World Of Love or World Of Woe
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Gary Courtland-Miles Saturna Island, B.C.
Anne Blaney Salmon Arm, B.C.
February 16, 2025 Temple of Light Service
Gary Courtland-Miles — Welcome to this hour of service dear friends. It’s a delight to see your faces and to know your hearts; to know that we’re One in our service to the Most High. My heart is full this morning and I pray that what is brought radiantly to focus today will be a blessing to all of mankind, and to the One we know as Our LORD and KING. I’d like to begin with some powerful choral music by St. Olaf's Choir. May its sweet heavenly harmonies set a fitting tone for our hour together today.
Even When He Is Silent —
All Praise be to the LORD and KING of the Universe. Let’s begin with a moment of devotion. Heavenly Father and Mother, we come before you in this moment in all humility as we gather for this service of praise and thanksgiving. We come openheartedly to thank you for the gift of life, and for the opportunity to serve you, and serve mankind, and the whole earth, in these precious moments together. You fill our hearts with your love, our minds with your wisdom, and the Temple of Light with your peace. May we be guided by your presence as we live out of our attunement with your all-encompassing spirit, with boldness and courage. We would become windows of heaven through which Your Light may come into this troubled world; that Your wisdom and guidance be released in and through us, in and through this composite body of the Temple of Light, in blessing to all of mankind. In the Christ. Aum-en.
My heart is full. It’s been a rollercoaster of startling, world-shaking events over the past weeks, with particularly dark developments over the past weekend. But before I continue, I would like to make mention of the origin of the wondrous music we just shared. This exquisite and harmonic choral piece was performed by the St. Olaf Choir. It was commissioned by the festival St. Olaf Festival in Trondheim, Norway. It is entitled “Even When He Is Silent”, and was composed by Kim André Arnesen, and recorded in concert at Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, Norway. As I understand it, the text used in this piece was found shortly after the dark days of World War Two, scratched into the wall of an underground chamber used by several Jewish families who had been in hiding from the Nazis. I do not know what became of them, but the text gives evidence of their steadfast faith in the One God of Love, Truth, and Life. It was translated as follows: “I believe in the sun, even when it's not shining. I believe in love, even when I feel it not. I believe in God, even when He is silent.”
We find ourselves in potentially dark days once again, and the attitude of those who were determined to live through the horror of their day is to my mind instructive and inspiring. Indeed, once again, there are human beings now who have been marginalized, and are being hunted today as well. Human beings who ultimately are only seeking refuge from suffering and injustice in their homeland, and wish only for peace, freedom, and a relatively better life for themselves and their families.
“I believe in the sun, even when it's not shining. I believe in love, even when I feel it not. I believe in God, even when He is silent.” To believe, in the deepest sense, means to have an unshakable faith in the reality of “something”. To have an unshakable confidence in that reality. To somehow know it to the bone, to one's core; not as but a hopeful fantasy. “I believe in the sun, even when it's not shining.”
The character of the Most High God is an eternally radiating reality. And as it's been said, “The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness comprehends it not.” In fact light travels through unimaginable light years of distance, through darkest space, and yet is unseen until consciousness discerns it. It’s unseen until it is reflected. Then it appears—we see it. Thus it is always and forever shining, even when it seems not to be. Likewise, the Light of Truth and Love that we love, only becomes visible when we reflect it. And as emissaries of divine light we delight to do this. And we know, and we know that we know, that it shines even through darkest night. Our sun is indeed radiating constantly, transforming various elements via nuclear processes into the light that gives warmth and life to the world, and all who dwell herein.
Thankfully we are here together today, and have been blessed by reason of both our responsive movement upwards toward a deeper knowing, a deeper knowing of ourselves and life itself; and because we were richly blessed along the way by those who had the spiritual integrity, authority and vision to lift us up and encourage us along the path, by those who quietly and steadily encouraged us to be our authentic angelic selves—to give that expression. Of course, along the Way we found ourselves gaining a deeper and more rounded understanding of Divine principles and values, and we began to naturally apply them in our living. In turn we found that we were in a position to bless others who likewise were seeking a deeper awareness of spiritual realities. Indeed, we have much to be thankful for.
