May 20, 2023

Temple  of  Light

May 2023  Monthly  Service  Notice

It is a great pleasure to invite you and welcome you to participate in the next Temple of Light service, which will be focused by Gary Courtland-Miles from Saturna Island, B.C. on Sunday May 28, 2023 @ 10 am Pacific Time

These simple and beautiful words, spoken in 1982 by Martin Cecil, bring essences that allow an expansion in consciousness, dissolving ceilings and opening the heavens in attunement with the Word of Life:

“The vast majority of people can sense the spirit if they are open to listen for it. They can be moved by it, be delighted because of it, then life is found to be a song and a dance—something natural, something wonderful, something easy, something delightful, something which is experienced and doesn’t have to be explained. Now life begins to move under intelligent control within the range of human experience, that all may share in the wonder of it, because they discover how delightful it is. They discover the steps of the dance. They begin to hear the music of the dance. What a joyous and fulfilling experience! Most people don’t really want to know the ins and outs of it—just have the experience. It is necessary that some should begin to know something of the ins and outs of it, so that the music may be sustained and the basic steps of the dance brought into form. All that has been offered over the years through these services is the opportunity to learn to listen to the sound of the spirit. The Word is heard when you learn to listen. It is here present with us in this moment; it is in motion in this moment.

Listen! for the sound of many waters,

Listen! for the sound of the rushing wind,

Listen! for the sound of the silent earth,

Listen! for the sound of the radiant sun.


Welcome to all who are drawn to participate in this unified pattern of radiant listening and speaking in Temple Service, as we each let ceilings be dissolved, and bring our finest substance through which the Spirit is released in blessing, up and down and all around. David Barnes and Anne Blaney

These are the Temple service dates selected for the next few months:

Sunday, June 25, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  Robert Kauffman from Atlanta, Georgia and Mary Janak from Denver Colorado

Sunday, July 23, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  Anne Blaney from Salmon Arm, B.C. Canada

Sunday, August 20, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  Daniel Cartwright from Portland, Oregon

Sunday, September 17, 2023 @ 10 a.m. PT  1 p.m. ET  with  David Barnes from Salmon Arm, B.C. and

Robert Merriman from Denver, Colorado — Anniversary service

If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a Temple of Light service in months to come, please let us know at

Everyone is welcome to participate in a Temple of Light service. We only send this Notice and Zoom link to those who have asked to be on our Mailing List, or who ask for a Zoom link for a specific service date. Please don’t pass the link to anyone. We prefer that those who want to receive the monthly Temple Service Zoom link write and request it. This helps keep a light touch of essential control on who and what comes through the door. If you wish to lead the way, to focus and speak in a monthly service in times to come, please let us know. Transcripts and videos are available to all on the Temple of Light website @

Cosmic Cycles — YouTube Video — Gary Courtland-Miles

May 07, 2023

Response  In  The  Kingdom

Robert Merriman   April 30, 2023   Denver, Colorado

Temple of Light service

Thank you each one, in your beautiful check-in. What a privilege it is to stand here with you on the Temple Steps, figuratively speaking. I was thinking as you were checking in, as we were all checking in, yes, we have 42 stations, but how many stations are represented by virtue of the substance brought to these steps this morning? How many generations of generating are carried in our hearts, our bones, our pneumaplasm—the longing, the sacred longing, the longing of the millions? Our numbers, in terms of physical form, relatively few. In terms of representation, immense! And in this, as we prepare to enter the Temple, let us declare through prayer our appreciation for Whose home this is:

O magnificent LORD and KING, how honored we are to have been called from the Four Winds this day to enter herein and commune with Thee and Thy QUEEN, allowing our hearts, our minds, our spirits, our very bodies to open fully to Your creative impulse, all to the end that Your Temple might be filled with the unabated results of the working of the One Law. We avail ourselves to Thee in joy and in absolute resonance. Thank you, O LORD, for this unique opportunity today. Aum-en.

So, moving with this imagery, let’s file in and take our places in the Temple of the Living God.

