August 26, 2022

In The Motherland — The Mystery Of God Is Finished

Duk Hee Kang  and  Jae Hyoung Lee

August 21, 2022   Jeju Island, South Korea

Temple of Light service

David Barnes — My heart is beating fast. I felt the intensification building all day at the wonder of the creative process that brings us all together. It is so good to have you friends from Korea join us. It's been a very deep and peaceful day here, with a sense of profound mystery and stillness gathering throughout the afternoon. It's been a joyous day as all this began to gather together, and at the same time there has been a deep and solemn feeling in my heart, at the significance of this occasion that brings this segment of mankind, east and west, together to share in the generation of the rich substance and spirit of the Motherland. Another term for the Motherland spirit and substance is the spirit of New Earth. And a term that could be used for the Fatherland of mankind, the invisible planes of being, could be the New Heaven. So we have the substance and the spirit of the New Heaven and the New Earth being brought together today by reason of our presence.

There has been quite a profound series of services and classes take place in Korea over recent months, coming to a particular point of intensity in recent weeks; and some of us from North America have had the pleasure of joining you and feeling the rapid expansion and emergence of a new sense of identity that is occurring—the one I am coming forth through the individual and through the various groupings that gather there. About a week ago we shared in a very rich and fine service with Jae Hyoung speaking from Jeju; and the next morning in America, we had an equally fine service shared with us by John Gray, who many of you in Korea know, and Chris Jorgensen, a Master attunement server. Then last night here—Sunday morning in Korea—we shared a profound and deeply moving service led by Yujin, the spirit of which is, well, I find it amazing that he actually put it into words,  given the intensity and quality of the spirit that was moving in the substance gathered.

For our friends here in North America who don't know, when Jae Hyoung or Yujin or Marsha speak from Korea, they speak in Korean and then translate a short paragraph into English immediately, then move back to Korean, and then back to English in a continuous dance throughout the hour or more of speaking and translating. It's quite an art, and I've been reflecting on what a remarkable range of substance is generated because of that act of translating into the two languages, and unifying the body of people that gather, moving in the current of the spirit of the Lord of Love, whose name is I Am That I Am, and the Lord of Truth, whose name is I am. And we here come in the name of I am, in great joy to be in the presence of the spirit of I Am That I Am, the LORD of the Sacred Seven, the Lord of Love. So it's a great joy to welcome Jae Hyoung and Duk Hee to speak today; to welcome the dance with you; and I open for you now to carry us forward.

Jae Hyoung Lee — Thank you David, for your beautiful introduction of our Korean activities. I and Duk Hee are privileged to be invited to this Temple service where angels in agreement gather at the upper room in consciousness, to give worship to our KING, and bring forth blessings of our LORD through us to the world. Duk Hee will open our time with reading a poem by Uranda.

Duk Hee Kang read In the Motherland

The world was aglow

The world was aglow

With a Golden Light;

Gentle breezes blowing

Carried fragrance of mystic flowers,

And through the mellow Radiance

There moved the forms of gods.

All the earth was still

While through the stillness

Came the soft, sweet song of birds

Whose notes ne’er fell on mortal ears,

For in the Motherland

A Sacred Day had dawned.

The cycles of the earth

Were swinging toward the dawning

Of a New Sun Cycle 

Which men now call a year.

For Seven Days the Seven Rays

Within the Temple Flame

Were now to serve in Temple Rites

Ordained to bless the closing days

Of the old Sun Cycle, and usher in

The expanding vision of the New

Wherein the Flaming Symbol

Of the Temple of the Sacred Three

Should bring new Life and Blessings

To all who would respond

Within the Flame.

The hosts of Blessed Ones

Had gathered in the Gardens

Wherein the Temple of the Sacred Three

Shone forth as a priceless Gem.

From every land on earth

The Blessed Ones had come,

And in the hush of human sounds

The strains of sweet heaven’s Song

Came floating through the space

Around the earth for all to hear.

To the Mystic’s Single Eye

The gathered hosts were points of Light

Drawn to the point of burning

Within the Altar Flame,

And out from them the mellow Radiance

Shone forth enfolding all the earth.

