July 29, 2024

The  Restoration  of  Cosmic  Consciousness


Attunement  with  Life

Gary Courtland-Miles  Saturna Island, B.C.

July 21, 2024   Temple of Light Service

Steve Ventola — Welcome everyone to our Temple of Light service—a wonderful time to share together to glorify our KING. Today we have someone who listens very well to the Music of the Spheres, and I look forward to the time that Gary Courtland-Miles will be sharing with us. So Gary, over to you.

Gary Courtland-Miles — Good morning dear hearts. It's my deep pleasure to be in the midst of this constellation of stars, of angels. In these moments of togetherness and shared purpose we sense the reality of our Cosmic LORD's love for each of us, and of course for the wider creation. Let us share a few moments of devotion:

O LORD of All, as we gather this morning, we’re privileged to find ourselves in the Temple of Light, to give thanks with all our hearts for this cosmos and the precious gift of life. We love you beyond all else and we would serve you and your cosmic purposes intelligently, as we play our parts in serving our fellow human beings and this whole holy world. In your presence O LORD of All, we are overwhelmed with your loving kindness and of your provision towards us, and all that lives and dwells upon this beautiful planet. We cast the crowns of our particular responsibilities and areas of service before you; we cast them upon the glassy sea of living pneumaplasm that extends outward from Thy Being and embraces all of Creation, and we delight to play our part in the stewardship of this planet, to care for, nurture and sustain all that rightly comes under our care so naturally and so easily, because we love you, and your Holy Spirit. We ask nothing but to serve your purposes. We know in our heart of hearts that you continue to enfold us in your love and bless us in our living. In the Christ. Aumen

I'm so very thankful to have been offered the opportunity to share service today with all of you blessed angels. Thank you for being present, for providing the substance of love through which I will speak today. I speak to all responding ones everywhere. Our point of meeting, our point of contact in this eternal moment is the irresistible nature of Being. These chords of love connect all human beings. And though the thoughts and meditations of my heart have been many over this past week, they come to rest in this question: How may we finish the work of glorifying the Most High and letting Heaven come on earth, so that all human beings who long for peace, understanding and true fulfillment might be restored to the Divine State?

What an awesomely creative responsibility this is—one we undertake joyfully. So we're engaged; we're no longer amongst those who are searching for themselves, for a sense of purpose. The mystery of God is finished in us. What remains is only the joy of giving expression to the Character and Spirit of the One we call our KING. We do it in each and every situation we meet, in the adventures of our daily living. This is an aspect of the unified radiation, of the Truth of Love, the expression of true character, of integrity and loving kindness. Simple.

Those who respond to this transforming radiation discover that as they open mind and heart to the Truth of Love, they find an attunement with Life's true character. In this there is an increasing sense of real connection, understanding, fulfillment. And lo and behold, a little bit more of Heaven comes into their environments, and thus into this world. But it happens in large part because there's a stable vibrant point of Spiritual Orientation, because of us those in concert with our Creator; a point that constantly and consistently lets the radiation of the Truth of Love flow through into the mass consciousness. It is for this reason that we've each incarnated on earth, angels in human form who are saying by our doing, “Let the radiation increase!” Let the transformation come, and the restoration of humankind to its Divine State.

YouTube  Video  Cosmic Cycles

composed by Gary Courtland-Miles, with Soprano, Nadia Silvaggi

What a Cosmos we live in! A Cosmos fine-tuned in over 200 undeniable ways. Fine-tuned so that if any of them were off by just a miniscule amount, it would have precluded the formation of the stars, galaxies and planets, let alone Life. The exquisite precision and working of cells, neurons, membranes, DNA, RNA, organs, and the millions of other wonders in the human body is beyond remarkable. And insofar as the Universe is concerned, it is composed of, quarks, protons, neutrons, electrons, bosons—and a veritable zoo of other elementary particles, elements, chemicals, forces, plasmas, and fields ; not to mention black holes, white holes, nebulae, and suns so vast it would take light years to travel around their circumferences. And to top it all off there is consciousness—that which connects all these things together in space-time. O yes indeed, what a Creator! What a creation! And here we are smack dab in the middle of it, composed of stardust, and intimately bound up with the whole.