I’m reminded of the experience—not to be nostalgic; but I think it represents a point—of what it was like to walk into the Dome Chapel at Sunrise Ranch and take my place in preparation for Martin to speak. And I must admit, I was fascinated with the ceiling, not while he was talking, mind you, but beforehand. The beautiful design was contained therein, intricate combinations of triangles and other shapes, merging at the top around five beautiful circular windows distributed around a pentagon. I used to imagine that above that was the Capstone of the Pyramid, the Christ Consciousness, and flowing into our sacred setting there through the five windows, representing (for me, anyway) my five senses as a human being, indicating and proclaiming that this human equipment, in which I live and breathe, is designed to carry the impulse of Christ Consciousness from the Capstone into the three dimensional world through the course of what we refer to as a human life. As we were privileged to hear and participate in the Word, I was aware that not only was the light flowing in from above, but it was also flowing back out through those windows into the entire world—a radiant pulsation begat through Radiation, Response, Attraction, Union, Unified Radiation.

Sometimes I meditate on how unique that opportunity was among generations. Really! To have incarnated at this time, to have been demonstrated by a Priest after the order of Melchizedek the way it’s done: What an entrustment! What an amazing turn of events! What an immense responsibility.

I’m thinking back again on the design of the Dome ceiling. I couldn’t help but think about our design in the Kingdom of Heaven in these 42+ stations, some with multiple participants, how though we are few in numbers, we are strategically placed about the Kingdom. Strategic in vibration—we are each made uniquely. Aren’t we?—and strategic in geographic location, as well. I’m keenly aware at this moment that due to our time zones, etc., that our friends in Korea are not physically with us. At least I didn’t notice them on the screen, and yet, the East is represented, as well, perhaps through you, Marsha. [As it turns out, Jae Hyoung Lee, from Jeju, South Korea, had logged on after check-in and was in fact able to attend in spite of the time difference! It was 2:00 a.m. in Korea when the Temple of Light service started.]

An example of the Lord’s strategic mastery is represented in the story of Gideon, wherein out of thousands of warriors he chose 300, to surround on the rim of the bowl of a valley, tens of thousands—way outnumbering the Children of Israel. To achieve the Lord’s purpose. In moving in sensitive attunement with the Lord, and with the agreement of the 300 he selected, the valley was surrounded strategically at night. Each was with a lantern on, but cloaked with, I think it was a terracotta pitcher, as it was described; (The Bible doesn’t use the word terracotta—my guess) but you couldn’t see the light until the pitcher was broken. When the pitcher was broken, all the warriors strategically placed around the valley were instructed on Gideon’s cue with his trumpet to sound their trumpets. And all sounded their trumpets. And all yelled like crazy! The enemy thought they were surrounded by hoards of who knows how many. They panicked. They ran and sometimes slayed each other; got the heck out of that valley and were defeated.

I see a great parallel here with us today. Not that we are about achieving any kind of military undertaking. Think of the size of about 8 billion people on the Earth today, greatly attuned to death, greatly attuned to fear, even with the best of intentions, so many people of integrity, so many noble souls, but hypnotized since the Fall. And here, by reason of the working of the One Law, we have been drawn, not any better than anyone else—that’s for sure!—but called nevertheless, strategically, for the purpose of letting our lights so shine, that irrefutably and inexorably the substance of the world might be drawn into Love’s control today.

How thrilling to rest in the knowledge that this process is at work, even as we speak. And it appears that in the Bible that there have been those who have possessed something of this vision along the way. And yet, here we are with 8 billion people, many hypnotized and operating under counterfeit control. And that’s putting it nicely. It strikes me that what has been missing is the requisite power: the power that is required to call unto remembrance the resonant substance contained in the fallen world, to have a sound, a tone strong enough, durable enough, reliable enough to trust, to attune to and to remember by the music of the spheres.