In the Center of the Focal Flame,

With whiteness betokening the RI-U-OM,

The magnificence of the Sacred Temple

Became a Living Thing,

And the walls were changed to Crystal

So that all the people in the Gardens

Could see within the Temple’s Sacred Halls,

And lo, through the Vision of the Blessed Ones

Who graced the Gardens of the Temple

All people on the earth

Who had the vision of the Single Eye

Could watch the Sacred Service

Which now began within the Altar Flame.

The Seven Days for the Seven Rays

Were thus ordained to let man know

The secrets of the Ascending Flame,

And so it was that the First Day

Was dedicated to the Seventh Ray

While each succeeding Day

Should serve a lesser Ray

Until the Flaming Orb should

Move majestically through the Gateway

Of the New Sun Cycle.

The High Priestess of the Seventh Ray

Stood forth as Goddess of the Altar Flame

And knelt for all the earth

Before the Lord of the Sacred Three,

While the Symbol of His Majesty

Enfolded all the changing scene ­

And then the stillness became more still

Until the very stillness seemed as sound,

And all the gathered hosts shone forth

As Flames of Light before the coming


For there, within the Flaming Orb,

THE KING OF KINGS appeared in all the Majesty

Of the Seven Sacred Worlds which form the Holy World.


With Sacred Hand stretched forth in Blessing,

And from within the stillness

There came the sweetest strains of heaven’s

Most Sacred Songs, and every Being gathered there,

And everywhere, joined in the Song of Adoration

To the ONE Who was and is the ONE OF ALL.

Words which humans form

Cannot portray the Sacred Scene

Which then unfolded

For all who knew themselves

Within the Single Eye.

Let all the earth rejoice

And gather in the Gardens of the Temple

Within the Sacred Center of the Motherland,

For lo, the Temple Service begins again on earth ­

Our High Priestess of the Seventh Ray

Again comes forth on earth

Before the Lord of the Sacred Three,

And from within the Central Orb of the Flaming Fire


Comes forth in all His Majesty

And every Eye shall see Him as He is.

Let every knee now bow before Him,

Let every lip acknowledge Him,

And let His Love uplift each one into the ONE.


[Uranda December 23, 1936]

YouTube Video Speaker View

Jae Hyoung Lee — Thank you Duk Hee, very beautiful. Martin once opened a service with these words: “Come and worship the living God, that the peace of God may be in all the earth. All of you who are present here this morning have issued this invitation. It is your invitation to come and worship the living God.” March 6, 1983 I trust our time will be such a time of worship of the living God, so that the peace of God may be in all the earth. I have a deep longing to have such a time since my early days of the Emissaries. When I met Emissaries after wandering many years in Christianity and the others, I thought I finally came to the destination where I didn’t need to wander anymore. Soon after I started to go through the Opening Series, I found myself that I could not read any other materials or books that I enjoyed very much before. I could read only Emissary materials, and the Bible as an only exception. And I had a deep yearning to be together with those who could share the truth I started to know. We had a small gathering to share that in Seoul. But it was not enough for me.

When we are with those who have spiritual agreement with us, we experience freedom in expressing ourselves. We don’t need to guard ourselves, so to speak. We can be naked as we are. But it is not easy to meet with such people, not only in Korea, but also in the world. Most of the people are trying to judge everything and try to find whether it is good for them or not, to be with us. We have a longing to live in such a world where we can be free to be ourselves.

In the early days getting some information on the Emissary communities through the Emissary journals like the Eden Valley News and the Northern Light was like a bottle of water to my thirsty heart. Meeting with Emissary friends at the Asian Council which was annually held, several times in Korea, and meeting with Emissary teachers at the seminars which were held nearly once a year, were great gifts to me that time. Whenever I went out of Korea on a business trip, I tried to find Emissary friends living near the places I visited through Emissary Directories. So, I could meet with quite many overseas Emissary friends and share great times. I still remember most of the names of those whom I met in Rome, Padova, London, Stuttgart, Sydney, and Melbourne in the earlier days. Now I realize that this kind of yearning was related to the deep longing to return to the Motherland, our original state of Being. And it relates to giving a living service.

