The Accuser Cast Out Forever
Martin Exeter November 25, 1984 am
With these rousing words and music we may move with confidence into our service. It is morning here, evening with you in South Africa. According to usual human calculations we here are ten hours behind you in South Africa. However if we happened to move the date line to the east of us, instead of to the west of us, we would be fourteen hours ahead of you. All this is human game-playing, for the fact of the matter, as we well know, is that we are together now in this moment in what we have come to recognize by using the word “heaven.” This is an invisible place but we are all here present in it whether we can see each other or not. And so we share this present moment in heaven.
I might read some rather familiar words from the Book of Revelation which can be seen in a way that is immediately applicable. “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” If we see this particular passage in terms of what we know, namely the Emissary ministry, the spiritual body, EDL, then I am sure we are all quite aware that even though Michael and his angels were in the heaven, so also have been the dragon and his angels.
Here is the next verse: “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” Another name for the dragon, then, is the accuser; this describes very well his character. I am sure that we are all well aware that the accuser has been in this heaven of the Emissary ministry. We are coming down to very specific cases here, a field in which all of us obviously have responsibility. The accuser has not yet been cast out of heaven, but still remains because this attitude of accusation still remains in those who compose what we call the Emissary ministry, the spiritual body, EDL.
We are all presumably concerned that the dragon and his angels should not prevail. No longer prevailing, they may be cast out of heaven, out of the Emissary ministry, out of the spiritual body, out of EDL. All these terms, we recognize, refer to one thing, one thing with which we ourselves are associated and to which we ourselves have given form. This Emissary program would not exist but for us, so we are directly associated with it. If we align ourselves with the accuser then we condemn ourselves, and the accuser continues to prevail in heaven. We recognize that the accuser needs to be cast out of the heaven as it relates to the whole of mankind, but it must start somewhere. I doubt if it would ever happen on a broad front.
Accusation describes the ordinary human state. Everybody is identified to a considerable extent with the accuser, even in the Emissary program. We have heard about this; we have considered it many times. We understand that blame and criticism are not the attitudes rightly held by those who are associated in this program; but nevertheless the accuser has remained, at times rather big and fat. I do not think any of us expect the accuser to be cast down in a very general sense throughout the human population. Everybody is thoroughly embedded in this human state. However it can well be said that we know better; we understand the destructiveness of the attitude of accusation, the attitude of blame and criticism.
We might expand that a little bit to see what it is, about which we are inclined to assume the attitude of accusation, blame and criticism. One could well ask a question: Have you ever been hurt? I am thinking of this particularly as it relates to the Emissary ministry. Human beings everywhere very easily identify their hurts and presumably those who were responsible for hurting them, but what about us within the Emissary ministry? Have we been subjected to hurts because of EDL, because of those—other than ourselves of course—who were associated in giving form to EDL? Have we ever seemed to be abused, victimized, imposed upon? We can add to this list at will, I am sure. But are these things present in us as reasons for accusation, as reasons for criticism and blame, perhaps in a more or less general sense to EDL but also more specifically to this person and that person who has been with us associated with EDL in giving it form? This begins to bring something down to cases, so that the passage which I read to you may be seen as having immediate and very potent application.
Here we are together associated with EDL. We wouldn’t be sitting here if this wasn’t so, to some degree at least Here we have the heaven, a heaven which we are sharing in this particular configuration this morning. How about letting the accuser be cast out because we no longer give him space in ourselves as individuals? That is the only way it can be done. It may seem as though there are a number in agreement about some sort of accusation, but for a number to be in agreement about some sort of accusation the accusation must be being made by all the individuals who compose that grouping. So it is an individual matter; it is an individual choice as to whether finally the dragon, the devil, the accuser, may be cast out of our heaven, our very specific heaven, the EDL heaven.