YouTube Video  Speaker View

In the One Law, my sensing is response is what has been a bit lacking. Not that we’re here to dwell on lack. I think we are here to dwell on victory and opportunity. And here is, as I see it, a great opportunity to power up so that the coordination of the LORD might be complete, and full resonance might be steady, sure, and immovable within a Core, a Radiant Core that is adequate—adequately placed, because we move with attunement with the One Who Dwells, and adequately powerful because it IS the Irresistible Force. Here's a piece that I wrote while meditating on these things dedicated to Response. It goes like this:

“As the Fire and the Spirit move round about, creating by LETTING all called substance move perfectly, poetically, rightfully into place, the True Body of His Word is formed, and it is Holy—pristine—perfect in organization and flow. All you said was, ‘YES! Emphatically YES! It is Thee, my Eternal Beloved!’ Through the Single Eye in you, laced with true love’s response, you merely asked, ‘How could it be any other way?’ And a Great Voice in Heaven, CALLING ALL to remembrance, sounded in and through you, from within and without, from above and below. Holy, Holy, Holy! Come unto thy KING, for the appointed time to SURRENDER your world is NIGH! And the Wondrous Light of His Gaze comes upon thee, harmonically illuminating the Temple with audible light, joyously creating, and recreating your story. Lustily chanting, all the voices of Heaven sing once again your true song. Through updraft of Pure Virtue, IN the Vibration of our Lord, thy response USHERS you into His True Heart’s Ultimate Furnace, wherein the One Way of Love’s sacred fusion is eternally walked, and in that Holy Flame, in thy precise Temple place, the Humble Authority of the Word made flesh is eternally revealed—compelling, drawing, reshaping, even unto Paradise, all the substance of this One World, into HIS BODY, through which NEW SHINING WORLDS are uttered into existence. The KING winks, and His QUEEN smiles knowingly. All is well.”

I wonder how much response is enough? “Oh, that’s enough Response.” “Good. We did it.” “I did it this morning during sanctification.” “I did it last night at sanctification.” Was that enough? I know this is a speculation of the mind, but I’m thinking it might be enough when my vibration is so centered in the Lord, due to complete Response of heart, mind, body and spirit that my very presence proclaims to a world attuned with death and fear, “Surrender! Resistance is futile!” 

Sounds audacious, doesn’t it? Well, I suspect that the LORD’s audacity relative to human nature is not to be equaled. And here we are with the opportunity of powering up, strategically placed, to the end that all might be brought to remembrance, and that that grid, represented by all those junctions in the ceiling of the Temple, might light up like a Christmas tree. And ALL is brought to remembrance. What could be more joyous work? Martin speaks about that kind of power. On July 3, 1977 [] he made the statement:

“The immediate concern is that there should be this core composed of human beings who are ministering, who are providing the facility for the positive action of the One Law at the level where human beings are. That is the experience of the Holy Ghost coming upon you and it is stated: ‘Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.’ There is the power, the creative power of the positive action of the One Law, and it is this that transforms the world. We begin to allow that positive action of the One Law which is already in operation to be brought to focus and to find release in radiation, in action, in living, because we have assumed the responsibility for letting it be so. Then we might say the job is done.”

What that might look like, in the grid of the true Design, with all of the junctions of all the connections lighting up was so beautifully articulated in the invitation that David Barnes sent out for this Temple of Light Service, with Anne. Thank you, both!

“Just suppose every man, woman and child upon the face of the whole earth were centered in God, completely under the Kingdom Control of the Spirit, letting Life truly manifest—the Shekinah Light is the Life of men—there would be then, around the entire surface of the earth, wherever there is land at least, the manifestation of millions and millions of particularized focalizations of Shekinah. There would be a particularized Shekinah Pattern between any given individual and each of his true friends. Suppose some person had one hundred friends. There would be one hundred balls of Fire and glowing Lights and manifestations of Cloud in relationship to that one individual who centered the hundred friends; but they in turn would have other friends, and each might have anywhere from, what shall we say? one to a hundred, more or less, in some cases many more, manifestations of Shekinah, and it would cover the earth's surface, and everything that would be done, every word that would be spoken, every action, would be on the basis of the expression of Shekinah in actual fact. The earth would then be a Sun, glowing, shining, in its place in the Solar System and the Cosmos—a Sun, a manifestation of the only begotten Son of God. So we begin to realize that if all those who dwell on the face of the earth were as they ought to be, there would be many more manifestations of the Shekinah Pattern than there would be individuals on earth, many more, and all things would be the expression of Shekinah, and without Shekinah there would not be anything done. The Kingdom of heaven is at hand, the Kingdom of Shekinah is at hand. Let it appear to the Glory of our KING and to the blessing of the children of men.”  []