What a privilege to be alive in the midst of all of this—and furthermore, what a privilege to know that being made in the image and likeness of our Creator, we have a vital role to play in letting His purposes expand and flourish on this little planet we call earth. To be entrusted with the task of the restoration of the consciousness of humankind to their Divine Estate, so that the fullness of life might be known, and for it to continue to expand, is almost beyond belief! Yet here we are, ready and able to do just that, by providing a still, unwavering collective point of spiritual orientation through which those Divine purposes may flow freely into the world, by the window of Heaven called “consciousness”—yes consciousness. It connects with all; it communicates with everything, and it does so at the speed of light! Thank God for consciousness, the ability to understand, communicate, to ponder the wonders and beauties of creation. And what a magnificent creation it is!

Now, we know that we are much more than the dust of creation. In fact this stardust is animated by the Ruach, the Holy Spirit, that which was said to have moved upon the face of the waters in the beginning—and it did. As I see it, that Holy Spirit lives and works through consciousness, touching every other realm of the created world. It shines in and through the darkness, blessing and transforming everything, everywhere, in the same moment. This Cosmic Consciousness shines through this magnificently vast universe conveying the character, purpose, and intelligence of the Divine Source. The Creator.

However, in all this vast splendor and perfection, there is a fly in the ointment: self-centered human beings! Yes, they are on the scene eking out a few years of existence, busily trying to get all they can out of life and finding it convenient to completely ignore the Creator. That means ignoring the purpose for which they were and are created. If only they knew that MAN was and is created to be a steward on earth, meant to care for and tend the Garden. And sadly, failing to accept that responsibility, the Garden has been denied the full harmony with universal purposes, and has therefore been blighted, cut off from the integrated wholistic design for this planet.

We know that Divine men and women were created to be the connecting link between what we've called the Heaven and the Earth. We also know that as long as human beings are out of alignment with Life and its purposes, all the kingdoms of this world will suffer and be denied a closer union with the Divine Design. The restoration of human consciousness will and must occur.

That is why we are here. As Uranda put it once, those who have awakened to their Divine Nature have incarnated on earth to assist in a “work of restoration,” of the restoration of mankind to its Divine Estate. You and I know that it begins by finding consistent attunement with the Source of our Being, and then in concert with other awakened ones, providing the fine substance, so that the Truth of Love, can be resurrected again in the consciousness of mankind. Our role is akin to being the one who turns on the light in a dark room where those in it are stumbling around with no awareness of where they are; thus, restoring their vision. Restoring vision to the temporarily blind. The one who thus illuminates the room by turning on the light switch did not create the light, but did make it known. After all, Uranda did name our ministry Emissaries of Divine Light.

So this is what we are about: illuminating the world and all in it who are vibrationally open to embrace the truth of themselves. Of course we do this by Being, not by preaching. It's kind of a ‘secret service’ really, not something that we shout from the rooftops, although it's powerful. It's a vibrational ministry, consistently keeping one's consciousness clear and open upwards and thus allowing the always radiant Truth of Love to shine through us in our thoughts, words and deeds. It starts individually, but much to our delight dear friends, we find that those who serve God and humankind are drawn together into a cohesive whole, a body of unified radiation, that can handle more of that clarity and thus allow even more light to be released into this world! The ‘collective’ allows for the stepping up of the power of the Truth of Love on earth. It's a beautiful thing.

All of this is occurring with very little awareness from the standpoint of the mass of humanity. Yet this living mechanism is able to uplift, bless, and convey the Truth of Love into the collective subconsciousness and mass consciousness of mankind, and in fact into all the kingdoms of nature. This process works, and the rest of the process proceeds almost automatically. It's the many individuals who are searching for their truth and their real identity who respond to that increasing vibrational impetus, who open up and embrace the Truth of Love, ultimately realizing that it is their true nature. So, the process of restoration occurs—it proceeds, and as it happens, those who respond will find their mentors just as we did. As the saying goes, “When the student is ready the master appears.”

Thankfully there's a much wiser and more powerful force at work to aid us in this than the human mind. What is it?  “Life it is!  Powerful and strong it is.” Yes, life itself, even as Krishna informed Arjuna. Life unimpaired by the self-centered and foolish choices of fallen man. Life is intimately connected with the Divine Design and its purposes. It is present in every human being alive to one degree or another. So each one has a built-in intimate connection with the Divine purposes, and when anyone wakes up and begins to pay attention to Life and its character, and thus starts jettisoning all the things in their consciousness that obscure that light, they're on their way. And as they continue to awaken, they become a part of this larger body of radiant ones.

