November 30, 2024
November 16, 2024
Temple of Light
November 24, 2024 Service Notice
Our regular monthly Temple of Light service is on Sunday, November 24th at 10 a.m. Pacific Time, 1 p.m. Eastern Time with Stewart Berger speaking from Norwalk, California
Here is a line of thought, from Martin Cecil, well worth our consideration now:
“The voice of the Lord comes walking in the Garden in the cool of the day, to find expression on earth because of each one of us. There is no manifest Body of the Son of God on earth except as there are individuals who take the responsibility of revealing the truth of themselves before the people. Through this ministry, all this that has taken place has been consequent upon what was initiated by Jesus. It is a remarkable thing that He would accept the responsibility to come out of hiding, to expose Himself as He did, to suffer consequently as He did, but to carry all the way through so that the door might be opened. And the door has been open ever since. There was a time when Uranda stood alone in the initiation of this ministry, which requires that the individual come out of hiding and present the truth of himself. Eventually I was forced into the position of coming out of hiding. When Uranda left this sphere of things the responsibility fell upon me, and I was under the necessity of presenting myself to those who composed this ministry at that time. Such an event set off a few shock waves here and there, as it will with anyone. There is perhaps a certain fear of actually coming out of hiding. Our business is to come out of hiding. You could not offer spiritual expression in living and still remain hidden. There is an inclination to try not to be too much different. Spiritual expression is something startlingly different. If there isn't this clear-cut evidence the individual is still hiding. It is that clear-cut evidence of spiritual expression that gets the job done for which we are here on earth, and we'll only dare to come out from hiding when we have begun to develop the required expertise. We will not develop the required expertise without practice, without doing something about it, without letting something happen. Let it be so. It requires something of you. Come out of hiding. Out of hiding the Son of God has been called.”
With thankfulness for opportunities to come out of hiding and reveal the truth of ourselves. david barnes and anne blaney
These are the Temple service dates confirmed for the next few months:
Sunday, December 22, 2024 @ 10 a.m. PT 1 p.m. ET with
David Barnes, Anne Blaney, from Salmon Arm, B.C. with others
Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @
November 02, 2024
A Door Is Opened
David Barnes and Anne Blaney
Salmon Arm, B.C. Canada
October 27, 2024 Temple of Light Service
David — Good morning everyone. It is so good to be together, all of us this morning. I feel a crackling in the atmosphere, a sense of anticipation, and perhaps a wonderment of sorts. I'm going to begin by playing a short slideshow that we put together, but I want to first read these words from Ezekiel 43. Anne and I were talking this morning and there's something about the writings in Ezekiel, in a couple of places, that seems pertinent to our sharing this morning—and over the last several weeks actually, and leading forward into the future. So this is what Ezekiel had to say:
Afterward he brought me to the gate,
even the gate that looketh toward the east:
And, behold,
the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east:
and his voice was like a noise of many waters:
and the earth shined with his glory.
And it was according to the appearance of the vision...
And the glory of the Lord came into the house
by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.
So the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court;
and, behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house.
This is the law of the house;
Upon the top of the mountain
the whole limit thereof round about shall be most holy.
Behold, this is the law of the house.
YouTube Video
David — I'm always deeply moved after looking at some of these images, and hearing the music. I find the power of the spirit evoked is deeply stirring.
About two years ago Anne and I began to pay close attention to what is developing at Sunrise Ranch through Emissaries of Divine Light and under David Karchere’s leadership, with his substantial core team there. Anne began reading service material and watching carefully, and she came to me and said, “I think you need to pay attention to this; it's getting clearer and richer, and it certainly correlates with what we're doing, and with what we observe and experience is happening through many other colleagues and friends. Something new is happening.”
