January 11, 2025

Temple  of  Light

January 19, 2025  Service Notice

Our monthly Temple of Light service occurs on Sunday, January 19th @ 10 a.m. Pacific Time, 1 p.m. Eastern Time with Yujin Pak speaking from Loveland, Colorado. These words from Martin Exeter, excerpted from a Executive Council session in 1987, are worthy of our shared consideration now:

It is vital that one should be aware of what is happening vibrationally. This is a vibrational ministry. Our concern is to abide in the Vibrational Ark. How capable are we of receiving intensification of spirit? Some have described that as fire falling from heaven. It is this that is of supreme importance. When we sense an intensification let’s pay attention to it so that we don’t get side-tracked by something else. We talk about apocalypse. Apocalypse means the passing of all that would be referred to as civilization. How it dissolves is unimportant. That it dissolves is important. It is very important that this should have dissolved in us, so that we are capable of receiving the fire falling from heaven. Now we come to apocalypse—the passing of the first heaven and the first earth, the passing of everything of human invention. This boggles the mind, but it doesn’t boggle the spirit. There is an actual passing going on now, but it is a long way from being complete. The passing comes because there is this focus of the fire present in human form on earth. We are responsible, and whenever there is an intensification in a vibrational sense, that is what is to be welcomed. What that intensification is going to do specifically in any given moment remains to be seen. Sometimes an intensification is interpreted as fear. Almost anything that human beings touch in feeling can be interpreted one way or another. It can be revealing of the emergence of the creative process, the intensity of the fire, and cause for the greatest thanksgiving. Interpreted as fear, there is the inclination to run for cover. The instruction is to stand still. “Be still, and know that I am present.” It is that presence that permits the fulfillment of the purpose for which we are present on earth. I am the intensity. The intensity may be allowed to build. ‘Be still, and know that I am present. I come in the name of the King. The King’s name is I AM. I am present. In that presence, the power of the spirit of the King, the power of love, pours forth under control and within the design of truth. It is under control because what is experienced is known for what it is and is not misinterpreted. Be still, and know that I am the King and I am present. Such a statement does not cause any of us to assume, as an individual, the position of the King, but it does allow the King to be present because I am present. There begins to be a sense of reverence and respect, love and humility, because we are in this moment in the presence of the King. All people are in the presence of the King, but the fact has been hidden. There is the mystery of God—but here it’s finished.

In great thanksgiving for that fact that we are here now in service, faithful and true to our King and to our commission, and acknowledging that great sorrows are enveloping the world, we come together in reverence and joy, love and humility, allowing the Christ Spirit to be released as a healing balm and a halo of benediction over everything and everyone, everywhere. david barnes and anne blaney

These are the Temple service dates confirmed for the next few months:

Sunday, February 16, 2025 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  yet to be discovered … in the unfolding Story

Sunday, March 30, 2025 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  yet to be discovered … in the unfolding Story

Sunday, April 27, 2025 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  yet to be discovered … in the unfolding Story

If you would like to lead the way, to focus and speak in a Temple of Light service in months to come, please let us know @ templeoflightaum@gmail.com

Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @ templeoflightservices.blogspot.com