Then, what is the living service? Martin said in one of his services that, “All true service is based in the worship of God.” But how to worship God? Martin said again, “There is a passage in the Book of Revelation which refers to the so-called mystery of God, indicating that there should come a time when it would be finished.” But how? Martin gave the answer, “It requires the acceptance of responsibility on the part of people in the revelation of God on earth. That revelation comes through human beings, made in the image and likeness of God, or it doesn't come.” In another service Martin said “the reality described by the word God cannot be known until it is individually expressed. It is more than words; it is living, the expression of life characterized by love and truth.”

So, we are in the business here of revealing God by expressing God in our daily living. We know that it is our sacred responsibility and privilege. We reveal God in every circumstance we meet, every moment, every day, and every month, and all the time. It should be the reality of our life. But in the world now, as it is today, there are not many people who know this truth. That is the only reason for the tribulations that the world and the inhabitants of the world are experiencing. From long ago, people tried to find out an answer to get out of their tribulations. We know that one of the approaches was to worship a God who seemed to be the cause of everything. But nobody seemingly succeeded in this.

Martin said in a service, “It was impossible, at the beginning point, for anyone to experience the truth of knowing, because their expression in life was far from divine. So the only way that contact could be made was by reason of representation.” But we know as we have been involved and taught in a sacred heritage which Uranda initiated after he awoke to the truth of himself. He realized the truth which our Master Jesus taught 2,000 years ago. It is not theoretical nor theological at all. It is directly involved in every moment our daily living. But it is not really a matter of religion at all. It is a matter of life, or on the other hand, death.

So, Martin asked after he said the initial words which I quoted in the beginning, “Is this invitation that you have extended [this morning] genuine? Is it an invitation to come and worship the living God because this is what composes your living?” If our answer for the question is “Yes”, which means that every moment of our individual living is truly composed of revelation of the living God, then the mystery of God starts to be dissolved. That means we become a representation for others to follow. Then what comes next?

Martin said “Also contained in the Book of Revelation is a particular reference to a woman, a woman ‘clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.’ Through her was born a man-child who should rule the nations with a rod of iron. This man-child was caught up unto God and to His throne, so that it was impossible for the great red dragon standing by to devour the child. Here we have the portrayal of the dissolution of the mystery of God, the emergence of what might be called the government of God, the emergence into the consciousness of man of the reality of the government of God.” And he added “I suppose we could use this term, Emissary of Divine Light, or woman clothed with the sun, alternatively.” Here we can see our initial mission as Martin outlined. Our initial mission is this: “We let the reality of the government of God emerge into our consciousness as our individual living is truly composed of revelation of the living God.” I trust it is our unchanging mission and our destiny. When we walk through our destiny, we can see what we experienced in the past with a higher, new perspective.

Long ago in 1980, when Korea was under the military dictatorship, the President then was assassinated by his close crony. There was an attempt to continue a same kind of the military regime by a newly formed military group. It was a kind of another coup. There occurred a strong resistance to the unlawful military movement especially in Gwangju in the southern part of Korea, my hometown. We call it Gwangju Uprising or May 18 Gwangju Democratization Movement. Many people were shot dead. I was desperate and I wanted to leave Korea. I thought there was no hope remaining in Korea at that time. I wanted to emigrate to the USA. That time I was already 35 years old. But there was no other way for me to go to the United States except being a status of a student. To get that status I needed to study English very hard. But I failed to get admission from the universities in the USA. But I found there was a hidden reason why I needed to study English that hard later, after my meeting with the Emissaries. I realized that heaven was preparing for me to walk through my destiny. That was encountering the Emissaries.

When the Emissaries seemed to be weakened and even dissolved in the early 1990s, we also experienced a kind of separation in Seoul. A few key members departed blaming some aspects of the situation of the Emissaries at that time. Except that, we could continue to meet for a Sunday service every week without getting much influence from the outside events. It was really a blessing that we could continue to meet in Seoul during that turbulent time of the whole body. I am very thankful for those who were together without wavering. Occasionally Yujin traveled from America to help and he continued to support us in many ways. Eventually we started to create a community in Jeju and had a communal life for about 15 years including the Haeorum farm experience. Yujin and Marsha moved to Joyville at this time. When we decided to dissolve community in Jeju to move our educational activities to Seoul, some of our old members experienced deep sadness. Yujin and Marsha moved to Seoul, and I am very happy to see the wonderful developments of the Seoul ministry. Now I am glad to be here with you in this time to worship the living God, that the peace of God may be in all the earth. This is a short story of my experience.