I kind of ignored it for a while and it got to a point where I couldn't anymore. Anne said, “I think you should take another look.” So I did. I'm talking about the spirit of the Word in expression through people in a particular location that we're all familiar with. I opened up a correspondence with David Karchere about a year-and-a-half ago, based on our mutual love for the Word, love and familiarity with the record left to us by Martin and Uranda. I wasn't trying to connect with an old friend. I hadn't seen David since 2003—21 years ago now. A regular pattern of communion in the current developed. It wasn't based on an interest in visiting Sunrise Ranch and socializing, or hanging out and looking at it from afar, but of welcoming a reconnection with an angel friend.
About a year ago David invited me to speak in a Sunrise service. I couldn't do it at the time. I said, if you ever come to BC, to Edenvale for example, let me know we'll come down and visit with you. So David was at Edenvale for some meetings, and he invited us to come for a couple of days. Again it didn't fit; it was midwinter. And then last June, David said he would be in Kelowna, about 90 miles from where we live, and he invited us to come down and have dinner with him and Keahi. So we met in Kelowna for three hours of walking, and sharing a meal. Not a lot of words were shared, but we sat close together, looked each other in the eye, and let everything be made new.
Then, about two to three months ago we got a letter from David inviting us to attend the Server’s Council at Sunrise Ranch. The theme, the focus of orientation for the Council was “Sharing Attunement With The World”. So we went on the same vibration as was written about in Ezekiel, “He brought me into the inner court.” Not the outer court but the Inner Court and the Holy Place. We went on that basis. The communion and the communications allowed that to happen.
We really wanted to see a lot of old friends in the Loveand, Fort Collins, Denver areas, but when we got to the Ranch we found that it was total immersion in a pretty high vibrational current, focused and ready to do some substantial spiritual work together, and all thoughts of visiting had to be put aside, in order to fully engage with the opportunity that was present in that Council.
Being on that most wonderful land we call Sunrise Ranch for the first time in 21 years was deeply moving. However, I don't think it would have been as significant if we hadn't been there because we were invited to participate in the Council. That allowed the voltage to increase. The enlivening current moving through mind and heart, and the central nervous system, brought a vivid sense of alertness and keenness to see and hear and listen anew. I'll let Anne pick it up from here.
Anne — I want to begin by saying that describing our visit to those gathered today, is not an insignificant matter. I feel very much the potency that is available in the substance of everyone here. I deeply honour who you are and what we have and are doing together. This time will require some spiritual perception and sensitivity in order for us to share at a level that we all love. Some new factors, plus some old factors made new, will be offered, and I hope we can do so from that level that we all love.
I woke up this morning and I thought about Ezekiel as well; a song about his words, “Them bones, Them Bones, Them Dry Bones!” When we lived at Sunrise, Grace Van Duzen used that story in a service, so it's interesting that that tune and story popped into my mind this morning, as a way to describe what happened for me. I think you know the passage but I'll give you a little reminder: Ezekiel 37 — The Valley of Dry Bones
“The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones,
“And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.
“And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.
“Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
“Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:
“And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
“So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.
“And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them.
“Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.
“So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.”
When we returned to Sunrise recently, I had the odd experience of seeing something that was both new and old. Looking at the design that's present there now, I felt I was now seeing the original design of the place, the spiritual bones of the original design. When I lived there from 2000-03, although the original design was there, I didn't see it as clearly then, not like I was seeing it now. My understanding is that there's been a process that has gone on at Sunrise that is akin to what I just read from Ezekiel. The flesh and the sinew have been laid on the bones in a clean fashion, you might say, as might happen at a time following a fast. It seemed that the original design was now more graphically revealed, now showing its true structure, just as a face shows the original structure when new flesh appears on the bones. I may speak in metaphors in order to describe what was for me very much a spiritual experience. But I will also describe the physical aspects, mainly to indicate the spirit that is behind the earthly things. To begin I want to give you a feel for what it was to enter into this particular geographical place on Earth.