So here we are in the Temple of Light this morning, individually and collectively providing a blessing to all mankind, and indeed to the whole earth, simply by being an open window of heaven into the whole earth. We find that our spiritual collective is a vehicle through which the creative and nurturing radiance of the Most High can connect up with and transform everything in and on this planet, even if it seems to be in the midst of darkest night. And such radiant enfoldment is certainly needed now at this point.
Several weeks ago David sent a quote of Martin's, along with the invitation to this service, and it has been key in my considerations this week. I'd like to read the first two sentences from it, and we'll come back to it later as our service develops: “World events are the magnified surface evidences of the spirit of God in action. Those who share the Voice of the Lord, speaking in His Name, are the spirit of God in action.” These two sentences tell us the why of what is transpiring now in the world pattern.
Yujin told us recently, that we shouldn’t be surprised with the norm-shattering changes, such as those he felt in South Korea; and indeed here in America and beyond. I too, have been keenly aware of what’s unfolding, here and internationally; and I am sure that to varying degrees we all have. In fact, to the degree that we as individuals, and as a group, have been in attunement with the character of God Almighty, we are a vehicle for His Voice, and thus we have played our part, and are playing our part, in bringing these recent events to the surface! By identifying with the force that is acting upon the world pattern we are allowing this spirit of transformation to intensify. As Martin stated, “World events are the magnified surface evidences of the spirit of God in action.” Let us continue to meditate upon these words in the days to come.
I think we can all agree that mankind has been slow to learn the hard-won lessons of history. After the most recent 10,000 years of civilization there are yet wars, and rumours of wars. There have been famines, plagues, geological upheavals, and diseases of various kinds. And even relatively golden ages have almost inevitably been followed by barbarous ones. Clearly though, there has been the slow dawning of a widespread acceptance of the need for certain mutually beneficial laws and principles that have mitigated even worse conditions. For example we have Hammurabi’s Code, the Ten Commandments, various cautionary tales, myths and legends from the world around; we have numerous religious writings from all faiths. And more recently there was The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the various Geneva Conventions, the United Nations, the NATO accords, and various Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaties, the GATT, the Paris Climate accords, and many other treaties and laws that seek to keep individuals safe both from themselves and others. But particularly I must point this morning to the spiritual regeneration program inaugurated by Uranda and Martin, and carried forward by ourselves and others. Now we are once again at a tipping point climate-wise, as well as the ever-present lusting after riches, power and hegemony by individuals, corporations and countries. One would think we are almost incapable of learning. However, we know that there has always been a stable eternal power present whose loving-kindness towards mankind seems to have kept us keeping on. Many profess to love and serve this One, but of course there have been countless religious wars as well. And still at the personal and national level there still remains “hatred of the other”, and a callous unconcern for orphans, and the poor.
Self-centredness yet prevails 20,000 after the Fall. And the fact that someone only 80 years ago had to hide in war-torn Europe from extermination squads is both damning and heart-breaking. Yet if one looks at the remains of the Gaza Strip today one can plainly and painfully see that we haven't come a good deal further. Yet even so whoever had the light within them to etch that message into that basement wall obviously hadn't given up their belief and hope in an Eternal God. They knew that whatever happened, no matter how dark it seemed, no one could destroy that knowing, that reality. So, yes, we are a light in the darkness of present times.
In fact, the International Democratic rules-and-values-based order has been upended this week by a small cadre of self-described geniuses and their minions. I make no judgement. That is simply a fact. Kim Jong Un mocked, Putin gloated, and a room full of world leaders at the Munich Summit pointedly sat on their hands and didn't applaud either the speech by the US Defence Secretary nor that of the US Vice President. One commentator, taking the long view, remarked that all the developments of late constituted, “a dream come true for autocrats, communists, fascists and oligarchs world-wide. Yes, we indeed live and serve in challenging times. But the sun is shining. There is overwhelming evidence of beauty and love in individuals and families everywhere. Nature overwhelms us with its beauty, with its design. We need to just take the time to look and appreciate, to give thanks for the eternal reality.
Yeah, you could say it’s been quite a week. I am sure we are all aware of a number of these machinations, and the mostly illegal and illiberal overreach being used to carry them out. These things are happening round about, and have an awful and heart-breaking effect on individuals.
