June 27, 2024

A  New  Spring

Susannah Light  Costa Rica   and   Carol Travis  Eastland, Texas

June 23, 2024   Temple of Light Service

David Barnes — I was invited by Susannah and Carol to open with a few words this morning. I feel the wonder and responsibility of that invitationvery keenly in my own soul. And I am aware that we are all here by invitation. Long ago the Lord of Love looked out on His creative field and said, “This is my body; and this is my blood.” I believe we come together in that same spirit this morning. Each one of us, looking out at the creative field before us, would say, “This is my body and this is my blood.” We recognize that this is our opportunity to be together in service, having developed a very keen sense of service over many years—service to the Lord of Love and His body in the invisible realms; and service to His body here on earth, this body that is still growing and developing—not just us, because we would include the whole body of mankind. This is my body. This is my blood.

Long ago the Lord of Love had an encounter with one who was a Roman centurion, one who was seeking healing for his servant. He looked at the Master and he said, “Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” The Master was astonished at the great faith and spiritual understanding present in this Roman—so great a faith, unlike anything that He had seen in all of Israel, in all the children of God—that he should know and understand the power of the Word. Here was this Roman centurion who said, “Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed.” We can see the servant as being, ultimately, all those of the body of mankind who would allow their own hearts and minds and bodies to be healed.

And so we are here to speak the Word only—and this great body shall be healed. Healing takes time. We have heard stories of instantaneous healing; but actually, those healings took place over a period of time, even if it was in the appearance of a just few moments. The healing of this great body that is coming forth now on earth, is occurring over a cycle of time, and we are here at this time recognizing what's going on. We are here with the ability to speak the Word in these times when we're together, and also in the times when we're apart from each other, that this body may be healed in the cycles and seasons of the LORD of Creation.

So we gather now, just after the first full day of summer, having passed through the summer solstice. I would read a few lines of poetry, titled Solstice Cycle:

the sun stands still inside me now  wonder finds rest inside me now

all creation stands transfigured by the radiance of an inner light

the light within the light without

the luminous landscape opening

the mountains and the hills break forth before me into singing

and all the trees of the field now clap their hands

the wind through the vastness healing the people

spirits leading  hearts turning  eyes opening  bodies leaning


now drawing closer  veil thinning  through the darkness walking

reaching light at the heart of the world

enchantment by moonlight and by starlight

prayer and incense by candlelight

now turning  graceful turning

turn toward the sun

toward one another turning  turning  turning homeward

relatives assembling  community remembering

meeting the past in one another

looking past fear into forgotten sorrows

meeting the future in one another

looking past fear into generous tomorrows

coming past fear into love

and the light of eternal remembrance

now here

drawing close in whispered knowings

expectant smiles  laughter rising  feet moving  blood surging

spirit dancing


the eternal heartbeat


a wondrous woman appearing

clothed with the radiance of the sun

with the full moon in her belly and twelve nations gathered round

bearing gifts from the past

promises for the future

does she approach from without


does she approach from within

we journey long and long together

secret-sharing  caring  healing  nourishing

breathing blessing on a fire well tended

knowing naked pleasure in this rising solstice cycle


the sun stands still

inside me now

wonder finds rest

we journey long and long together


the space within  the space without

planetary beings in spiral dance

within the living body of the sacred sun

david barnes

“Look, a wondrous woman appearing.” Two wonderous women appearing—Susannah, a Priestess of the Son; and Carol, a Priestess of the Son. Each unique, with their own Word to speak this morning, sharing with us. Here we are in the Living Body of the Sacred Son, the body of the Son of God. But also the Living Body of the Sun, the central Sun of this solar system. Here we are, together with two Priestesses of the Sacred Son, bringing the gift of their love, their Word. The simplicity of it, and the beauty, provides apoint of orientation that is natural for them to provide, and for us to be the Word with them—this aspect of the body which has been healed by the Word, and therefore is capable of extending the Word, all of us together. Welcome, first one priestess of the Son; and then another. What a joy and a wonder to experience this together this morning. Susannah Light, welcome dear; we love you—and now over to you.

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Susannah Light — Well thank you David. I'm really pleased and grateful to be here with you this morning, with gratitude from a very deep place in my heart. I greet you from my tropical garden home in Costa Rica. It's a lovely morning here, and as spoken in the beautiful poem that we just heard, we're in the season of the summer solstice, in a new morning, as I like to say—a morning that's filled with wonder, power and grace. It is so good to be with you in that wonder, power and grace. It's good to pause and breathe this breath of life, together in one accord as it has been said. This is truly a gathering of kindred angelic spirits. It's a privilege, is it not, to bring our beings and our beingness together into this radiant circle. May something be lifted up among us today, that is a sweet smelling offering to the LORD.

I've had in-person connections with some of you, especially while I lived at Sunrise Ranch, and I trust that the good LORD will bring us more of those opportunities for in person connection in the times and days to come. Today I present myself to you in this Temple of Light, to be known by you, and to join with you in a radiant offering upward to the Almighty.

There is a phrase from author and teacher, Dan Millman, that comes to mind: “There are no ordinary moments.” I can tell you that in recent times I have felt extraordinary inspiration and spiritual potentiality stemming from these precious Zoom-room Communions. I have felt extraordinary awakenings of vibrancy—rekindling within me the fires of my first love. My time of preparation for this service today has been a heartful journey deep into what I value the most. Carol and I have shared considerations of the finest essences. I think I visited every chamber of my heart!

I'd like to visit for a moment the word “inspire” with you. When we are inspired, we tend to feel good, but I'd like to visit a place far beyond that. All of us here have a deep and solid connection to the good Lord within us, with our point of response. I'm also aware that within me there are places and times when parts of my potentiality, even my consciousness, lie inactive. In recent Temple of Light and Tone of Life services we have heard the call to action, in such deeply moving phrases as: “Finishing the work”, “Loving with all”, and “fulfilling the prayer and invitation of the LORD” in John 17. This stirs inspired action and awakenings in me, that also reverberate out from me. The verb form of “inspire” is in some definitions as follows: “To fill (someone) with urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” Imagine how powerfully we can literally bring something to life, bring movement and creative action into the world through the very simple gift of bringing inspiration.

When in April the prayer of Jesus in John 17 was brought by Stewart Berger and David Barnes on Easter Sunday [templeoflightservices.blogspot.com/my-spirit-to-yours-youtube-video.html] in a Temple of Light service, and later expanded in great depth by Yujin Pak, my spirit was exceedingly uplifted. I felt as though the breath of life had filled me, animated me once more. I have always treasured this prayer and retained it in my bosom as a sacred promise already fulfilled, throughout my years alone in the desert. The desert for me was my journey out from the mental confines of my family church structure. This highest of prayers in John 17 stood as a beacon of light as I reached for truth that was not dictated or filtered by the mind of man. In it was the LORD's fervent petition on my behalf to be received into the oneness, and the eternal love that He and the Father have had always, before the world was.

This invitation to be with them in that Greatest Love and Greatest Union ever known, to me, penetrated every barrier of strife or confusion created by human ideas of what would “save us” or what, for instance, Christianity might look like. I came to love that farewell message of Jesus above all else. I'm not sure whether I knew that anyone else valued it as I did—our LORD's final Will, witnessed by His Father and heard by us. But hearing these verses raised up through your voices Stewart and Yujin, and through your presences, ignited once more the fires of the LORD's risen nature within me, very appropriately on Easter Sunday. This passionate prayer reviews not only the extent of the LORD's love for us, but also the reality of our true home from before the beginning of time, where we have always been—compelling me, and us, drawing me and us, forever upward into the place of transcendent expression.