What a unique opportunity! There are 8 billion people on this planet right now. Hey! What could be better? What could be better—the One Law and 8 billion people? What’s that story about, in the Bible? “Oh, but there are giants in the land!” Oh there are so many people! Well, “Big deal,” the LORD says. “I am with you, even unto the end of the earth.” How much response is enough? Can we say to human nature—Robert laughed—“Human nature, resistance is futile. Surrender.”? Of course, I’ve been talking about the world. It starts within oneself. Doesn’t it? The surrender of everything. I think that’s what’s required for the “power-up” experience that we’ve been talking about. In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 4, it’s described like this: 

“And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to Him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Grace Van Duzen points out the symbology here with those crowns that they relinquish—those “crowns” represent our own self-centeredness of the mind, our own achievements, our own things about ourselves that we think are pretty cool and comfortable. “Hey, I’m a great talker. I can talk all the time in any conversation.” Well, maybe that’s one’s “crown”, and it could be let go of. Maybe, “I’m really good at achieving a lot of things in this world and I’ve got a lot of stuff cooking and I really don’t have time for this meditation stuff, and this full alignment and response!” Well, maybe that’s a crown that could be let go of. Maybe some space could be made in one’s time management for more meditation.

We each know our capacities pretty well, and if we have the capacity to be honest, we begin to see what they are, not by endless self-analysis, but by responding to the original, Prime Source of the Focus of Love for this planet, the Prime Source for that vibration. And by giving ALL to the Prime Source of Love, the KING, it’s described as “fire falling from Heaven”, we may each then be enveloped fully by the Flame of Love, the vibration of that Flame, and live and walk therein all of our days, allowing everything that comes into contact with us in the three dimensional world to come in contact with the KING, and His QUEEN, and the vibration that relates thereto. Is that too much to ask? It does involve giving up everything, doesn’t it? And yet without it, where does the power come from to get the job done? What does that one talk show host say? “How is that going for you?” The LORD could say to mankind relative to our insistence of sitting on our idols, holding on to our crowns, “How’s that going for you? Is that working?” We think not.

I love where we’ve been in this consideration, so high, such a communion with our LORD. And yet, we’re admonished to do more, to actually land this vibration that we’re sharing now in the nitty-gritty, sweaty, grungy experience of walking on Earth at this time in a world where much is not aligned with Heaven.

In his service, “Focalization of Creative Cycles”, Uranda was speaking on July 30, 1946, to I think it was the first class at Sunrise Ranch. [] And they were working with what it was like to dwell in meditation with Uranda, and then go out and fix the tractor, weed the garden, or work with personalities in the kitchen that might not be your first choice. Here’s what he had to say: “These are the creative cycles, and the way you have been carrying through this period of the cycle has been definitely improving. You have been letting that outward pulsation take place, accomplishing that to which you were called, and coming together again without losing the Current, as you used to.” He goes on to say, “That is not to say that you are doing it to perfection yet, but it has very markedly improved…” We all have to start somewhere. Don’t we? But without willingness to give it all up to the Vibration that created this planet in the first place, where does the power come from? I think the answer is: It doesn’t. And that is, in fact, what it takes.

I loved Marsha’s description, in her recent service, about “the pause” during the day when her printer went off-line when she had critical work to do. She just paused and checked in with the highest vibration, and then appearing in her very non-technical consciousness was the technical answer. Viola! So, as we exercise our muscle of trust, more comes of the magic, in particular knowledge and confidence in the Lord, which becomes part of our flesh, which our world can sense.

It’s between the lines. We don’t talk the way we’re speaking right now among most people we engage with. At least, I don’t have the opportunity. It wouldn’t be fitting. Would it? But to the degree that I am in His Vibration, it’s between the lines. It comes out through the eyes. There’s a presence. There’s something that in a very relaxed and beautiful way gets called to remembrance. And like I said, the world is obviously not aligned with Heaven at this point. So, there are things through which we have the opportunity of proving these principles to the world.