I have heard EDL spoken of in disparaging terms. That, it seems to me, would smack of accusation. What is EDL? Us! It only exists because of us; it isn’t anybody else. And each individual can say, “It only exists for me because of me.” So here is a very particular requirement individually speaking, that we might take responsibility for letting the accuser be cast down forever, that there may be a heaven without the accuser. It isn’t much of a heaven as long as the accuser is present. It turns into hell periodically when the accuser asserts himself. We have all had this experience over the years, but finally we come to a point where heavenly dominion must be set in the earth. Heavenly dominion can never be set in the earth until the accuser is cast out. We just fool ourselves if we imagine that we can continue to entertain the accuser. We can always find things to accuse, and people to accuse, in what heretofore has passed for our heaven, a divided state.
Yes, Michael and his angels are present, and we do find ourselves identified at times with what is portrayed through those words, perhaps more particularly when we are gathered in a grouping such as we have today. In this moment we can see these things more or less clearly, but then there always is the tendency to revert, isn’t there, into the usual human state of accusation by which all the world is deceived. As long as there is accusation there is deception, there is dishonesty, because the human state was produced by human beings, ourselves included, and not by anyone else. Ultimately of course, in this attitude of accusation, the accusation comes to point with respect to God or with respect to the Lord: “He didn’t do what is right by human beings; He didn’t do what is right by me, particularly. He caused me to be hurt; He caused me to suffer; He caused me to be imposed upon; He caused me to be victimized.” You know, in theory at least, that that is not true. That is a lie. If we have our troubles as human beings we brought them on our own head.
We may see this, and have seen it, as most people have, with respect to the masses of human beings on earth. Human beings all together have brought their troubles on their head. Well that is something to be recognized, I suppose; it’s true; but what is to be done about it? Obviously someone, somewhere, somehow, needs to emerge out of the state of bringing trouble, into the state of blessing rather than cursing. And whether we realized it to start with or not, we have found ourselves in the position of assuming this responsibility. We have found ourselves together doing this; yes, that’s true. But it doesn’t mean anything until we find ourselves individually doing it, individually taking that very specific responsibility: no more accusation. When the accuser is given no more space in us individually, so that we cannot anymore identify with him, then he is cast out, in the only way that he could ever be cast out. And if he is cast out in me, and in those who assume the same responsibility that I do, then he begins to be cast out collectively. We are provided with this marvelous illustration of where it all begins, namely the Emissary ministry, the spiritual body, EDL. This is the heaven insofar as we are concerned. Do you have any other? Do you know where to go to find any other? This is what we know; let us assume responsibility for our knowing then, that the accuser may be cast out.
There are all kinds of troubles in the world, tribulations, suffering. We nod our heads sagely and say, “Yes, human beings bring these things upon themselves.” There are those of course who have it better than others, and I think we might be counted among that number. This has been particularly brought to the attention of the Western world by the suffering of millions of people in certain parts of Africa—not that suffering is limited to Africa, but at the moment this is out front. And there are certainly those who are in that sort of a hell, a hell particularly identified at the moment by the word famine.
Some people say that that is the fault of the weather. Is the weather, do you think, separate from human beings? Does it have a life all of its own regardless of human beings? Of course we know better than that. Obviously if, for instance, you deforest the world you are going to have a desert; and if you have a desert it is not going to grow much food. If you pollute the air and the water it is going to have an effect upon the weather, and deforesting has an effect upon the weather. Everything that human beings do has an effect upon the weather. And where does what human beings do spring from? Out of their own hearts and minds, out of what should be the heaven; and it does that because the accuser is in there. The accuser has some other names as well; I don’t think we need to go into that, but we might remember that he does have some other names. So weather is a human responsibility. Do you think the weather which occurs on earth is because of sun spots? This has been a good justification for the weather on the part of the more scientifically inclined, rather than face personal responsibility in the matter, that if there is a mess on earth weatherwise, or any other way, it is because of human beings.
We have found ourselves in that classification, but we have also awakened to something to which most people have not awakened as yet, and that is a realization of personal responsibility. Even though there may have been an awakening to this, at times it has not had all that much effect on the way we behave. But now this is coming to point. Our heaven—and we know what that is now, describable in Emissary terms—our heaven is in the process of being purged. Obviously there are two ways that this can happen. Either we remain identified with the accuser and find ourselves purged from the heaven, or we accept our identity as one of the angels of Michael so that any tendencies of accusation in us are purged from us and we remain in heaven.