We wish to encourage this coming forth, and the best way to enable and intensify this happening is by being a functioning part of what we've called the One Christ Body, a radiant collective of awakened ones—a body of angels who are in vibrational agreement with Life, with the Divine Source! Angels who know exactly why they are on earth. This body naturally radiates the transforming currents of Love, the frequencies of Truth, and a hugely increased release of Life into the body of mankind. In so doing, there is an ever-expanding Chain Reaction in the consciousness of humankind as the light is turned on and its intensity is increased. Yes, we are about letting this Divine Radiation expand through this collective until it touches every man woman and child on the face of the earth, till it touches everyone who opens mind and heart to its vibration, becoming one with this radiant purpose. It's simply by letting the light shine through us, shine through our unique capacities of mind and heart in momentary living, that the world is transformed and a brighter day dawns for all. The irresistible magnetism of Love draws all responding ones who are touched by this radiation. It causes them to either attune with it or to find themselves fighting more strenuously against it—and that's just fine.

This finishing of the work of transformation and restoration has been underway for some 20,000 years. Why? Because self-centered man is the most stubborn, ornery animal ever known! But thankfully there have been those along the way who have opened the doors in minds and hearts and let the light in. Sages like Lao Tzu, Zoroaster, certain Greek and Roman philosophers, particularly the Hebrew prophets of old, Buddha, more recently our Master Jesus Christ of course, and even more recently Uranda, Martin Cecil, and others who worked with them whom we know and love today.

The point is that by standing tall in their integrity and attunement with the Truth of Love, a great deal of light has been released into human consciousness, and many tens of thousands of key people throughout the world have been and are being blessed, free to live a life more in attunement with the Divine Source. But it's never really quite reached the tipping point where masses of human beings found their attunement with the Creator, and where everything fundamentally and undeniably changed. But then, perhaps that isn't the point at all. I certainly don’t pretend to know what the Divine State will look like in its fullness. But a more loving, healthy, cooperative, and egalitarian world where war is no longer practiced and where everyone is fed might be a start! Let's find out, step by step.

One of those sages I mentioned, named Lao Tzu, once said… “By doing nothing everything is done.” Consider that for a moment. “By doing nothing, everything is done.” In fact, he was saying that self-centered doing will only result in destructive results, that nothing in harmony with the Way of Heaven will come of it. Better to let the Heaven proceed in its own wisdom, and not presume to interfere. Uranda also spoke a good deal about “letting.” So did our Master. Who could forget, “Let not your heart be troubled,” or “Let Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven”, or “Let your light so shine.” Letting is a much different kind of doing, but it is a choice, and it has an effect. Letting … is harmonizing with the Cosmic Purposes.

YouTube Video

As the Master said, “Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, your Kingdom come, your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” This is real and consequential letting, when we let it be done. Notice that He ended the prayer with “For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever and ever.”

Yes, the natural flow-through that allows Heaven to come into the Earth of our environment and into the wider world is called letting—and as I've been saying, Life already knows what it’s about. There is no need for self-centered human manipulation of things. That’s interfering and what's more, we're simply not qualified to try and run the universe. So let us eschew interference and let Life reveal something wholly New, acknowledging that the Christ Spirit dwells within these forms, giving them life and agency. We know that individually and collectively our capacities of body, mind, heart, and spiritual expression are the living conduits on Earth through which the Spirit, Character and Purposes of the Creator are made manifest in this world.

So, we are delighted to find ourselves engaged with this unified radiation that blesses all of mankind and all the kingdoms of nature. Further, we uplift and bless humankind by being in concert with all other awakened ones, and those who are consciously and unconsciously attuned to the Temple of Light, Sunrise Ranch, the Tone of Life and many more radiant groupings. For together we provide an unwavering point of Spiritual Orientation, vibrationally; an unwavering point of love, encouragement, and inspiration for all who respond. We're delighted to be about this work of spiritual expression, of letting the Light of the One Who Dwells, the God Being who created these forms in order to express and shine through them individually and collectively. Yes, here we are present in the current of that Love, of that Truth, and that Life. We know the exquisite pleasure of serving Divine Purpose here on earth. What could be more thrilling than a life of Service, a life of playing our unique part in letting the restoration of Divine Man be known now; not somewhere else or in some future time, but now in this eternal moment.

So let us continue to be about it dear friends, for this is what we came for; this is what allows the Power and the Glory of Love, Truth and Life to be made manifest, and to be made manifest more fully—to flourish on earth. This is the work we've volunteered to come to this planet and do, and it fills us all with a tremendous sense of joy and purpose. Glory be to the God of All and all who collaborate with Him.

Steve Ventola — I delight in your pure-hearted expression, your sense of joy and your articulation for all of us as one, of our central purpose. I just love it.

Robert Kauffman — Gary you put us all on the spot there, with any lack of humility that we, and I, still might have. He said, “We're simply not qualified to run the universe.” Oh who knew? Seriously you know, as an architect that comes up every day—that if I start making decisions I'm really on thin ice; and yet when I simply start asking questions and allow people to provide their input, and start letting my mind just wander around different materials and their properties, and different conditions and their situations—but is it any wonder that an answer simply reveals itself. It is no wonder anymore; the answers come easily, in whatever field we may be in, as long as we relax and simply let the light that drives us shine forth in every way, unfettered. Thank you.

Deborah Starrs — An interesting quote came across my email this morning Gary, that fits with your reference to sages. This one is from Rumi. He said, “A thousand half loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home.” A thousand half loves: What does human nature love? We've been through this process and we know what it takes, and in my mind and heart there is compassion for those who are stepping forth, who are coming to realize this reality, that letting go of those thousand half loves is what makes possible the whole heart, the whole expression of true love on earth. Beautifully done. Thank you.

Carol Travis — What a wonderful thing that there is something trustworthy on earth; and that there is agreement that allows the presence of that trustworthiness to carry power and stability and hope into the world. I was having a conversation with a friend last night. She considers herself an atheist. But I find that her living is from the true place of being. And she said to me, “You know, sometimes I start to lose hope, and I find that talking to you helps.” And I said, “You can depend on me if you ever feel like you're losing hope. I'm here and I'm on duty. So come, and we will commune together.” Thank you so much Gary.

Gary Courtland-Miles — That's the attitude! To be available to Serve. That's the attitude we embody. And it has been wonderful to share this time of intensified radiation with all of you. I love you all so very very much—you are stars in my heaven, radiant ones. Bless you all, and in turn we provide that sure blessing for many in our worlds, and thousands and thousands and thousands more that are on the wavelength of the irresistible cords of love; and we just let them be drawn, through us, and upwards to the Source of All. That Source knows what's what, and has Purposes; and we find out what they are as we radiate that Character—and it's always exciting.  In these days I'm particularly thrilled to see a conscious coming together of the different streams of this Mighty River again. We love those who compose it. Love is the binding force—consciousness, yes, but consciousness is here to carry Love. “By their love you shall know them”, the Master said when describing His disciples, ”that they have love one to the other.” It's a shining, radiant, vibrational message to the entire world, to all the kingdoms of this world. So I thank you, thank you for allowing me to be with you in this way on this day. Bless you all.

Marsha Bogolin — So Gary, your words to me were like that span of the Cosmos, the various stars, constellations, that we saw flowing above in the video; that's the kind of embrace that I felt through your words; and like also that beautiful soprano who was singing through it all. And it just all holds this planet, all the time. The way that that video unfolded, we saw different earth scenes at different points, but what was unfolding in the heavens, for the most part, is not seen by human eyes. Such a beautiful symbol of what actually is moving and, in a way, what we are doing. So thank you for your singing the song of the music of the spheres today; and the love you expressed is certainly, I feel, returned fully to you and to our world. Thank you.

Gary Courtland-Miles — Thank you, and on back to our Source, to the Source of All. Its been a beautiful cycle. Thank you all.

Robert Merriman — Closing Devotion: As the incense of open loving hearts ascends unto Thee, our precious LORD and KING, we give thanks, unending thanks, in deepest joy for Thy Holy Purpose to fulfill, in this space that has been opened so beautifully by Gary. We would move easily with Thee in the hours and days to come, remembering this place, this task. O LORD, you can call on us anytime. We say that to Thee, and we say that to our field, for our response is Thine, in Thee we dwell, and Thou in us. Aumen

Our next Temple of Light service is on August 18, with Anne Blaney speaking and opening the way.

Gary Courtland-Miles — AnomonRA@protonmail.com

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