I want to close my time with a prayer which Martin’s gave in a service long ago: “Our great Lord and King, in whom all the divine qualities rightly differentiated through us come to focus, we rejoice to acknowledge the truth of Thy government, willingly opening ourselves to the experience of it, that we may know what it is. Emerging out of involvement with the power structures of men, we live by Thy spirit on earth, in the fulfilment of the purpose for which we are here. The nature of that purpose unfolds to us and becomes known through us as we are indeed governed by Thy spirit, as we are indeed a part of Thy kingdom on earth, in the Christ. Aum-en.”

Pamela Gray — Jae Hyoung and Duk Hee, I would love to honor you and your decades of true service to the King. Despite any language barrier, despite any distance of continents, despite any ruffles that occurred in the organization, or in whatever, it is the constant, consistent love of the Lord, worshiping the Lord in spirit and in truth. And the words that you spoke Jae Hyoung are a living example of the Word made flesh, the truth in spirit and in your own words and expression. And Duk Hee, when you read the poem they were your words, and it was a fountain of liquid gold, the substance of Love. I honor what you do, and who you are, and will always be: the eternal expression of the Lord in action on earth. Thank you.

Duk Hee Kang — Thank you for your longing for the right direction, for our service in the Motherland. Your guidance let me be here now, with you and all of our angelic friends. Thank you so much for your life.

Deborah Starrs — Out of every nation, people, and tongue He has called his people for it is time, and I am so happy to connect with you there. It's a part of the world I haven't traveled, but I know kindred spirits when I hear them. It is such a wonderful experience to rejoice in the Word of the Lord, all together. I wouldn't have missed this event for anything! Bless you and I am so happy to know you.

Linda Bahan — Thank you for this most moving time together with you. Jae Hyoung, you quoted that the mystery of God should be finished on earth, and as you Duk Hee were reading that poem I was thinking, "Well, here we are!” In our song of praise and thanksgiving, the words that follow “the mystery of God is finished on earth” are “Come and behold Him.” And the two of you revealed that for all of us, but here we all are. It is we're our responsibility each one to make sure that the mystery of God is finished on earth, because each one takes the responsibility in every moment to express the reality of God on earth. Thank you.

Shirley Malin — I would also offer my deep thanksgiving for this opportunity to be with all of you. Whatever nation one may claim to come from it is the one nation of God, and it has been a beautiful experience to just be here together. There's so much more that we have experienced than just the words, because sometimes the words may be difficult to understand. But the spirit of them is what has come through so clearly today. I so marvel at what you folks are doing in Korea, bringing this as real live leadership for the rest of the body of man. We've been about it for a number of years on the North American continent, but you have taken up the leadership which takes us across the globe, with all the different kinds of lifestyles. I certainly could understand the difficulty of dealing with the oppressiveness of government that's there, wanting to take over the human state. Interestingly, with a couple that we met on the trail today there was this real heart connection and resonance with the spirit of what we're talking about here. We shared the spirit of oneness, of this love for something beyond the human state as we've known it, and a sense of responsibility in leading the way out of this chaotic place. They were very responsive when I spoke about having it to start here with me, and not to look around at everybody else and condemn what's going on, or blame somebody else. But to know that I am responsible, that I carry that power. The dominion of God is what is being called forth through each of us who have this longing. So it is beautiful to share this with you, to know angels, other friends in the Kingdom, right here in this place. And I thank you Yujin for bringing so much of this to focus for Korea, and others now carrying it forth; everybody has such a unique part to play. So this is indeed a joy and I appreciate you and honor you with all. Thank you.

