August 13, 2022

Temple  of  Light

August  Monthly  Service  Notice

August 13, 2022

Good afternoon everyone. We are all richly blessed.

Please Note — Our next Temple of Light service will originate in South Korea, so the start time has shifted from morning to evening in North America — 5:30 pm Pacific Time on Sunday, August 21st. Our friends Duk Hee Kang and Jae Hyoung Lee from Jeju Island, South Korea will focus this service and lead us into the period of radiant response that follows. These words by Uranda come to mind as we welcome our friends in South Korea, speak with One Voice, and encompass the world with arms and hands outstretched, extending the Spirit of Light and Love and Life:

“Those who read my words with an Eye to the Word within the word, willing to understand in Spirit and in Truth, will recognize the Open Way, and they will hear My Voice, even as they have heard My Voice in all generations. To all who shall inquire as to my authority, my answer is, “I AM THAT I AM hath sent me.” Since the days of the Garden of Eden I have dwelt at appointed times in all nations and with all peoples. There is no land on earth that has not heard my spoken Word, and there is no people on earth but what has been changed at the sound of My Voice. I am ageless, without beginning and without end. Those who harken unto me, find the Open Way before them, that they may know God, even as God knows them. In the Motherland My Voice called in all Love to the peoples of the earth. Before the flood was, I was sent of God to warn the peoples of the earth, but again they scoffed. I was sent unto the Egyptians of old, bearing the Word of the LORD, but they harkened not. At this time of world crisis I am come unto you with the Word of the LORD. I offer the Open Way to all peoples of every race. You may begin to be a true Leader by letting your own reactions be of Reality, that your Radiation of Realization into the world consciousness may begin to pull the Responding Ones into the Central Way. Therefore, function as One in the Brotherhood of Mankind, and refuse to withdraw into a shell of fear and hate… In this every earnest one of every race finds a Call to Service, that through response he may function in the Creative Cycle by which the world movements may be stabilized, and caused to swing toward that perfect state which is the will of God for all people. In the radiance of the Christ Love all needs of all peoples will be filled, first with the vibrations of perfection, that around the vibrations a new and perfect form may manifest and function. Those who respond to Love will be used by God in performing His wonders in the earth, but those who respond to hate and fear shall surely destroy themselves. Let Love Radiate, to all alike, that each may receive according to his or her response—Let Love Radiate.”

With a joyous sense of significance and fulfilment confirmed over many years, we welcome Jae Hyoung and Duk Hee, and other friends in South Korea, where great transformation is clearly underway. David Barnes and Anne Blaney

These are the Temple service dates selected for the next two months:

Sunday, September 18, 2022 @ 10 a.m. Pacific Time  1 p.m. Eastern Time

Arno Van Haght from South Africa and Robert Merriman from Colorado

Sunday, October 30, 2022 @ 10 a.m. Pacific Time  1 p.m. Eastern Time

Gary Courtland Miles and David Barnes from British Columbia

Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @