we cannot go and provide what is necessary. Not by technology, not by money, not by political manipulation, not by numbers of people, not by force of arms—you can add to that list considerably. By My Spirit. There is no greater delight or joy or satisfaction than to let this happen in one’s own experience, and part of letting it happen is the invitation to others to share in it. And we will find that those who are open to share in it will come and share in it. We must provide the space; otherwise it won’t happen. But it happens easily that way. Surely we are most thankful for the patient and understanding training that we have all had to allow this to be so.”
Welcome to all who are drawn to participate in this Temple service with Marsha — all of us together moving in the whirlwind of ascension, in heaven on earth now. David Barnes and Anne Blaney
These are the Temple service dates selected for the next four months
Sunday, March 19, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET 6 p.m. UKT with Davina Misroch from London, England and
David Barnes from Salmon Arm, B.C. Canada
Sunday, April 30, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with Robert Merriman from Denver, Colorado, USA
Sunday, May 28, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with Gary Courtland-Miles from Saturna Island, B.C. Canada
Sunday, June 25, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with Robert Kauffman from Atlanta, Georgia, USA
If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a Temple of Light service in months to come, please let us know @ templeoflightaum@gmail.com
Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @ templeoflightservices.blogspot.com