Sunwha Choi — I want to take this chance to say hello to you all. The time difference usually makes it very difficult to join this meeting directly; but I have been with you all through the transcripts. But this is a very good chance for me to join in person. This kind of enfoldment is very important. We need to include all, so the Word moves, so we move around with the spirit. That's the feeling that I have. Many Koreans and others in Asian fields cannot join because of language barriers. But as Jae Hyoung and Duk Hee did, language is not the real problem. We can go through—the spirit goes beyond. How wonderful to be together in this way, and particularly at this time of the day! Somebody from the States recently visited Taiwan [Nancy Pelosi] and caused a big ruffle, particularly for the safety of Eastern world. But this invitation and connection from the North American continent creates another kind of ruffle, which makes peace, and creates calm and stillness on earth. So what's going on in the world these days and what we are doing is all included in the Creative Process. The mystery of God is finished. We are on earth. God in action on earth. Whether we speak up or we just speak in silence and in sillness, it all works together, and many more are joining us in stillness and in spirit. So this part of the world is not just a small entity, and a small representation. You know “small” is very precious, something good—it comes always in a small package. Some said this to me when I was in the States, because I'm very small in size. Anyway, it's quite a precious time for us all and for this part of the continent, with lots going on in this world at this moment. So the mystery of God is really finished—God in action on earth through us. Thank you.

John Gray — Pamela and I have been blessed to know Sunwha for more than 40 years. And Sunwha, introduced us to Jae Hyoung and Duk Hee more than 40 sun-cycles ago. I would echo what Pamela said about the steadfastness that has always been present through all these many years, joined later by Yujin and Marsha for the past 15 or more years. There has been a core, a nucleus of radiant strength present. Some of the effects of that are showing up in wonderful young people's leadership, and yet a lot has yet to appear in a visible sense. The impact and creative effect of the presence of those who come in the name of the Lord is immeasurable. We are on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, right now, from those in Korea, and yet what seems like a very large expanse has closed in this hour.

PenDell Pittman — singing, Peace, peace be unto you, Peace, peace be unto you.

Yujin Pak — Thank you PenDell. How beautiful. I want to encourage Norae and other Koreans, even if their English is a little short, to say something in this unique opportunity to be together, as a whole body.

Sieun Lee — Thank you Jae Hyoung and others. I felt a higher vibration from Jae Hyoung's service and Duk Hee's poem, and the responses from others. I thoroughly agree, we are one—and we are God's daughters. I have been part of the Emissary activities in Korea for fourteen years. Probably a lot more than you perceive, our numbers of activities and people are quite large in Korea. We learned the Word, as expressed through Uranda and Martin, through Yujin, Marsha and Jae Hyoung. Now we're not just disciples. Together with our focus points, we are standing in the center of the Motherland as well. In the place where we each are, we are being channels for the action of Heaven on earth; and as so, we are thankful to be able to vibrate together in this way.

Norae — Thank you for opening for us to join this service. It's very special time for me. I also have a beating heart fast now. Especially I'm very thankful for senior members here, including Yujin and Jae Hyoung and everyone. When I watch you, I can feel the wave of Love. How beautiful, how deep, how longstanding. I can feel your longing and at the same time I can feel my yearning. I am so thankful to watch your sparkling eyes and lovely-feeling smile even though we don't know each other. Yes, some of you know each other. Yes I understand, everyone knows Jae Hyoung for 40 years! But we are babies here. But through Yujin, through Jae Hyoung, through Duk Hee, we have grown so much. We are here, one of your number, not only as students. We stand up here as a member of Motherland. This means that we are One Family, even know each other. I'm very grateful to join here. I'm very, very, very happy to listen to Jae Hyoung and Duk Hee speaking here. He was very beautiful. I hope we meet again, again, again—beyond languages. Thank you everyone.

Michael — Hi! This is Michael. This is the first time to join this conference. First of all, I do appreciate what Jae Hyoung said, and Duk Hee's poem. Despite our language barrier I would like to express my gratitude to everyone. It was really a glory to be together, and you will notice that we are One Family. Let's show the glory of God in the world. Thank you.

Youngseo Choi — Hi! This is Yeong Seo. I'm very, very happy to see you all, and I feel gratitude for your being. Because of you guys, we can more deeply feel the presence of God. I don't know how well to express it in English—but oh, I have a deep feeling of thankfulness for all of you; and also for Jae Hyoung's sevvice. It was very touching, and his presence was very precious for Koreans. And Yujin and Marsha are also very, very precious for us. All these gifts are from God, and I can feel all of Heaven's love right now. Thank you very much.