Here is the starting point of heaven for the whole body of mankind. Here is the focus of it. Look where you will anywhere else on the face of the earth and you will not find a focus of heaven as clear-cut and definite and absolute as is to be found in our Emissary terms. There are others who are afraid of that clarity, that absoluteness, and so they are inclined to be purged and to go shopping around to find something that isn’t quite so definite, so that one can still continue to accommodate the accuser. But we see, I am sure, individually we see, that we cannot under any circumstances continue to accommodate the accuser. Do you justify yourself in accusation by saying, “Well that’s obviously wrong; that person isn’t doing what he or she should be doing!”?
I will tell you something about the past: Everything that has occurred up to this very moment has been absolutely perfect. It has brought us all to this present moment where we have the opportunity of letting the accuser be cast out. If any smallest element in our experience in the past had been omitted, whether we judged it to be good or bad, who can say as to whether we would be exactly here where we are now? There is nothing wrong, in that sense. Whoever behaved however they did behave, it all worked out to let this come to point now. Isn’t that perfect? How else could it have been done? Then what is the value of judgment, criticism, accusation, with respect to things that are happening now? The things that are happening now—oh, they are in the past already!
So we are present now, willing, if we have any integrity and intelligence—these seem to go together—to let the accuser be cast down and out forever. Each one must say: “I am the one who lets it happen. I do it. Whether anyone else does it is beside the point, but insofar as I am concerned, I do it. I have, therefore, integrity. I take responsibility.” So the heaven is purged, and those who find themselves remaining in the heaven have a clarifying awareness of the ordinances of heaven, which couldn’t be seen at all as long as the accuser was present. But once the accuser is cast down the ordinances of heaven become very clear. This doesn’t mean that one sees a panorama of the great outworking in the days to come; it merely indicates that in this present moment we see what it is that is necessary from the heavenly standpoint. We not only see it but we do it. If we can’t see, we can’t do it; and we won’t see as long as the accuser is clouding the issue. When the accuser is cast down we see, and where there is vision the people live. And seeing the ordinances of heaven, we are in immediate position to set the dominion thereof in the earth, that what is present and emerging now may be purely of heaven.
Once there is space in human consciousness, the consciousness of mankind, for the unadulterated state of heaven, then the end comes. It is because this has never happened within the body of mankind in a collective sense that the accuser has remained in command. Of course it was done quite a long time ago by one individual. We acknowledge and recognize that, and realize we wouldn’t be here but for that. However it has taken all these centuries for it finally to begin to come to point because there is a heavenly space on earth within which there is understanding, within which the truth becomes known.
The truth, by the way, presently not only relates to the truth of heaven but also to the truth of hell. And we begin to see clearly enough the rot and the filthiness that has been sustained by ourselves as individuals in this beautiful heaven that has been so freely offered and made available. We are thinking of this in terms of those who are associated with the Emissary heaven, that is our heaven for which we are responsible. Can you imagine how those who carry this responsibility could indulge themselves in accusation, condemnation and criticism of their fellows, doing it day and night?—because that is the human state. That is what happens in the human state. People are doing this all the time, are they not? Certainly it is made very plain in the newscasts on TV, for instance. Everybody lines up, one of a crowd: accuse, condemn, blame, criticize, tear down, destroy. And people wonder why there is war on earth! “Oh let’s have peace,” but change from being the accuser to being the blesser?—that is too much to ask. Is it? We know the way, the truth and the life. Let us reveal that we know it.
Yes, all the things, the miseries, the tribulation on earth, are consequent upon the way human beings have behaved—all of it. How is it ever going to be any different? Because there are those people on earth with sufficient integrity to let the accuser be cast out of the heaven which they know. Most people don’t know the heaven; they hope for something, sometime, somewhere; but we know the heaven now. Knowing the heaven, how could it be that we would sustain the presence of the accuser in that heaven? I would say it is almost incredible, isn’t it? We know these things. Let us let the accuser be cast down forever, that there may be the true heaven on earth. And when the true heaven is on earth through those who give it form, salvation has come. As it is put here: “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” That has been our state, hasn’t it? That is a very accurate description: accusation day and night. That is the quality of the human state. That is the way human beings are. That is the way we have been, but we now know better.