But again, as Emissaries, we rightly view things from above the fray, doing our very best not to become emotionally reactive to what occurs on earth. Of course that doesn't mean that we won't feel some of these things deeply. Yet when we do, we know how to look up. Our centering is in the maintained heaven, in what we've called the Vibrational Ark, and we’re concerned with only one thing, Walking With God, being so wholly absorbed into His vast majesty and wholeness [] and the reality of His love, of His divine design; and we delight to be an active radiant part of His coming. Our approach to such an upheaval, is being in position mentally, vibrationally, to let His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, to let it come in, to let it shine round about. And as Martin underlined, at this juncture, it can only be done as there is a collective spiritual body of men and women in angelic identity connected up with this awesome power, for it is in this coupling that the divine design is extended into the earth moment by moment. In other words, we either act with the divine design or get out of the way. Any other response is to shirk our heavenly and our earthly responsibilities.
Yes, I take great solace in Martin's words, which I mentioned at the outset of our service, and as always they were and are both prophetic and instructive. And by the way, let me just underline for a moment that the focalizations that Martin and Uranda hold in the divine design for this planet are present with us in this very moment. We are not alone. They are present here with us in Spirit. They have blessed us immensely as we have woken up to our divine responsibilities, and they continue on with us; they are cheering us on, so to speak. As we well know, with that blessing comes a special responsibility. I thank God for both of them in this moment. Let us make them proud. I’d like to read a few paragraphs from the words that David sent, that Martin spoke:
“World events are the magnified surface evidences of the spirit of God in action. Those who share the Voice of the Lord, speaking in His Name, are the spirit of God in action. As there are such who have assumed spiritual responsibility, the controlled fulfilment of the creative purposes of God in this world must come to pass. There was One who lived on earth many centuries ago who accepted this supreme spiritual responsibility of leadership on earth—Jesus. He opened a door for the restoration of man at some future time. He also made sure that human nature would receive the fulness of the results of its own action and it would be dissolved. We live in the day of its dissolution.
“Surface events in the world proclaim this movement—the dissolution of human nature is at hand; how closely at hand remains to be seen. No man knoweth the day or the hour, not even the angels of heaven. That fulfilment comes as there are those who speak the Word of the Lord on earth, who share this Voice. Even the Master Himself could not bring that fulfilment as one person. My concern has always been to find those who would share my Voice, who would speak with me, that the spirit of God might be adequately in action in the body and consciousness of mankind on earth. It is provided in this One Composite Body; and each member of that Body must know for him- or herself.
“The spiritual leadership of a single individual has long ago been rejected by the children of men; so that opportunity will not be repeated. The only way left is by reason of this Composite Body, the True Vine of which the Master spoke. The fruit of that True Vine is the spiritual action which brings forth what is to be brought forth throughout the body and the consciousness of mankind. It is happening now. Spiritual leadership and authority is present on earth. Do you think that there are those here present who are capable of acknowledging that authority, saying, I am the Voice.”
As for this Wayfarer, I stand and answer, “I Am.” As our Master said, “By their fruits you shall know them.” And I repeat, “The fruit of that True Vine is the spiritual action which brings forth what is to be brought forth throughout the body and the consciousness of mankind. It is happening now. The spiritual leadership and authority is present on earth.”
Anne Blaney — Thank you Gary. I'd like to move into another mode of articulation by calling on our imaginations, to see that we are occupying a Temple. We can look around and perhaps touch the strong arches and see the high ceiling—whatever images we might have. Here we are, angels present together in this Temple. In this place I'd like to speak in that Voice that you referred to Gary, on behalf of us all, by reading various statements expressed by Uranda, by Martin and by myself. I'd like these statements to ring out, through the windows into the heavens, and deep into the earth, as we listen to the large thinking of these men and one woman.
There is one Spirit. We could identify that by using the word love. It is present because of the one primary substance. The primary substance which is love is not substance as substance is known by the human mind, but all substance is love. The spirit and substance of Love is differentiated and modified so that it might be said that there are seven primary spirits and seven primary modifications of substance. There is in fact only one substance and one Spirit even though that substance may be modified in various ways and that Spirit may be differentiated in various ways, but it all emerges out of the one unified Heaven and Earth, spirit and substance. The reality of Love has remained almost entirely beyond the Veil. Love is an outgoing power, a positive radiant creating power. Meditate on this fact: that at Center where all we know originates, there is love.