Anne Blaney — The poem had some images that were very vivid. One of them was that those who were gathered for the Motherland ceremony, were those who carried the Spirit of the Single Eye. Another image was that the walls became crystal as the Temple formed, by people like us, who were part of that gathering, that ceremony. The walls do become clear. The flame that's inside shows through the crystal walls. I feel that happening with us today. We're shining through crystal walls. Any walls that we thought were there disappear, and there's union. The light shines because of people living in the Spirit of the Single Eye, then it is seen by the world. So I appreciate being part of a Living Temple with beautiful music—thank you PenDell—to have this ceremony across the Pacific, and allow the walls to be crystal clear and the flame to be very visible. Thank you.

Robert Merriman — singing, “In Christ there is no East or West, in Him no South or North, but one great fellowship of love, throughout the whole wide earth.”

Yujin Pak — Norae, could you for a moment do the Motherland chant that you created? Just for a few moments?

Norae — softly chants … Motherland … Motherland … Motherland … Motherland …

Yujin Pak — Thank you Norae. Such a beautiful current; and thank you Jae Hyoung and Duk Hee for this truly fine service; and your reading Duk Hee was truly beautiful. Maybe three or four weeks ago, a group of seventeen Korean servers gathered and we worked with this chant, and the Motherland poem, and in the conclusion of it we reached a vibrational point of union and centering in which we chanted a modified version of Norae’s chant. That modified version was, “I am motherland. I am Motherland. I am Motherland. I am Motherland.” And as we chanted this together, and each one chanted and each spoke the words alone, “I am Motherland”, it made clear that Motherland was not in the past, but is, because I am. And because I am is the source of Motherland. And this is the mystery of God finished on earth: that the source of Motherland is present on earth, because we are present in the place revealing God in expression on earth. And to be about this now, and not about the past, not about what was—the Motherland of the Emissaries that was—but rather the Motherland and the Emissaries and the God that is. As we are in this way, there's so much more to come forth, and I and we are just the beginning. It is so wonderful to be in this place of being Source now, for the creation that Heaven is seeking to pour through now, in a time when more than ever before, everything is ready. It is so wonderful to be the mystery of God, the mystery of the Creator, finished on earth together.

David Barnes — I think this service today can mark the opening of our recognition of the anniversary of Uranda’s awakening—through what we've been able to share over months and years, what we've been able to share today, of the spirit and the substance and the identity of the Motherland. So between now and the next three weeks, with what you share in Korea, and what we share here, I think we can go forward with a remembrance of those words that Jae Hyoung spoke, of the woman clothed with the Sun. Martin said another name for the woman clothed with the Sun could be Emissaries of Divine Light. There are probably other names as well, Archangelic Body for instance. But when we think of the woman clothed with the Sun, we think of the Mother and the Motherland; and when we think of the Sun, we think of the Father and the Fatherland. And there's been a great yearning in the Father for the return of the Mother and the Motherland. through human beings. I feel the presence of the LORD of the Sacred Seven, and the Lord of the Sacred Three with us here. In the same way that Anne spoke about the transparent crystal walls and the light from within, that lets us see who and what is really there, and unites us instead of separates us; in the same way our experience here is wide open to THEM, to observe what's happening through men and women on earth. Not just with us, but others as well, as a representation of the return of the woman who is rightly to be clothed with the Sun, find union with the Sun—Father God and Mother God present again—the yearning for the Mother with the Father, and the Father with the Mother; the yearning in heaven for the return of the earth, and the yearning in the earth for the return of the heaven, and the union. So as both men and women, it's absolutely delightful to find ourselves a part of the body of the woman clothed with the Sun, with a heart open to the Sun, to one another, and to the source of life that I am, here on earth; that you are. Sharing this is so beautiful. And as I say, a door, a portal is opened for us to let an increase come over the next several weeks, and beyond that again, as we gain a greater understanding of what we are called to do together as the woman closed with the radiance of the Sun. Thank you Jae Hyoung. Thank you Duk Hee. Lovely to hear from everybody in Korea, and for us from here to speak with you. I trust this promises more such occasions in the Temple in the days to come.