The immediate experience of walking into Sunrise was that it is a place that has been pared down. There is a resulting stillness running through it that is perceptible, but it’s not an empty stillness. I felt I was entering into a Timeless Space. I now realize that when I arrived at the Gate, I was in effect dropping, forgetting, any memories or concepts, or even my life here in Salmon Arm. They were simply gone. I needed to be present in that space. That space was requiring that I enter in a totally innocent, open way. When I entered into that timelessness, I understood as time went on, why I was feeling being immediately present. Time was irrelevant. There simply was a new heaven to move into.
I'll continue with my description of some of the physical features of Sunrise Ranch. The Pavilion for instance, is very well-kept; the living room and the dining room; they've done renovations; it's clean, orderly, well cared for, very tasteful in the overall impression. The downstairs portion, called the Green Room, where the Council Sessions were held, has also been renovated. They've installed light coloured laminate, upstairs and downstairs and it's cheerful and bright. They've extended the Green Room out into the outdoors so that there's now a hardscape terrace surrounding the perimeter, part of the changes necessary for code reasons. But responding to code has liberated a whole new space outside of the Green Room, and the idea is to use it as a dining area. A lot of trees along the road were removed so that from the terrace there's now a view of the whole valley which includes the Reservoir; it's very beautiful. Contained in the view from the Green Room is the one feature on Sunrise that was built not for a specific use but for the pure enjoyment of beauty: the Calla Lily Fountain was also improved and tidied up, and of course it is a visible reminder of the vision of Martin, who conceived and designed it.
The Attunement Sanctuary is still a special place that probably many of you remember. It's well-kept, it's dignified, and it's filled with light that comes through those stained glass windows. You can tell it's used. The lights seem to be always on in there; I don't know if somebody comes and turns them on or if they are on all night, but it provides a welcoming space for meditation—still intact, filled with the substance of the past and present. The Little Chapel on the hill is a very full expression of what that facility was meant to be. Again, it's true to what it was meant to be. It's used in a very specific way; not used in any casual manner, but regularly, and as a place for chant over a consistent period of time, and you can feel that substance when you're in that small chamber of carefully laid rimstone rock.
The older buildings are a little rundown; they are a little scruffy; everyone's aware of it; and they're on the list. But it was a matter of first things first and addressing priorities.
I didn't mention the Dome when I was touching on the Little Chapel. The Dome is not being used at the moment. There are some further code requirements that need to be fulfilled, and this will be done. The requirements are not as drastic as maybe rumor has had it. It was a significant landmark for David and me, in that we kept circling around it on our walks. I really felt that the Dome is starting to bulk-up in substance, and I mentioned this to David Karchere. I said “I think the Dome is going to get used very soon!” and he just nodded. So we'll see if my prediction comes to pass! But the design of the Dome is such a symbol of what we were speaking of in the Council Sessions, regarding spiritual patterning, and the geodesic pattern was referred to a couple of times.
I want to describe the people I met at Sunrise. Roughly categorized, and this is not exactly the right way to say it, but, there are the older folks and there are the younger folks. Some of the “younger folks” are in their 40s and 50s and some of them have lived there for several years. Many of them were welcomed by people who are here on this Zoom call; some of you welcomed these people to Sunrise. They are present, fully given to the work, and working hard. The tone is lively, animated, humored, but there's dignity, purpose. There's an element of seriousness in how these people walk through their lives, and through the property, that impressed me. In short, what I can say is that they belong there. They honor what's there; they are very cognizant of the fact that much went before they arrived. They frequently refer to that, refer in thankfulness for those who came before. This was a comment we heard a lot.