Creation is dynamic! This ongoing process of creation is called the Creative Process. There is constant creation. Before substance is, there is what is called latent substance. This is beyond the activation of Love as yet, therefore it is nothing, because there is nothing outside of Love.
In that power of creation, of Love, is the power of differentiation. The essential factor of differentiation by reason of the power of Love, is what is called Truth. Truth, the spirit and substance of Truth, is simply a differentiation of the spirit of Love and a modification of the substance of Love.
Man has been gifted with the ability to create. Humans can and have created forms including forms called vibrations, thoughts and emotions, by stealing love substance—from substance that originated out of Love. But these forms are not of Love they are of the unreal. You can say they are nothing; they are counterfeits; they are not true differentiations of Love. In that nothingness of unreality, human minds discover imaginary things to be known.
Here is something that is important in these days: it's about our hearts. The human heart has the ability to perceive these unreal but factual vibrations, thoughts, emotions. They are consciously and subconsciously felt due the ability of the heart.
The human heart feels through our bodies, through our minds and is felt by our spirit. What is often overlooked is that these creations that we are feeling are not activated by the power of Love and will eventually pass away. As eternal angels we are able to acknowledge this temporary state.
So what is the wisdom of the heart? Simply don't blend or resonate with or give life force to the unreal. Receive content for your heart from the Lord. Become, be, the one I am, made in the image and likeness of the Creator. Express the positive power of Love in our earthly capacities. When Love is expressed by man, true man, in alignment with the Creative Process, this activates latent substance into new and unexpected forms. When we do so we are consciously engaging with the power of the Creative Process, which is constantly underway, which makes all things new. The creative process is in the awareness of man once more. When Love activates, in alignment with the Creative Process, true design and control are made manifest. This activates untrue differentiations, outs the counterfeits. What is true will eventually expose what is untrue.
It's useful to realize that what was hidden and untrue is very old news; these things have been tried and tried and tried since the Fall you might say. They are visible now but they are passing away. Untrue forms are programmed to die. True forms always grow. Isn't this liberating?
Here's what Martin said in 1987: “Do you think anything is going to be preserved in the realm of form as we know it now? If you are stuck in the realm of form you are stuck in something that is not going to be preserved. There is no safe place in the realm of form. This has been true all along actually, but in the past at least it seemed as though one could dig a hole in the ground and hide oneself for a while. But we are discovering that the fact is that there is no safe place in the realm of form and that puts everybody on the spot, because if you imagine that the only safety is in the realm of form, you're sunk. The safe place is in the ark and the Ark is a vibrational Ark. When we are familiar in our living with this Vibrational Ark, there we are, there we are, even though we may still be at the moment in form.”
Here are some questions:
Is all this more obvious because we are now more aware? Yes.
Is it because the unreality is more visible? Yes.
Can we address this external purification as touching, connected to, mirroring what is purifying internally? Yes.
Can we or will we be content to allow the Creative Process to continue its work?
Are we willing to play our conscious part as spiritual leaders, as activators of the power of the spirit of Love?
Will we allow the substance of Love to transmute what can be transmuted and allow what is unreal to pass away?
Are we willing to be part of the controlled expression of the spirit of God on earth?
Are we recognizing other angels as generating the reality of the Vibrational Ark?
So these thoughts, these words, this reality is going forth right now because of each one of you who has the conscious awareness of these matters, of these realities. Because we are aware of the Creative Process, that is proof of the fact that the creative process is working. If we weren't aware of it we wouldn't be participating in it, and that's what we're here to do. That's why we've come in these days. We were called. So here we are to be that voice that Gary was speaking of, each of us, and to let our Collective voice be sounded and go forth, and not be troubled by what is happening on the surface, by what is erupting there. We know the true reality, which is the power of the Spirit of Love and Substance of Love: that is the true reality. That's where we live; that's what we are seeing; that's what we are aware of. This awareness is the priceless presence on earth.
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