Yujin Pak— Can I just say a word before we finish? I feel it is important enough to mention—and that is that regarding the Motherland and the Emissaries, the negative aspect of the Motherland sank but the positive aspect of the Motherland never sank. The positive aspect of the Motherland, the heaven aspect, was the greater aspect, and it never sank—it has always been present, it is present now, and that is who we are. The negative aspect of the Emissaries of Divine Light, in a way, sank. The positive aspect, the heaven aspect of the Emissaries of the Divine Light never sank. It has always been present, is present, and is more alive and present now because we are. So, I think a shifting of our perspective about the Motherland and about the Emissaries  of Divine Light is quite important—that the negative aspects did go through the shattering, but the positive has always been, and is, and is vibrantly present now, to be given form, and to bring forth the negative aspect now. And today I felt the union of what has been happening in the east here, and with all of you in the other parts of the world, together with a special opportunity to bring forth the reality of our greater being. And I feel the inception and beginning of something new also. Thank you Jae Hyoung Duk Hee, and also you David and others for bringing this union.

Jae Hyoung Lee — Thank you Yujin, for reminding us that the positive aspects of the Motherland and the Emissaries did not sink. It is a very important understanding of the reality, of what we are and who we are—that which cannot sink, because we are living in the image and likeness of God. I think Duk Hee might have something to add at this time.

Duk Hee Kang — Hmm yes, I would like to say about the several reasons why I began to read the poem “In the motherland” by Uranda. When I heard the poem first, the Motherland word itself stirred my deep memory within my subconscious realm. The vibration of Motherland let me remember the Garden of Eden, Home—“A field” out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, I’ll meet you there, by Rumi; and even the mythology of Creator Goddess, Seolmun-Dae, Grand Mother of Jeju Island. And I could understand the poem relatively well because I have read Uranda’s early booklets: Talks Beside The Sundial, Volumes 1 and 2; and The Triune Ray; and Seven Steps To The Temple of Light; all of which were written from 1936 to 1937, the same as the poem. I found in the poem the essential words as from the above booklets. For example, in Talks Beside The Sundial, he invited us to the Sacred Secret Place, which might be Motherland for me. And in terms of “The Lord of the Sacred Three” in the poem, I was very familiar with the phrase from Talks Beside The Sun Dial Volume One. Here are some words: “Each night we have slept within the Flaming Triangle of Father’s Radiance, which is the Christ Light, Love and Life.” Actually, the phrase has been my lullaby through which I have often slept very well to enter into the Sacred Secret Garden with Uranda since last year. And another familiarity with Uranda came from his Sunrise Service, January 28, 1951 in which he mentioned about the Korean War, when I was just a one year and seven months old baby, and my mother was with me and my five year old sister, and we went from home down frozen roads for finding our shelter and warmth. I couldn’t remember it, but I have felt my mother’s bosom’s warmth, safety and peace in the middle of Korean War on behalf of God. Uranda’s service, and his life itself on earth, let me know who he is! In context of the World Great Depression, he had miserable experiences searching for shelter, for warmth, and because of hunger! When I read his service “Feed my Sheep” in which he described vividly what it is to be cold, and to have no place to go for shelter and warmth, I wept and thought his miserable experiences seemed like the crucifixion of Jesus,  and the resurrection of both of them. Let us regenerate the Motherland.

Jae Hyoung LeeThank you Duk Hee. As David said we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the initiation of the ministry by Uranda. I am very glad that we can pave a way to that great anniversary together, remembering our mission again at this time. John Gray concluded in his recent service like this, “All together we compose a conscious focus of identity for humanity, prepared and able to serve the whole planet, and beyond.” I'm very glad to share this time together. And I turn it over to Steve.

Steve Ventola — Kamsahamnida. It's wonderful to be together. What we shared the currents that are those positive currents you Jim, you're talking about of the motherland and I I think we have a sense in each one of us. That those currents are moving right now between us and the recreative currents are actually happening. I can feel them in the pacific ocean that we share on both sides of. So let's let's keep this current moving for the creative nature for restoration to occur. Our next temple of light service will be on September eighteenth, and Robert Merriman and Arno Van Haght will be leading us during that time for anniversary service, and i'm sure the folks You books. In Korean will be sharing that time concretely with us, and we look forward to it as we continue in these currents that we're sharing.

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