The Council sessions held in the Green Room were facilitated by the inner core which included the Trustees. I'm going to use their first names only: Oren, Howard and David are the three men, and the four women are Jane, Keahi, Marilyn and Anne Lise. The Trustee team works very closely together, very unified, and moving with and sharing the leadership that's provided. The next expansion beyond the Trustees are those who, with the Trustees, facilitated most of the Council sessions. Notably a woman named Sece Foster, who runs the Attunement Programs. Sece is a trained minister from another church format, and she brought that experience into Sunrise. She is able to create a sacred atmosphere, and that is a real gift. As with others, her gifts have been offered into the mechanism that is operating, the functioning body that's operating at Sunrise. And noteworthy is a man named Gary Goodhue, whom many of you may know. Gary is a very talented speaker who was trained in metaphysics. He can speak extemporaneously with high power. And I'm not mentioned everyone. For example, a woman named Bexx—well, she is a young priestess. Those are some of the younger folks. The older ones of the community provide the ballast. They are present, given to the work occurring now, able to easily move with it. They speak with their own authority—Bob Ewing, Diana de Winton, John flood; they're all very much present and part of the whole configuration.
The sessions themselves were run flawlessly. Any little glitches that happened were quickly dealt with; someone would pop up and fix it pronto! They're all technologically savvy. The pacing of the sessions was full and brisk; they really kept it moving, moving, moving with a lot of variety. Presentations with PowerPoints were used frequently, so we had the visual as well as the spoken word input, and it really worked. I found the “small groups” format very interesting because in that Council setting, the small groups facilitated the speaking of the Word, and that vibrationally fed into the next session. The group discussions were small and very deliberately set up; for instance, in a series of sessions, using an audio excerpt of Uranda, followed up with a key quote shared by one of the facilitators, Maria Zayas, who understands the material and how it can how it can be a catalyst for discussion. There was always a focus provided in each group session on any topic or theme, making the format very effective.
All in all, I saw a living organism, at the core of EDL Sunrise, which is pumping the bloodstream of the Word from the heart, from the timeless fountain, into associated organs and organized facets of the one organism. The “communication feedback loops” are ingeniously designed, in that what happens in the periphery feeds back into the core, to the center for the ongoing expression of the Word. From what I saw, the leadership was always positing a further, greater vision, always a little more, the next implication in the process of articulation, to which people are open, and ready to move in the next pulsation.
Now you're going to hear from a few people who were speaking in the Sunday Attunement Service near the end of the Council. We did have final session on Monday. You'll get a feel for the range of expressions at the core. There's no cookie cutter expression happening; people have their unique ways of presenting, yet they all speak in One Tone. Quite lovely. The story about the day of Pentecost came to mind—somebody used that analogy during Council—where there were different languages spoken, different ways people expressed their own personal spiritual reality, but though experience was expressed in different ways, the hearer understood it in their own language. Everybody heard, and what they heard made sense to them; there was a unified understanding. A fascinating telepathy was happening in the room. There was that shared spiritual space where people were plugged in; there was no resistance.
David — It is important to share a some video clips of our friends speaking in the Sunday service. They are us, we are them. I in Thou and Thou in me. We are doing the one great work that we're called here to do together. So let's begin
Bexx Taran Shanti
Invocation and Prayer October 20, 2024
Sece Foster, Keahi Ewa, Gary Goodhue
Jane Anetrini, David Karchere
Sunday Attunement Service October 13, 2024
David — Love one another as I have loved you—that was a spiritual refrain that moved silently through our Council time. Many attunement sessions were held—group and one-on-one attunements were shared throughout each day as part of our sessions. There is a strong focus through David Karchere and the team at Sunrise—which probably includes everybody—a strong focus of world service, a desire to serve the yearning and hungry heart of humanity, a desire in the heart of Mother God to welcome her children home. There was also expressed very clearly through David during the sessions, awareness of a need to keenly focus more on what was described as capstone design, capstone substance and formation within EDL at Sunrise, and throughout the Emissary body—through all people around the world who love Martin and Uranda's work. Words such as “capstone”, “Shekinah Pattern of Being”, the “Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek”, “EDL the Door” to the great “Heavenly Temple” which is meant to extend into all the earth, so that there is One Temple with many doors leading into and out of many rooms, all lit up by Angels, by Emissaries of Divine Light, by the Nameless Reality that I am and that you are.
We have the experience of moving from womb unto womb, utilizing the substitute patterns of the moment to generate pneumaplasm, and connect with the design that is coming out of the undimensional into the New Heaven, to be brought into the earth. We must play our part, working within these substitute patterns, and allow our movement, and our progress, our growth and development as individuals and as a spiritual body, to take us from one womb into the next in this process of restoration.
I have to tell you—and I think a lot of you probably know this already—that David Karchere is quite an eloquent speaker; he has the ability to really deliver the goods in words. He has the passion in his heart. I never saw him speak from notes and he spoke a lot during this Council. Just as I have come to love you, I love this man. That's what we're called to do: Love one another. And I share with you, that I just flat out love this man, David. Just as he is; just as I am. I have things that are going to change and transform in me, and so do you. I have flaws, or voids, in my outer character, and so do you. We all do. And we are moving from womb unto womb, becoming new people as we do, and I want to emphasize this in our midst this morning: Love one another.
I've discovered that David Karchere knows his Uranda and Martin and Jesus as well as any man or woman on earth. He's developed a way of speaking that is unique to himself. As Anne said, “This is not a cookie cutter pattern” to be followed. All those who had opportunity to speak and present during this Council at the Ranch also are developing their ability to speak in the current of the spirit, and they are doing the work necessary to know their Uranda and Martin material. It's not forgotten. It hasn't receded. It's in the life and the atmosphere—just like it is with me and with you—to bring these things into the current pattern of possibility, where the reality of the past that we've all shared together is right here present with us; not the forms of the past, but the reality of the spirit is right here present with all of us. We have the opportunity to move together. There are many aspects to the One Body and we can see them developing and differentiating in our midst, around us, various organs and glands and formations of the One Body, with individuals taking responsibility for specific fields of function.
At this point, I want to read a few words that Yujin Pak spoke on September 15, 2024, from a Temple of Light service subsequently titled, “True Priesthood And Climax Times”.
“I know it could be a little presumptuous of me to say that perhaps there may be more coming to Zero for us to do. If you find it presumptuous, please forgive me. But to Zero we must come—we must come! Only as we are in that place of complete fluidity, at Zero, available to respond swiftly, decisively, may we provide the expression of the identity and character of the LORD, in the most decisive moments, the climax moments … I want to be more presumptuous yet … I want to touch on another coming to Zero, and this relates to the question, “What does the LORD need the most in these crucial times?” Would it not be a true pattern of agreement; not general agreement, long distance agreement, but close, unified agreement. What stands in the way of it? Patterns of experience, memory of one another that brings wariness. Some of it may be understandable, but what about coming to Zero? And I include in this Core Leaders and individuals in our extended Body. How about the possibility of coming to Zero? How about the possibility of cancelling debts of the heart, cancelling debts of hurt, cancelling prejudgments, cancelling positions, outer and mental? How about coming to Zero regarding one another, putting ourselves together on the altar before the LORD, coming to Zero together? Would this not rejoice the LORD, coming to Zero in such a way that spirit may have a way, totally unexpected. Well, climax points have a way bringing things to Zero. Some of it is forced. But the Priesthood are the ones willing to come to Zero without the stimulation of outer events. Come to Zero because of love for the LORD, where all is yielded, all is made possible, fluid, especially one's opinions are yielded to the LORD. True expression in climax times, bringing everything so that the unfettered expression of spirit may be possible through us. On this anniversary of this ministry, I'm happy to share this consideration with you of the true expression of Priests and Priestesses after the Order Of Melchizedek, those that are willing to come to Zero in passionate love for the LORD allow what usually is impossible to be possible, and thus allow history that would otherwise be impossible to be made possible.”
David — Coming to zero; purity of heart; innocence; come as a little child, open to share anew from this point on, with one another, wherever we are, whatever groups we find ourselves in—and let the children of Mother and Father come home through the Open Door provided by the Body of the Son consciousness.