On April 14th Yujin brought to us a Temple of Light message entitled “To Fulfill The Prayer of Oneness.” Again I felt [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/to-fulfill-prayer-of-oneness.html] the ancient and ever new voice of Love and Truth speaking Life Everlasting into the reality within me. Isn't it amazing that we have that capacity, that capacity in this world to activate life, to inspire in a way that can fill someone with the ability, in this case, the ability to bring to life a latent potential of great significance. What a beautiful thing.

Yujin presented us with two questions relating to our place in fulfilling this great prayer. He asked us: Do you think that it is possible? Do you think that The Lord thought it was possible? And I felt the presence and the love of our LORD revealed right here, right here among us. Who can say that we don't have what it takes to finish the work, and what it takes to inspire this in each other and in our worlds!

On this journey of human experience it does seem necessary to be reminded of what is possible, especially in the sense of the eternal I AM. When I hear the voice of spoken Word, as I have here over the months in these services, by many beautiful voices, it breathes fresh reality of Everlasting Life into my moment by moment thoughts and movements. Can we be the bringers of Holy Presence for each other, and in our daily connections for those around us? The bringers of Holy Presence and of the Word refreshed, refreshing and resetting the patterns of consciousness in our own living, even and especially in our moments of vulnerability or inquietude of heart. In so doing, we inspire the finishing of the LORD's work, bring the revelation of God on Earth through us, and bring our consciousness into union with His. Is this not the ultimate purpose of our incarnation? This is my first love, my greatest passion.

I have asked at times for the Lord to give me a little more time on earth—another chance, please, to fulfill His prayer of oneness in John 17 [youtu.be/JyiGv51LB_Q] within my own consciousness. I have seen the brevity of life and I know it's fragility of outer form. When my mother passed into spirit land many years ago, I was beside her with my head resting on her heart. I listened in greatest reverence as her heartbeat softened, and softened, until there was complete stillness. In that moment of eternal silence I felt awe, and I felt a transfer to my own heart of continued purpose. Times and years later I had my own experience of facing medical reports that didn't seem to give me a lot more time. I had only one prayer: “Please Lord, give me a little more time, and I will fulfill your departing prayer of union; to know you as I am known.” At least within myself if I can find no other with whom to know you in this way.

I have always had a great care for the Garden—the Garden restored, for that holy place on earth. But I have not always known if it can be so. I haven't always kept that faith. During certain eras of my life journey, the disappointments and wreckages have seemed too great, and the wells of sorrow too deep. During one such era, Carol came to visit me. She was beside me on my living room sofa. I was about as near out of faith as I ever hope to be. Carol said, “Susannah, this might help you”—and she pulled up a YouTube video of Marsha Boglin giving a presentation in Korea on the subject of our angelic being. I felt the Attunement current of highest love, and I remembered the truth of what is possible on earth. 

In recent times, my consciousness has been increasingly refreshed as to the recognition of the presence of a sanctified body on earth. My faith is restored not only with hope for what is possible, but in that which is absolutely present among us, right here, right now, meeting our LORD where He is. Today, may the heavens rejoice in our presences in the Garden.

Carol Travis — Thank you, Susannah. I love her spirit so much and indeed she is a Priestess of the Sun. I recognized her many years ago when she came to the internship program at Sunrise Ranch. I have known many of you for the better part of 50 years. During that time it has been my privilege to live and serve with you, oftentimes in multiple locations, in different eras. So, today it is very special to speak with you again in person. I'd like to begin with a poem I wrote, and I would offer it to each of you, in honor of your angelic expressions and presence.

How shall I greet you, my brother?

Who yet stands regal in the morning sun.

Strong home of my heart,

Whose truth no storm can sway,

Nor roots be swept away

In floods of tears.

Whose love remains

Through all the swirling visions of the dream,

Whose spirit revels in the hills

And mountain streams —

Truth of Man!

And how shall I greet you, my sister?

Lithe as summer breezes,

Softly dancing …

Lifting fragrant essences,

Sweetly in the evening .

Moving, shaping, weaving courtly magic.

Mistress of the Temple’s holy art.

Thy countenance bespeaks

The purity of a sacred heart —

Entrusted to the keeping of the ONE

Truth of Woman!

Oh dearest friends,

I greet you in the Light,

Clear dawning of this day

Brings knowing

Of the right we share

To walk together in the earth,

A blessing to our King.

For we are One.

I wanted to share that with you to convey my deep appreciation for who you are and what you have brought into this world. I have such a gratitude for our ability to be together in this sanctuary, where we can meet face-to-face from anywhere we are in the world. What a miracle! We have kept this space inviolate and sanctified and we have increased the generation of the finest spiritual substance every time we meet. I found preparing for today was humbling, as I reviewed our past several months in the Temple of Light, and the quality of previous offerings. So stunning! I would preface my time by acknowledging my spirit of celebration for the insight, wisdom and spiritual maturity of what others have brought. My prayer is that I might bring something worthy to add to what has gone before. As an aside, this time being with you and communing in this way is very emotionally deep to me, so if I get a little teary, please forgive me. I will carry on!

As I was preparing for this service I had a personal spiritual life review, and I thought I would share some of that, and also include some of our shared spiritual history. This journey for me has been happening consciously for over 50 years. But my journey toward the truth started when I was about 6 years old, and first experienced a conscious relationship with God. I remember lying in bed at night and having these deep conversations with Him, saying things like, “You know, there just shouldn't be witches or wars in the world. Not okay!” This was my child mind touching the reality that there was truth that wasn't completely manifesting here in this world.

When I was thirteen I moved to Barcelona, Spain where I was whisked away from everything that was familiar to me of my home in Dallas, Texas. I feel that situation was a bit like Abraham's experience. I left my country, and landed in a place with a foreign language, foreign religion, and even had to attend a Catholic girls school—whereas I had been raised in public co-ed schools before that. So that year, taken away from all that was familiar in my former life was quite a time of isolation for me; however it was also very spiritually productive. In the Spanish city where I was living, I had only one American friend that I could talk to. At school 90% of the other girls in my class were the daughters of Spanish aristocrats. In Spain, the custom is to take two hours during the afternoon and close everything down for their “siesta”.

At school we had a two hour lunch break and, during that time, I couldn't participate in “girl talk” with my classmates because I didn't speak the language fluently enough. So, I spent a lot of time walking around the campus by myself. It was a beautiful setting, like a college campus, set up on the top of a hill overlooking the Mediterranean and the city of Barcelona. So, I had a very spiritually inward focus during that year and during that time I developed a close relationship with Jesus. I boarded for a little while at the school, and I would go down to the chapel every night and pray on my knees, and I wondered during that time if I would recognize Him if He was on earth today. I knew he wasn't going to be wearing robes from the Middle East; He would be in regular modern clothing--so how could I recognize him?

Time went on; I grew up, and got married. My husband was in the Air Force and we were transferred to Phoenix, Arizona in 1973.  It was there that I found myself stumbling into an Art of Living class that John Gray was teaching. At the time, I didn't really understand what was being offered. So, every week I thought, on my way home from class, I thought, “Well, maybe I'll understand what they’re talking about next week. There must be a punchline. I never got it, but I did develop a relationship with the people at the Center and within a year Pamela Gray sent me a little brochure  and a personal note that said, “You can't miss this!” The brochure was for a one week Art of Living class that was taught up in the mountains of Flagstaff, Arizona. It was at that seminar that I first heard Martin's and Uranda's services, and bells started ringing in me. By the end of the week I realized that THIS was the LORD's Ministry. I knew that Martin was not the incarnation of the LORD of Lords, but I sure recognized that it was His Spirit that was coming through Martin, and of course Uranda. At that point, I knew this was my family and I've never left.

In 1985, I wrote that poem, after attending a service with Martin, on Easter Sunday, at Sunrise Ranch. It was attended that day by 300 or more people, as was usual at that time. The Shekinah Cloud of Glory was so vibrantly present in the Dome chapel that it was like looking through a fog to see Martin delivering that service. Those years were a wonderful time of the Emissary Program burgeoning in the world. I call it the Golden Era. Wave upon wave of newly responding angels washed up onto the shores of EDL in the mid 70's. It was a time of exuberant young energy; lots of baby boomers and hippies, and we were so dedicated and excited! We would do anything necessary to fulfill our newly discovered participation in our purpose of bringing the LORD's Kingdom on earth. We achieved herculean feats—for which we had little or no real training. It was a time of great building. One of my experiences during that time, a herculean feat for me, was to provide lunch for 300 people at Glen Ivy because Martin was there to give the very first service. I had never cooked for more than 10 people! So, it was quite an intense experience.

During that time, we did a lot of physical building, and it was simultaneously being matched by the rich spiritual generation that was also happening. We added ten more regional communities to the original two sister Units—Sunrise Ranch and 100 Mile Lodge; we built the Dome and the Pavilion at Sunrise. And we renovated a dilapidated hot springs spa at Glen Ivy so that we could hold our one month classes there. Eventually Glen Ivy developed the spa business to provide financial support for Sunrise Ranch. And it was a time of people connecting from all over the world, visiting North America and attending classes; those were glorious days full of our youthful enthusiasm and spiritual commitment. Our love for God was so optimistic in our youthful exuberance that we thought that the restoration was right around the corner—maybe within the next decade at least. But, of course, that didn't happen. 

After Martin died, we went into an era of change; much of what had been drawn together under Martin's leadership changed and many of the forms we knew are no longer present. Over the years I felt some sadness to see what had been so lovingly built fade away. But Spirit has been, and still is, constantly on the move; it never stops. Forms come and go, but our purpose has never changed, and although our outward spiritual associations seemed to go underground for a while, the truth of our spiritual commission was not lost. Some, and I would include all of you, kept the flame of understanding and remembered what Martin and Uranda brought to us. We protected it and nurtured it in our hearts and minds and in the sanctity of our living. So, that brings us to how we are together now.

When I was given the invitation to speak at service, I was out mowing the lawn and PenDell Pitman's beautiful rendition of the song “How Shall We Give Thee Glory?” [youtu.be/j_JuLJ4ZU1I?si=4AgxOh3NG2dFl-Zz] came to mind. The question immediately came up in my mind, “How do we give the LORD glory?” Instantly my heart said, “Magnify the Lord!” So, as we know, we are here to increase the presence of His Spirit in every moment of every day. This is not new to us; it's been the foundation of our ministry from the beginning.

But what does moving forward look like now? What is needed to finish the work, as we have recently considered? In reviewing our recent Temple services, my assessment is that we are moving forward, and our little “rag-tag band”, as it has been lovingly called recently, is really stepping up to the plate. In fact, I am thrilled by the beauty, the vision and the tonal clarity that is being demonstrated amongst us. It is so delightful and inspiring, as Susannah said, to move together in the transcendent spirit of our service offerings, as each one brings their unique voice into the midst. I believe it's happening. We are moving forward, consistently. We are jogging up that golden spiral pathway portrayed in Terry Kauffman's dream—well, maybe not jogging but walking with determination; we're not in those youthful bodies that we once were.

As Christine and Alan Jonas [templeoflightservices.blogspot.com/elder-responsibility-related-to-world.htmlshared with us last month, there is evidence of various spiritual movements developing in the world. I so appreciated the Jonas' work in being aware and participating in so many of those groups. I would especially underline all the attunement and energy work happening—vitally needed in the world today. I would say that what we offer in our own attunement groupings is in fact at the head of the pack. We have been serving in this ministry, true to its purpose, as a vibrational offering to the world, bringing to focus radiant love and the purification of Spirit for many, many years. We've had many in our ministry who are masters in this arena of attunement, those who have gone before and many who are still present, who have dedicated their lives to this service.

I notice, a lot of seminars and workshops popping up, on YouTube, for what is being called energy medicine or healing energy work. I do believe that we initiated something, years ago, that's beginning to show in a new way in the world. All these creative activities and groupings are adding to the generation of the critical pneumaplasmic matrix that connects the earth with the design and control of the invisible Heaven. Because of this, I believe the greater works are being done. It is so important to build a safe, inviolate heavenly space together in our individual and collective world. This is the only way we will finish the work. In the last 50 years, we have proven that the One Law works in both directions—generate clear, refined spiritual substance and something grows. If we assume that it's just going to happen by magic, without our deliberate conscious participation, then the critical connection to the patterns of truth, of design and control, will become obscured, and forms will die on the vine.

A couple of years before Grace van Duzen left us, she told me personally, “It's in your hands now.” This is an awesome responsibility! But I believe we are stepping up to the task more clearly every day. Finishing the work doesn't have to be an arduous experience. As we know, “In joy the works are done.” Finishing the work is done in the ease of spiritual expression. And spirit always precedes form. This is the way the New Earth comes into being. I would like to share an excerpt from one of Martin's services, given on April 30, 1980, [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/the-coming-of-spring.htmlbecause it's one of Martin's portrayals of how we might move forward in the cycles of resurrection. It is particularly exciting to me, because it is also a portrayal of what I believe we are actually doing together now. Here's Martin:

“Let us look at this matter from the standpoint of initiating the true creative cycle by which the resurrection may take place. We have some awareness of the quality of the natural behavior of the Son of God. And we would associate ourselves with that… If we do, we are not trying to set the world straight… It is impossible to set this world straight. Its natural condition is crooked; it can’t be made straight. But something needs to be done. We recognize there is some necessity for a disintegrative aspect to what is happening, but there is another aspect: the true creative cycle which leads into the experience of what we have referred to as the heaven, sacred space, which allows the atmosphere of what we might call spring to begin to put in an appearance. There is a new spring here, isn’t there?

“The first heaven and the first earth are passing away, and a new heaven and a new earth are putting in an appearance. We are responsible for providing a focus of the creative power of God, of light, to operate in doing what needs to be done. And what needs to be done first after the light puts in an appearance is described as the creation of a firmament, of a safe heavenly place, containing the essential atmosphere which allows the snows of winter to melt. And when they do, the waters are gathered together unto one place, and the dry land appears. The dry land appearing, together with the light, the warmth, the atmosphere, allows for something to begin to grow out of the earth. Here is the natural, the true, cycle. Something is to grow. Seeing that this is the first spring of our experience in this sense, we have no idea as to what it is that is going to grow. But presumably we have reached a point in our close association with the light so that we are able to trust the creative cycle. And the spring comes.

“We don’t imagine that we should go out and start laying concrete all over the ground and putting up arbitrary structures of various sorts to suit ourselves. We let God do His thing. We don’t have to try to make anything over, because it isn’t something that is being made over. “Behold, I make all things new.” It is a new spring, and things are to grow on the earth that have been unknown in the memory of the son of perdition, things that have been hidden under the snows of winter for a very long time. When we share the responsibility of providing the atmosphere of heaven and keeping this clear because we love one another, then the creative cycle can work. We are not saying how it is to work. It will work the way it works. Let it work. We don’t have to push in our bright ideas, although we may examine what it is that is beginning to emerge.

“Judge not. Just let the Garden grow because the atmosphere is kept the way it should be. And of course as spring moves into summer it gets hotter. There is an increase in the intensification of the truth of love—a reality between people, not a concept of the mind … but the actual experience. Here is the warmth. Here is what is absolutely essential to let the Garden grow. We can’t make it grow but we can provide what is necessary to let it grow… We know that human nature behavior must pass away and we are willing to let it. We don’t need to clobber it to get rid of it. That warmth is there as there is a consistency of the behavior of the Son of God brought to focus in each of us and shared between us and beyond us. “Behold, I make all things new.” Here is the Garden of God putting in an appearance, that we may keep it as it should be kept, that we might share the responsibility of letting everything be right in the expression of the Son of God on earth. The yoke is easy, the burden is light. How little human beings have acknowledged this to be true. They think that nothing worthwhile happens unless it is hard. But the beauty of the earth restored, with man in the midst of the Garden, comes easily. In fact it comes easily or not at all.”

So those are Martin's beautiful words. After working with that service and preparing for this one, I had a meditation that I would like to share with you. Here is what came from my heart:

It is my experience that we have been participating in this process together over the last years. After Martin left, there was turbulence and turmoil that produced a long winter in our midst. But because something of our spiritual purpose was held tenaciously, by at least some who walked with Martin, there was a proving out of true, spiritual stature over many years. And the magic of the creative process has worked to bring us back to a place where we can once again share our holy communion, in person collectively. As this has been so, genuine love and appreciation for one another has become increasingly evident, with no human nature agendas or manipulation; simply the natural unfolding of what has emerged from the increasing magnification of the Lord's Spirit through us. To me, this has been an easy and joyful process, full of light and beauty, that has been taking form through the many glorious expressions of our angelic friends. This is the reality of the spiritual authority that is so vital on earth today. In the holiness and wholeness of the LORD's character, there is room for unlimited forms of creative expression. As they are revealed, new life emerges on earth and the glory of His Garden returns. This is the ultimate Climate Control.

These are my thoughts and I'm happy to have had the opportunity to share them with you. It has been so important to me that we have come back together in this way and I want to thank you and bless you for what you have done to make this possible. I'll open up the space now, if there's anyone who'd like to say something.

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Gary Courtland-Miles — We certainly thank you and bless you two radiant Priestesses, for providing such an atmosphere born out of your love for the LORD, love for the Truth of Love. I'm so thankful to be here this morning with you—and what a lovely atmosphere is present—thank you for letting it generate so richly. Personally I look forward to offering the next Temple of Light service, and I'm certainly in a cloud with this one. Thank you so much, both of you, Susannah and Carol.

Linda Bahan — Thank you Susannah and thank you Carol, for bathing us in your sweet essences. My heart was overflowing with love as you both shared your presence with us. Tears of joy were flooding out of my eyes. One of our main purposes on earth, that we have been commissioned with, is to magnify the LORD. And what a joy to see the beauty of His Body present, specifically in this grouping this morning. Thank you so much.

Anne Blaney — I think this year the solstice has had more meaning—because there is opportunity to recognize larger cycles, there's more understanding and meaning to it. We've just seen it demonstrated by Carol and Susannah, who have presented themselves and actually said this. That they are Priestesses of the Fire—the Fire at the Center. That's why the solstice has more meaning, because there are Priests and Priestesses who have been tending the Fire. When you nurture a fire you blow on it. And I thought Susannah’s “inspiration was noteworthy. She asked, “Isn’t it wonderful that we actually have the ability to inspire?” So we're now here tending this capacity, that is, the flame of inspiration in times when there is pressure in our lives. We are the ones to provide that inspiration in a very focused way. And we're very visible, vibrationally, for those who are looking. I appreciate using the energies of the solstice this year in a real way; and as we go into this last cycle of the year, approaching September, let's keep that Fire alive and magnified, activated, with the inspiration to act. And we know what that is; we know what it is like to be inspired; we greatly appreciate it, and we know how effective it is. Thank you.

Robert Merriman —I love the atmosphere into which you've invited us and inspired us today. Carol, reviewing the change of forms reminds me that the forms are always going to change. Here we are, and these forms today are just perfect for each of us to let ‘er rip. And vibrationally, as you say Anne, this is all quite visible; and people are waking up to these vibrational connections all over the globe. Here we are with the great privilege of being in the place of spiritual leadership, with a treasured understanding in which we've been lovingly tutored. The levers of government are in the hands of angels, and all that's required is for the angels to show up consciously in all things, and to maintain that. We've had a wonderful attunement today, in angelic consciousness; and I forward to continuing with you in this as we move forward together.

Laura Fisher — Susannah and Carol, I deeply honor and love what you have both brought. The combination of pure heart and high intelligence is glorious. I too could give examples of how our presence in the earth is being felt and reenacted through others—but you have captured it so beautifully. The heart substance that you both laid out is the substance that moves the earth, and all who dwell therein, forward to glory. I so appreciate this time.

Carol Travis — Well thank you all for what you have contributed to magnifying the LORD today. I feel very blessed by what you have brought; and one of my greatest experiences in this grouping is the love that is so genuine—it's so non-conceptual. And to be in this place together, and being able to still serve together, is such a privilege. Suzannah, would you like to add anything.

Susannah Light — Thank you. I just want to acknowledge the richness of spirit and presence with all of us, and the gratefulness and the eagerness that I feel in what can yet be tended and cared for; and what is here present now for us to tend and care for. So with a heart full of both excitement and gratitude, much love. Thank you. Thank you.

Carol Travis — Thank you, Susannah. I think this has been a wonderful time for you to make your debut into our midst—it's a great joy to me—and I love people being able to see who you are, and the beauty of the spirit that you bring.

Steve Ventola — Thank you both, Carol and Susannah. It's wonderful to share this together, in light of the gentleness of love and the words of truth that we have heard. I am compelled to speak a Devotion right now. O LORD and KING, we give thanks for what we have shared, opening our minds to greater essential experience of Thy Light of Love. We hold dear this Fire that burns within us, this inner Fire that's released outwards through the expression of our lives, offering Thy Bread of Life, offering Thy Word of Truth, offering Thy gesture of Love through so many varieties of form that we all bring uniquely together as a Body. As we hold steady our collective Fire, we wait upon Thee, so that Thy forms and Thy Way may be revealed moment by moment, day by day, month by month, year by year. Being true to Thy Name, in the Light of Thy Glory, in the Light of Thy Christ, how wonderful it is to share these things. Our next service will be on July 21st with Gary Courtland-Miles opening the way.

Susannah Light — susannah4light@gmail.com

Carol Travis — catravis57@gmail.com

Anne Blaney — thank you for transcribing

Temple of Lighttempleoflightservices.blogspot.com/

June 14, 2024

Temple  of  Light

June 2024  Monthly Service Notice

It is a great pleasure to invite participation in the upcoming Temple of Light service on SundayJune 23rd at 10 a.m. Pacific Time, with Susannah Light from Costa Rica and Carol Travis from Eastland, Texas providing the focus.

It is always fulfilling to share this simple but profound reminder from Uranda, words spoken June 14, 1953:

“The manifestation of the essence of the spirit which reveals the Presence of the One Who Dwells eternally cannot appear where there is any discord, where there is any vibratory inharmony, where there is any conflict, where there are patterns of opposition or distorted vibratory factors. The body is supposed to be an Ark of the Covenant, a manifestation of the Temple of the Living God, a specific place that is supposed to be holy and sacred, within which no ill vibrational pattern may be found; for wherever there are stress patterns in the vibrational factor at any level the evidence is withdrawn, and only when the patterns of accord and true peace are again made evident can there begin to be the restoration of the manifestation of the evidence of the Presence. This manifestation is something which must be allowed to growit does not manifest in its fulness in the instant. When it begins to appear, we have evidence that there have been no adverse vibrational factors, no discords, no resentments, no critical attitudes, no conflicts, no fear. Sooner or later, somewhere, somehow, we shall surely find among you, or among some people somewhere, those who are willing, yea eagerly willing, to be more concerned about the manifestation of the evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells than they are concerned about making evident the expression of their own thoughts and feelings and words and deeds. Each must choose to accept the privilege of learning to be still, ceasing all self-activity, letting the heart be made pure. Blessed are they who are willing come at last to see the Cloud, and within the Cloud the Light That Glows, and within the Light the Shekinah Fire, the evidence of the Presence of the One Who Dwells. And from within the Shekinah Fire we hear the words: Be still. Be still, and know that I am God.”

With gratitude for the privileges and responsibilities, we prepare to gather for unified service in the Holy Place in the Temple of Light with Carol and Susannah. Love to all. david and anne

These are the Temple service dates confirmed for the next few months:

Sunday, June 23, 2024 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  Carol Travis from Texas and Susannah Light from Costa Rica

Sunday, July 21, 2024 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  Gary Courtland-Miles from Saturna Island, B.C.

Sunday, August 18, 2024 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  Anne Blaney from Salmon Arm, B.C.

*** Sunday, September 15, 2024 @ 5:30 p.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  Yujin Pak from Seoul, South Korea ***

Sunday, September 29, 2024 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  Marsha Bogolin from Loveland, Colorado

Sunday, October 27, 2024 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  David Barnes from Salmon Arm, B.C.

If you would like to lead the way, to focus and speak in a Temple of Light service in months to come, please let us know @ templeoflightaum@gmail.com

Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @ templeoflightservices.blogspot.com

June 01, 2024

Elder  Responsibility  Related  To  World  Events

Allan  and  Christine  Jonas

May 26, 2024   Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Temple of Light service

Steve Ventola — It's a delight to introduce and set the stage for Alan and Christine to lead our time, and appreciate the spirit of integration that they bring, pausing right now to acknowledge their spirit—and breathe for a moment and relax in place; take a couple of breaths, and so we begin to trend in spirit and come together to listen and perceive the Word of the Lord. As we open our minds and share in this way Allan will be begin.

Allan Jonas — Well greetings to you all from the great green north! All the white is now gone! I marvel here at times at how quickly the natural world gets together and does its thing so quickly, because in a sense it knows it has but a little time. The intelligence behind that is something to behold. We've had a lot of rain here recently, which is a little bit out of the ordinary, which has certainly helped this process. The expert weather forecasters had been predicting severe drought conditions in this area, and I’ve got a feeling they might be wrong about that.

I’d like to begin with the story of how I arrived here to speak with you this morning. A little while ago I attended a “Conscious Healthy Aging” event with Steve Ventola in which we considered the topic of “Conscious Elder Leadership”. In our dialogue discussion, I made reference to a transcript by Uranda posted on the Great Cosmic Story which dealt with our relationship to factors and trends in the world body. I mentioned that I had read over this transcript that morning and had been thinking about its implications, when it struck me like a bolt of lightning that in about a half hours time President Biden would be giving his State of the Union address. So I brought this to the attention of the group. I believe that we all, in that moment, realized that here was a synchronistic, very significant, trending, worldly event, which was bringing to focus in a timely way “Elder Leadership”.

I had personally been following some of the media hoopla and build-up to the event,  highlighting such things as: 1. A great concern about President Biden’s age—81—and his declaration to seek another four year term ... O My God!!! 2. There was a recurring video of him stumbling on the ramp stairs up to Airforce One, the same video being played on different networks. 3. There were clips of him sometimes stuttering in his speech, and mixing up names of countries and world leaders—after all there is only 193 to remember. I never heard any mention of the fact that he had suffered from a speech impediment as a child and has had to work with it ever since, thought that information has been widely available. It seems nowadays to make a more enticing news story—you just leave stuff out! 4. He was seen walking slowly and deliberately like an “old guy”, no longer nimble and flexible, although his wife describes him as still a great dancer.

I am aware that others from our gathering made a point of watching Biden—I received emails from some afterwards—in an awareness that he had to have been under tremendous pressure, firstly with concern from many in his own orbit that he might flub it somehow, and substantiate the negative hype and affect his party’s aspiration; not to mention the opposing interests who were likely holding their breath in anticipation of an awkward and validating moment.  Well as it turned out, as you may know, and I would say, Joe stood tall and delivered as close to 33 million watched. He was, I thought, calm, composed, upright, and very deliberate and encompassing in his words and demeanor—in short, presidential, in a wise elder sort of way. I have not since seen or heard any reference in the media, either verbal or rerun of the video, to the President’s supposed infirmity in either speech or physical capability. I must say that Joe appears to look much more vibrant and assured, almost as if some unseen incredible energy and lightness of being has enveloped him—but I won’t speculate! Apparently his opponent expressed concern that he might have been on some kind of illicit drug.

My radiant participation in viewing this event had very little to do with the politics or any outcomes. I was there out of concern for his well-being in providing leadership in the face of the ugly, distorted, and disrespectful vibrational currents swirling around it. I did hear clearly however the President’s reference near the close of his speech to the core values that should define America: honesty, decency, dignity and equality, with no safe harbor for hatred, resentment, revenge and retribution. 

Now, I must say that I did a bit of a double take when I first read Uranda’s 1954 class paper. In this particular instance my computer mouse was almost like the curser on an ouija board, as it seemed to guide itself to this post and exclaim, “Read this!” And I obeyed. I couldn’t recall having ever, over the years of my spiritual education, heard such strong emphasis placed on awareness, implications and analyses of trends in the pattern of world consciousness. I even went back to my class notes of 1979 to check, and we hadn’t looked at it at that time.

YouTube Video  Speaker View

So the following day I received an email from David Barnes commenting on the previous night’s gathering, and that we had unfortunately run out of time to delve as deeply as we would have liked to, into the awareness of Elder Responsibility in Radiation relative to factors at work in the world body of humanity. He then asked if I would like to focus a Temple of Light service along these lines of thought—and here I am, and here you are. I have asked Christine to join me as well. We plan to provide ample time here today for your insights and thoughts around what we feel is a vast and timely consideration. Perhaps we could describe this time provided as an open forum to delve more deeply into these factors. So I wish to make use of Uranda’s Class session entitled, “Factors At Work In The World Body Of Humanity”, which is available in its entirety in the archives of the Great Cosmic Story [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/factors-at-work-in-world-body-of.html]. I don’t plan to read out the whole paper but wish to offer you a summary designed to maintain the tone, proportions, and essence of the original text. I have approached this with great care and appreciation for its origins and significance.

In this session, Uranda began by emphasizing that we, no matter what our sphere of service, need very much to be aware of the trends of movement in the world pattern. Not only persons and groups and communities, but nationally in particular, and also other nations in the world, so that we may be able to function intelligently in relation to the vibratory factors in the world body of humanity—not so much from a political standpoint but because we are a part of the world body of humanity, and we are primarily here to serve the world body. We must be able to comprehend, analyze, and appreciate the factors at work.

As an example, Uranda read an article from the Denver Post which outlined political, economic and social dynamics being created by Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist Party in 1954, and the chaos and far-reaching implications for the world body of mankind, and interestingly, for the body of the Son of God in particular. He portrayed communism and fascism as malignant growths in the world body consciousness, and although something of the fascist tumor had been removed, the roots were not, and it was still present, so ultimately and fundamentally, in relationship to the world body, as he put it, we are dealing with an incurable disease. And as he stated, “Only under the hand of the Great Physician can the World Body begin to be healed.”

He emphasized that only through purity of heart can we cease to continue to support these tiny rootlets of that which appears in extreme and malignant form in world events and trends. This healing within ourselves is the only way by which we are of any value in extending the hand of the Great Physician into the world. He highlighted how religious concepts have basically represented deviations and tangent patterns, and that only as we have come to reach a point where we truly recognize the nature of these variations and deviations, can we intelligently and wisely work to correct them; and I quote, “Merely acknowledging them, merely seeing them, is of no value. Attempting to arbitrarily upset them or override them, accomplishes nothing. We must learn how to deal wisely with them.”

Well of course, it has been 70 years and certainly much has changed in the outer world, to say the least. For instance, the world population then was about 2.7 billion. We are now at about 8 billion. The world population has almost tripled in 70 years—one generation. We could spend a lot of time considering such massive outer changes; there are many, as I’m sure we are all quite aware.

In my preparations for today, and my reading and re-reading of this paper, it struck me that together in the now we are bringing its essence forward as a refresher, shall we say, allowing this enduring wisdom to find new voice, application, and expansion in our time. Or we might wish to say, updating, as was mentioned here a few weeks ago by Robert and Terry Kaufman. [templeoflightservices.blogspot.com/honour-and-glory-youtube-video-speaker.html]

One could say that not much has changed over these 70 years. Authoritarian communism is still very much present, though it has moved through many changes and cycles in its manifestation. The presence and threat of fascism has certainly not ceased to exist, and appears to be smoldering around the edges of many western democracies. Religious fanaticism and terrorist extremism continue to be almost everyday news items, sowing the seeds of conflict, war and unthinkable atrocities and retaliations. I’m sure, in understanding the principles of spiral movement, that we are aware of now dealing with these things at a new level. The incredible explosion of information and media technologies, over the past decades, certainly has come to define our times, and has been re-shaping the landscape of existing human consciousness exponentially, and for many it appears to be overwhelming and all consuming. But not for those who, as John Gray recently put it, “Assume angelic identity, not in theory or belief, we actually take true identity upon ourselves and become one being in human form.” In this true identity we can then encompass and work as required with the flow of current trends in real time, knowing that we are able to function intelligently in relationship to the vibratory factors involved.

Well, in my case at that time I had the realization, along with others, that the President’s speech had come to me to specifically work with the vibrational essences involved: leadership, elderhood, ageism, respect, empathy, protection, and celebration of the articulation of essential qualities of character. We acknowledge always the angelic presence of the One Who Dwells in each person, and we are particularly delighted when the evidence of that Presence comes forth, to whatever degree.

There is, and has been in the past eight years, a continuing trend of men of elder years—playing in the 4th quarter—to assume and hold Presidential power in the U.S. amidst a parallel trend of intensifying divisions between left and right, and increasing extremes of opposing political ideologies. Of note is that the average age of a member of Congress is 61.5 years. In our “Conscious Elder Leadership” forum, we reviewed qualities of true leadership, and in brief I touch on these: 1. Character and spiritual expression are foundational—age not withstanding! 2. They hold a place of large and deep perspective. 3. They are not governed by their weaknesses and yet take no inordinate pride in their strengths. 4. They remind and inspire all to that which is larger and deeper within themselves. 5. They know that the creative power of love holds all things under control in the true government of the Divine Design.

Another trend in consciousness that is looming is what has been outwardly termed the “Threat to Democracy”, particularly in the U.S., with growing concern worldwide around such movement. In Uranda’s teaching there was, I feel, an implied concern for the implications of authoritarian and fascist style movements, not only on world geopolitical fronts but particularly on what we might presently refer to as our “spiritual corporation” and all that it is connected to and with.  After all, this Body was conceived and nurtured in two democratic nations. Well, how would we comprehend, analyze, and appreciate the vibratory factors at play here, and indeed work intelligently with them?

Before turning things over to Christine, I would mention one more trend that has exploded in concert with information and media technologies, which is of course, the kingdom of experts. As I recall, Martin used to have a definition of an expert which he was known to make use of on occasion: “X is an unknown quantity, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!” I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I offer a little update on this: X is a controversial and apparently chaotic social media platform, and a spurt is a know it all, often with a book, who is great in the 10 yard dash—in other words, no endurance! A few years ago there was a CBC documentary (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) called, “The Trouble With Experts”, which highlighted a 20 year study done on the actual results of predictions made by top experts. Not only did it find that they were simply wrong a high percentage of the time, but that the rate of accuracy was pretty much equivalent to chimpanzees throwing darts. Of course, I’m sure we all know what the real problem is for experts. It’s the elephant in the room! Now we all know who and what the elephant in the room is, and it used to be very small—but I think we see it getting larger and larger and larger in these days? Over to Christine.

Christine Jonas — I love that elephant! It’s so good to see you all. Allan asked the question, “How would we comprehend, analyze, and appreciate the vibratory factors at play in the world body and indeed, work intelligently with them? We talk about this all the time, and I’ll mention some of the ways we do it, the ways we translate the factors into our world. Of course there are many more opportunities that aren’t mentioned here.

One of the things we do is go on “Peace Vigils”, a zoom conference twice a week with Jeffrey Goldstein. Jeffrey has been holding these gatherings for seven months—since the beginning of the war in Gaza. There is a texture of substance in this gathering, which changes constantly; this has included many of Jeff’s clients and friends in Israel, so you are getting the essence of the vibratory factors they are dealing with in the middle of a crisis situation. That is a setting that is unique, with its own factors; this varies in each grouping. For instance, it's different in this grouping but if I open my heart to feel all of you and your substance, the vision and love for the process is what it's all about, with the deep sensing that what we generate together is of great significance.

Another way that we allowed the vibratory factors to come into play was with a refresher course with Chris Jorgenson on Attunement. I can’t tell you how updated and current that experience was; and I applaud Chris and those with him for truly and for so long working these factors. It comes through his knowledge and understanding of this process of attunement, which for me was a complete update. Distance world attunement—IPAT (International Planetary Attunement Team) was emphasized; and he emphasized a process which is cool: “liquefied attunement.” Anyone can join by signing up on the website: “International Association of Attunement Practitioners”, and there are many you would know there who contribute through Attunement.

Chris says, “An example of participating in a vibrational field of stewardship for a few minutes is when going to the gas station to fill up your car, you notice that you are the only one at the station. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, several people arrive to fill up their cars with you at the same time and location. Coincidence? No! Several Creator-Beings have come together for a short time to bless, steward, and attune a vibrational or energetic divine essence for the planet (although they might not say that). As we, you and I, live in a consciousness of liquefied Attunement, the understanding of the nature, purpose and blessing of the many divine Being-to-Being relationships above the crossover point can fill in for each one of us.”

Another example of this is in retail business, in which Allan and I have worked our entire life. Retailers know about this “coincidence” of converging customers; restauranteurs know about it—they don’t necessarily name it but they know it happens on a daily, monthly, yearly basis, and in fact plan for it. In the store where I work we talk about it all the time, “Why is the store quiet for long periods of time and then all of a sudden there are almost too many customers to look after?” Retail analysists have tracked these activity surges and have found that they occur at the same times in major stores throughout the country. That fascinates me!

Chris’s website, IAAP, has many wonderful articles. Here are some more of Chris’ words: “Beyond the scientific talk about the current solar event, (referring the aurora borealis) I am sensing a spiritual significance. To put it in a few words I see the Creator via the Sun sharing an intensifying Attunement with planet Earth and humanity, to restore and to establish once again the fullness of Love's radiation for our planetary home.” Chris says he’s so thankful for IPAT, which exists under the guidance of Cliff Roberts, as a way for a group of dedicated practitioners to share Attunement on a daily basis with different patterns that occur on planet Earth. A few here do so. Anyone who has had training in Attunement and is interested in doing this planetary work is welcome to inquire about joining IPAT. Isn’t that fascinating?

Another important grouping is with Dr. Steve Ventola and the “Conscious Healthy Aging” program. During this process Steve has introduced us to an (new to me) association called “Peace, Harmony, Joy Alliance”. We recently attended a very creative and informative session with about 50 radiant people we had never met. Dr. Steve was a part of the panel, and he likes to characterize such gatherings as expansion “from core to the periphery.” I love that. These are a couple of their perspectives: “Problem: We are breaking apart: The way we demonize each other because of our different beliefs—what we call ‘toxic polarization’—is a huge threat to our families, communities, and country. It’s increasingly hitting close to home causing breakdown from the dinner table to family vacation, from the workplace to worship services. We must reverse this trend!”  We might ask, what are the deeper vibratory factors present here? Their solution to the problem is to build a large scale opportunity to build connection. “Facilitators around the globe endorse guided, face-to-face conversation [you may notice I mention frequently the value of conversation] across differences as one of the most powerful tools available to remove the biases, stereotypes, and misperceptions before they have the opportunity to rip societies apart. By engaging 1:1 and in small groups, we remind ourselves that the ‘other’ is—just like us–-a person with family, friends, hopes, fears, values, and worth. “National Week of Conversation” provides a simple, powerful, and proven opportunity for Americans to gain this fresh and healing perspective—either directly or vicariously… Bridging across differences has little to do with our opinions on issues, but rather changing our perspective of those who hold opinions different than our own. Disagreement is said to be healthy for our democracy, but we need to find ways to transcend our biases.”

Did you know that there is a thing called, “The National Week of Conversation”? This year it was from April 17 and 23 in the U.S. This week it is in the U.K. The session we attended with Steve was a part of that. Also did you know there is a website called “Awareness days” where you can find out many events happening around the world? OMG right up my alley! If you want to see the plethora of  wonderful stuff on the internet, it’s available. “The Beautiful News Network” is one place I go to find some truly wonderful and creative acts, visions and conversations. There I go from story to story and find ones that connect with me. Talk about new language and reframing the world, which is their mantra. “Beautiful News” launched on November 1, 2016 as a content platform dedicated to unearthing inspiring, uplifting, authentic voices that reflect the good in humanity, as well as the beauty of destinations and our natural world [beautifulnews.com]. “We gather our stories by keeping a pulse on individuals and organizations that are making a positive impact through their ideas, actions, initiatives and contributions. This diverse set of inspirational narratives collectively showcases humanity’s inherent goodness. Beautiful News offers a platform to amplify their message because we believe that together, we are stronger. It’s these stories that will unite us as we create a community committed to positive action and change.”

Another means of connection in which we participate are PODS, which came out of a Tone of Life session. To me these are highly engaging and rewarding times together, exploring further our work and our presence, and more than ever our purpose here on earth with each other. We have the best conversations.

I would also mention the many 1:1 conversations [“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20] taking place amongst us all. Because Allan spends much more time than I do connecting with “news magazine” TV and online programs, he will often bring to me the essences of a program he has just watched for us to discuss. A recent example was one on Global Wealth where it was revealed that just 1.1% of the adult world population (the highest wealth rung) now controls 46% of total global wealth. Billionaires now control 14.2 trillion or 3% of total wealth—yet they are only 2,780 out of 8 billion. I’ll let you think about that, but Allan and I look at the deeper vibratory aspects of this: things like “hoarding of substance”, “greed and power”, the “never enough” syndrome, and behind it all is fear, in its many aspects, and may we say “serious identity issues”. In the store where I work, there are a couple of women that spend over half a million dollars a year on clothes. Allan and I talk about all of this, and there is more of course, and I am so thankful to have him in my life so that we can share the deepest parts of ourselves with no holds barred. During such a process (this immediate example of preparing to speak here), we go back and forth with the vibratory factors until we begin to understand each other completely. Quite frankly, when we started this preparation I was asking, “What are vibratory factors?” Now, I know what they are, but, how to deal with them? So we talked and talked until we came to this point. Although such a process may seem a bit heavy in a way, I think it’s good to reach deep and see what these factors do. So I say, let’s keep exploring, let’s keep each other connected about what we see is on the move.

I would love to hear about what you have in your world that you see as providing a place for these vibrational factors in the world body, and then offer something into them. It is a pleasure and deep privilege to have been able to spend this time and create something of a positive so needed expression.

Debra Starrs — Thank you both. In addition to the Great Cosmic Story, I have been enjoying the Third Sacred School volumes, and I noticed some excerpts, one pagers that were quite zingy, and Uranda was saying that if we are to be effective we must “face facts” and issues without judgment. I thought of this: if you had some pain or aberration going on in your own body, how would you know where to focus your attention and healing if you didn't have some signal? This is not heavy work if we're not reacting emotionally, but we are just facing facts, and there are any number of facts out there, and any number of people and topics. I do believe this is quite timely and points to our greater works.

Mary Janak — Debra, I really appreciate your point here. I was thinking along a similar vein: facing facts, being objective, being aware of one's own biases, and living to as great a degree as possible in my own transcendent consciousness, where I can be aware of my own perceptions of truth based on my highest understanding of the principles of truth, and let that continue to unfold. I would also remark on the matter of details in the latest Great Cosmic Story service [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/in-these-pioneer-days-one-way-home.html]. How important that is. Christine, when you were speaking of dealing with vibratory things, for me it always comes down to, “What's going on in me? What kind of energy am I putting out and what kind of energy am I reinforcing by my expression in the little things?” I always come down to the fact that it has to be transcendent, to as high a degree as possible, to the highest understanding, and to be open to see more.

David Barnes — Allen and Christine, I   appreciate you both, the clarity of your presentation, and the beautiful spirit moving through your words, so that the Word itself is clearly perceptible in the stream of what you shared with us. I too have been taken with this word “trends.” Anne and I spend time considering trends, happenings, events. We start with the almost invisible, almost imperceptible heavenly trends emerging in consciousness. What is emerging in the heaven should be shared by members of the Spiritual Body, and that leads into consideration of earthly events, worldly events and trends, and allows discernment of the accuracy of alignment with heavenly trends appearing. There's a touchstone, a gauge and guide for such considerations. Uranda called it “Heavenly Magic”. Is it the magic of life or the magic of death; the magic of hate or the magic of love; the magic of lies or the magic of truth? Is it of the black magic triangle or the white magic triangle. [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/from-life-uranda-june-3-1953-class-we.html] One can see what's coming out of the world, where there's an emphasis on hate, lies and death, and that characterizes those who are deeply involved in such patterns. It's good to face facts in this regard. And also face facts related to those who are emphasizing the qualities of Love, Truth and Life in their action and function in the world. So we can fool ourselves, or we can face facts and recognize that there are a lot of ugly facts, but there is no such thing as an ugly truth. There are a lot of beautiful facts that align with beautiful truth, and the patterns of Heavenly Magic all around us in the world. You have brought something wonderful through your own presence, your own spirit, and your own deep engagement, evidence that you pay attention to the trends in heaven, and see how those correlate with what's appearing in the earth, letting the heavenly radiation permeate it all. I love you both very much, and appreciate your self-revelation and deep sharing with us this morning.

Laura Fisher — Thank you Allan and Christine. We could say the real elephant in the room is us, because not many are talking about us and perhaps not many see us. I am currently living in downtown Vancouver. In this cosmopolitan city I meet people every day where I share the spirit of us, where I can easily share a kind, open, beautiful conversation about life. I am so surprised with the kindness that has been shown me, and I know it is because of the influence that the Spirit of God has had through a community of people who don't criticize each other, but move together and know our place on this earth. There's much to be done yet—we're still in a bit of a mess, aren't we? I have longed for a very long time for a service of this kind, where we can share with one another the wonderful things that are opening up, because there are many of them. This is important to those who read and speak the Word. The Word made flesh—what a glorious thing that is, and how pleasurable. I have the power of this community and the power of true living behind me—elder years. It's wonderful to move with confidence of that reality. And I thank you so much for what you have brought. It's wonderful to be aware of all that's going on in truth.

Robert Merriman — Yes, awareness in truth—in the world, but not of it. Thank you for inviting us to move in this wonderful substance that you've woven in your living together. How important it is for all the things that are on the move in the three-dimensional world to have a place to clear to! it isn't a matter of just ignoring the world; it's a matter of what you've demonstrated here. And I'm wowed by it, lifted up by it, and thrilled. This is the speaking of the Word, and it's just a joy to be with you in it at this time.

Anne Blaney — I also want to thank you for the many lights, portals and trends that you are tracking and that you brought into this place. One of the functions of being aware of these portals where the light comes in is that it allows the people who are participating to enter into sanctification; and every time that's done it contributes to the generation of the heaven that is building. That heaven is the safety-net for so many of the factors that are on the move in the world. Recently, when I was working with an intensification, I literally felt the Spiritual Body. I felt the generation. I felt that substance come pouring in. It was palpable. I felt lifted and held by it, and in that instance I was so grateful. I know that this kind of thing is happening with everyone in the world—they may not know consciously that that's happening, but there's a certain moderating effect present by reason of this heaven that is being created right now. In sanctification, one theme that surfaces is repentance; and a certain element called accountability. For those of us who are working at these levels of essence, there's a continual repentance taking place—and that instantly opens up connection with the One whose world this actually is. The beautiful power that moves through us is opening that particular element, at an essential level, in the heaven, for the whole world. It's important because there seems to be a dearth of repentance or accountability; there's a lot of pride, a lot of polarization. So I salute the living, the conversations, the wealth of generation in your lives that enables you to bring this to focus.

Yujin Pak —  Thank you Allan and Christine. This is a very excellent and important consideration, and I want to touch on an element that hasn't come out that much so far—something captured in a service by Grace Van Duzen from 1962, titled, “Lightning Over The Treasury Building” [greatcosmicstory.blogspot.com/excerpts-from-lightning-gracevan-duzen.html] I recommend it very strongly. It's about the macro control of the world by money. Grace effectively points out that we do not have democracy; we have the appearance and the facade of democracy. What is present is controlled by money at the outer level, and it is the movement of black magic in the world: control by money. Seven years ago, an economist named Thomas Piketty published a book which was quite remarkable, titled “Capital in the 21st Century”. It effectively shows much more detailed proof of what Grace was talking about 50 years earlier: that control by money has deepened rather than lessened. The key factor I want to point out, something more significant than fascism or communism: Martin repeatedly said we do not have democracy. There is control by something else: control by money is pervasive and that money has taken very strategic and deliberate steps to buy up and control all the media. I think there's less awareness of how much this is in fact the case with American media. The reason this is important is because it affects our thinking; it effects our perception; and facts provided to us are filtered through ideology. So in being aware of world trends, I suggest you read Grace's paper and see today's world patterns through those eyes. On the other side of this black magic pattern is the movement of white magic.

Stewart Berger — This attention to money and black magic brings up in me the other side, the white magic. Whereas money is the substance in the human world, we know about heavenly substance. I have occasionally gone toe-to-toe with people about political things, but what always comes back to me is how to release the greatest amount of substance into what I'm doing so that I remain at home in heaven, which is where the substance originates. Where there are lies or exaggerations, we can speak the truth. The power is in the reality, as opposed to unreality in the world; and where there is self-centeredness, we know about the release of love. We're most blessed to know how life really works, and to share this with people we touch in the world. Thank you.

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Christine Jonas — This is what I mean about the conversations. Right! They’re wonderful! Yujin added a whole other aspect to this. Deborah, I was going to read part of facing facts service for this presentation, so I’m glad that came up. And Mary, your comment about details, little things. All this is further expansion and this to me is what true conversation is, with people who love what we do. I've so enjoyed this morning. Thank you.

Allan Jonas — Yeah, it's been just wonderful. And I'm so thankful to be in this beautiful Temple substance with a group of non-experts. When we have the opportunity to speak or present it's not from that place, certainly, that we've got it all together, or that we know everything. That certainly was my feeling in what I presented. It's wonderful to hear these insights and experiences that allow me to learn; we discern and we learn together. And I must say this has been a wonderful experience in that regard, here today, for me as well. Thanks so much everybody. 

Steve Ventola — Thank you, Allan and Christine. This has started something, and the vibration is still continuing in my heart. Taking note of what we've shared and looking at the vibratory factors within ourselves, recognizing those, that's where we first deal with the vibratory factors of the world. Something that struck me this morning is in the book of Revelation, the message to the Church of Philadelphia: “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which are come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth.” The word of my patience. When we don't know, when our hearts are stirred vibrationally, we just pray; and we know, just praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Allow ourselves to come into the presence of the Lord, to think wisely, and then we can receive our world upward. We're here to receive our world upward. Let's have a moment of devotion: O Lord, as our hearts are stirred in praise to Thee, we sense Thy white magic in the midst of this black magic world. And because of this, we have confidence, we have purpose, we provide elder leadership, that Thy Way may be known within our own hearts, and from core to periphery. Letting Thy light shine, letting Thy navigation be known, letting all be blessed that we are with, all for the glory of Thy Name. Here again now, invisible expression through us. Jehovah. Jehovah, Jehovah! In the stillness of this moment, in our hearts and minds, let us affirm our reason for being alive in this day, glorifying Thy Name, in the glory of Thy Living Christ. Amen.

Our next service will be on June 23rd with Susannah Light and Carol Travis

Allan Jonas jonasa@shaw.ca

Christine Jonas — jonasc@shaw.ca