Temple of Light
April 2023 Monthly Service Notice
It is a great joy and a privilege to invite you to participate in the next Temple of Light service. Robert Merriman from Denver, Colorado will provide the focus for our Temple service on Sunday, April 30, 2023 @ 10 am Pacific Time
Uranda shares a visionary and electrifying line of thought for us to consider as we prepare for our time together, words spoken in a Class session on June 19, 1953:
“In our meditations we began to see more clearly the significance of the Word. We have come to know that the Word of the Lord is Shekinah. The experience of realization, or illumination, which causes you to know any aspect of truth, is in actual fact the working of the Shekinah in you. The Patterns of Shekinah are without end, numberless, ever-changing. ‘All things were made by Shekinah, and without Shekinah was not any thing made that was made.’ Realizing this, you can begin to see that there is a specific Shekinah Pattern of Being which comes to focus and function in relationship to everything that we do in the Pattern of the Divine Design, in the current of the Kingdom Control. We do not imagine that there is only one manifestation of Shekinah. The manifestations are numberless. And if we would truly serve our King, we must allow the Shekinah Pattern to take form in relationship to all that we do—everything, without any exception. You have been called out of the world pattern as it is, to share in the Divine outworking by which you might become a noble man or a noble woman in the service of our KNG. Perhaps it would help you to begin to see this more clearly if we did a little supposing within the range of reality. Just suppose every man, woman and child upon the face of the whole earth were centered in God, completely under the Kingdom Control of the Spirit, letting Life truly manifest—the Shekinah Light is the Life of men—there would be then, around the entire surface of the earth, wherever there is land at least, the manifestation of millions and millions of particularized focalizations of Shekinah. There would be a particularized Shekinah Pattern between any given individual and each of his true friends. Suppose some person had one hundred friends. There would be one hundred balls of Fire and glowing Lights and manifestations of Cloud in relationship to that one individual who centered the hundred friends; but they in turn would have other friends, and each might have anywhere from, what shall we say? one to a hundred, more or less, in some cases many more, manifestations of Shekinah, and it would cover the earth's surface, and everything that would be done, every word that would be spoken, every action, would be on the basis of the expression of Shekinah in actual fact. The earth would then be a Sun, glowing, shining, in its place in the Solar System and the Cosmos—a Sun, a manifestation of the only begotten Son of God. So we begin to realize that if all those who dwell on the face of the earth were as they ought to be, there would be many more manifestations of the Shekinah Pattern than there would be individuals on earth, many more, and all things would be the expression of Shekinah, and without Shekinah there would not be anything done. The Kingdom of heaven is at hand, the Kingdom of Shekinah is at hand. Let it appear to the Glory of our KING and to the blessing of the children of men.”
Welcome to each one who is drawn to participate in the Shekinah Pattern made evident when we gather for this Temple of Light service, to the Glory of God and the blessing of all. David Barnes and Anne Blaney
These are the Temple service dates selected for the next few months:
Sunday, May 28, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with Gary Courtland-Miles from Saturna Island, B.C. Canada
Sunday, June 25, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with Robert Kauffman from Atlanta, Georgia
Sunday, July 23, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with Anne Blaney from Salmon Arm, B.C. Canada
Sunday, August 20, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with Daniel Cartwright from Portland, Oregon
Sunday, September 17, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with David Barnes and others — Anniversary service
If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a Temple of Light service in months to come, please let us know at templeoflightaum@gmail.com
Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @ templeoflightservices.blogspot.com