Last year around this time, we gave a Temple service called “The Word Of Good Report.” In a way, this is what we bring today—a word of good report, relative to the Archangelic Body that is forming. It was a treasure to have Yujin present on Zoom as part of the Server’s Council. He spoke substantially on two occasions, and he was welcomed; not only that, he was loved openly. There was a natural rejoicing to have Yujin and Anne and me there, as part of the gathering. It was wonderful to see the easy communion that was occurring between all of us, no barriers. We never had one awkward moment between us, while we were in the Council—no ill things, no ill vibrations, no judgments—just this rejoicing that kept on happening because of the building and blending together. Anne, over to you for some final words.
Anne — I want to add that the sessions facilitated some very deep work with two aspects: the aspect of design and the aspect of love.
We did three sessions on the “Shekinah Pattern Of Being”. Howard Goodman presented the first one; David Barnes the second; and Oren Yakovee the third. Each session was buttressed by an audio of Uranda, followed by small group discussions, so it was a very full penetration into design, as revealed through the Shekinah Pattern. There was a remarkable comprehension of the Shekinah Pattern experienced and expressed, related to three levels: from above, the higher pattern; on a personal and horizonal level; and below into the responsive earth and world. The design was described so that it was seen to be happening right there in the room. So we focused on the principles of design.
There was a penetration of the deeper meaning of love. Love, of course, keeps revealing itself to us. David's new book titled “Primal Christianity” deals with the deeper meaning of the power and presence of love, revealed by the Master. David is currently introducing his book in England, so unveiling his book was a timely presentation to Council. In our considerations on love, which has been a major theme in David's and others' services, the emphasis is on the actual experience, knowing and being known by love, by the Lord of Love—along with the experience of knowing truth, which sets one free and leads to knowing love. Knowing love is not merely an acceptance of concepts and beliefs, it's a reciprocated experience.
I saw that Sunrise provides a place for a demonstration of this knowing. I saw love experienced and truth comprehended. I hope you catch an essence of this, of people there who are doing this work with us, with you. It was significant to be there to share in this work, particularly as it was focused in a spiritual Council. And it is great to share this with you now.
David — You were all very much present there with us, and those people in Council knew it—we brought you with us. And any one of you could have been there and participated in that gathering—the only price of admission being a clear and open heart and sanctified mind. And any one of them could be here with us in this service. I invited Gary Goodhue to come and participate in a Temple service; and I also invited Howard Goodman. Gary's been reading the Great Cosmic Story for many years; he's lived within EDL at the Ranch for 13 years. Howard has been a part of EDL forever and forever. But I want to mention this because there is a blending in the spirit of love, love for the truth and the life that we have an opportunity to magnify on earth together.
So, this is some of the Good News, the Word of Good Report. And yes, the spirit of purification continues to work—but actually, purity of heart is present. The spirit of purification will continue to work, but purity of heart is present, and we bring that to our services and to all our gatherings.
We won’t have a comment session today. Let us think, muse, on these things. Perhaps we can have another session where we talk a little bit more about all this in detail; or in an exchange of emails. But above all, let there be a clear sense of protection for new patterns that are emerging in the Spiritual Body. Let’s enfold them with care and love and gratitude, and let the spirit of the womb contain what's been shared during this Council, and here today, and enfold all that will be shared in days to come. Stewart Berger will be speaking in a Temple of Light service in a month. Let’s provide protection for these delicate new patterns that are emerging through those who are forming the Capstone aspect of the Spiritual Body, which must include the whole pyramid of the body of mankind. How that will happen in a direct and complete and final way, we don't know. But it is happening now, with evidence of tender new shoots and buds appearing on the One Vine.
While we were travelling, there was a pattern of enfoldment and attunement all the way, and we were held within that hedge, in that pattern of safety. And so as this little heavenly adventure that we've shared with you was held carefully and safely and deliberately on earth, let's hold these things with great thanksgiving and care, in the Heart of God that we are, each one of us, and see what develops in the womb in days to come. Right now, it is good.
Closing music and slideshow
Anne Blaney —
David Barnes —
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