We are sufficiently taken care of, shall we say, in the external sense. We have enough to eat. We have, I am sure, a lot more comforts than we deserve, so that we may have time to do what is necessary. Where millions of people are in a state of famine, of hunger, of dying in that way, all their energy is simply given to surviving just a little longer. But we have space, we have time, we have opportunity. Because these famine pictures have been put on the TV screen a lot of people in the Western world are feeling very guilty about it; and they dish out a few dollars to send some food, as though that was going to solve anything. Maybe it’s all right to send some food, but suppose enough food was sent, and all those millions of people survived and continued to breed, what is going to happen next? Something worse.
But the, well I describe them as fat cats—that would include us—of the world have the time to do something, but they won’t do it! They want to do things for their own pleasure, and I have noticed this even in our own Emissary program. “We should have more; we are not being treated as well as some of those people in the world. The Lord is falling down on the job.” No, we are falling down on the job. We don’t need those things! All we need is to be in place, in heaven, with the accuser cast down. And we need to use the space that we have, and find more space, to do what should be done, so that we are not so preoccupied with our own self-centeredness, the things we think we want or deserve or should have, or whatever. We have everything, everything that is necessary to allow us to do what we are here to do. Let’s do it then. Let us accept integrity for ourselves, that we may abide in the heaven as an angel of Michael, as it was described. No more truck with the accuser; to hell with him! That’s where he is; that’s where he belongs.
So I rejoice that today, together, representing east and west, northern and southern hemispheres, we may let this word be spoken in our living clearly and definitely, so that the ordinances of heaven factually are set in the earth, this occurring within the consciousness of mankind because we are not separate from that. And if it happens where it rightly can happen, with us, it will happen throughout the body of mankind with absolute certainty. There is no certainty at all as long as there is a divided state, as long as the accuser hangs around. At least the only certainty then is death, final and complete.
So we stand where we belong, with our integrity intact, honest and true and loyal and capable, knowing the ordinances of heaven and, moment by moment in our living, setting the dominion thereof in the earth. I would provide opportunity at this moment for Rupert at Fourways to speak a word from that southern part of the human body. All right, Rupert.
Rupert Maskell — Martin, your words came over loud and strong to us assembled here at Fourways this evening—your Sunday morning. This is the conclusion of our all-Africa summit meeting that we have been holding here over the weekend. And not surprisingly the theme of your words this evening has been very much the theme of our council considerations. Here we are assembled on the base of this vast continent where, as you say, many millions of people are facing severe hardship. We recognize that this is just one small part of the suffering that is occurring in mankind. We also recognize that we have here, through our agreement in spirit with you and our oneness in spirit with the Lord, the means by which the suffering may come to an end, because we inexorably maintain the heaven. The accuser is cast out, a lens is focused in heaven, and all the suffering and the fear and the misery which is so rife everywhere in the world disintegrates, as the darkness before the rising of the light. It is so good to share this absoluteness with you, recognizing that we of this ministry, or we who dwell in heaven, are the ones who set the tone and lead the way back into the garden where we belong. Thank you for your beautiful words.
Lord Exeter — I am most thankful, Rupert, for your strong and assured words, representing, as they do, the spirit which is moving in the hearts and minds of those who compose the space for heaven which we have referred to as the Emissary ministry. As there is an absoluteness, which we now understand more clearly than heretofore perhaps, then this tragic human state may come to its conclusion because there are those present on earth setting the dominion of the ordinances of heaven in the world. These are those who have integrity. Let each one be able to speak honestly and say: I am that one who has integrity. So we share this time together, apparently far-distant in miles but very, very close in spirit, close in heaven. Let that heaven be pure because the accuser has gone.
072521 read by John Gray and Louise Broomberg
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