Not that we’re trying to impress anybody. Goodness knows, the part of any of us that would want to impress or be recognized is NOT the Lord. But there are places where the authority of our Lord may have its final say in our very actions. Some of our friends on-line here, their computer was recently hacked, and all the trauma that can go with having your world of information up-ended, financial, and otherwise, who knows, was up for them. They got to apply the Kingdom of Heaven to that circumstance and that circumstance got to feel the Kingdom of Heaven through them, being in place, staying centered, which I understand may have had to take place in pulsations. There’s a lot to feel. Isn’t there? And we let those feelings come. As Roger de Winton used to say, “Praise God for perception!” But we’re never ruled by it. We eat “perception”, as angels, for breakfast, because we transform those perceptions into the Holy vibration of the KING through our living.

This is something we’ve shared before in the Temple a couple of times, but I think it’s worth repeating. It’s from Revelation 15. Those elders that were lying down in worship, casting their “crowns” before the Throne of the One Who Dwells on the Throne, at this point are standing up on the sea of glass as clear as crystal: “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire [and Grace states in her book, that is ‘a state of pure vibrational substance alive with radiance’]: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.”

You might say in the process of restoration we exchange our self-centered crowns for the “harps of God”. We’re not left without something to hold. And what are the “harps of God”? They are the instrument of our human lives, used to play His Song through ALL of the circumstances in a human life—good, bad, and indifferent. Aren’t the circumstances the strings? And in true consciousness, oneness with the Father in Heaven, each time one of those strings, one of those circumstances is touched and plucked, BAM, the POWER of the music of the spheres, the Living Word, spoken through a human life transmits out, through the entire grid, lighting it up like a Christmas tree, calling ALL to remembrance, calling ALL into Oneness, letting the sorting out process be done once and for all. Then the KING has His Body to walk in with His QUEEN. And it is safe. And it is luminescent. And it is POWERFUL. Through it, New Shining Worlds are created in His Name by His angels who dwell in Heaven with Him and who are part of His Body. How wondrous, O LORD, is Your Holy Name, Your Vibration, which makes Thy Restoration on Earth possible!

I wonder if the Voice of Many Waters would join in on this Holy conversation.

Christina Pivarnik — Robert, I come with the deepest thankfulness for your elegant, exquisite focus for us in this Temple. It is such a privilege and an immense blessing to have this space where we can consider these things of great magnitude, and offer our whole hearts, our whole being in complete service to the One Most High, to our KING, to our QUEEN. I'm so humbled, and offer my crown wholeheartedly. Let it go, because there's such work to be done in clarity. This time is a time of nourishment—this safe and sacred place where our hearts can just open wide and be in total response. We do this independently, individually, in our days, in our meditations, but to be able to do it as a collective in the sacred space is something very, very precious. I give thanks for each one here who participates in this Temple, in this worship to the Lord, and I for one, and I think everyone here runs to do that! So thank you so much for your beautiful words, heart, focus. I am deeply appreciative.

Suzanne Core — Robert, I, too, am deeply appreciative, and my heart echoes Christina's words as well. How much response is enough? All of it! All of it! Now I have a mental facility that would be probably say, “Wait, you want me to trade a golden crown for a harp that I have to play, that I probably can't sell.” And I say, “Hush! That's not who we are. That's not who we are.” I love that you said “the KING winks. I can't get that out of my head. It raises, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light” to a whole different level of light for me. It is light, it is easy, it is fun. The KING and QUEEN have senses of humor. They make it so easy to cast down that golden crown and exchange it for a harp that can sound like a trumpet. So I join with you and everyone here in this moment to say, “Surrender all.” Thank you for a wonderful hour.

Davina Misroch — Robert, I have three words I wrote down which to me describe your wonderful offering this morning: levity, passion and spiritual backbone. That radiated through everything you offered today from the beginning until this point—the spiritual backbone in everything you were saying, suggesting, calling for and inviting us to share in. Without that backbone, it comes to nothing; it's very wishy-washy. So thank you for bringing that to the fore at every level, and you can be assured I'm very much alongside you in that. Thank you.

Marsha Bogolin — Robert, I also rejoice in what has come through you. I loved how you described the Lord's strategic mastery with the story of Gideon, and the opportunity that is present for us today. What I'm particularly struck with is your demonstration how, when we truly have no limit to response, fully respond, cast down our golden crown of self-centered achievement, or whatever is our particular version of it, what we receive in exchange, as you so beautifully demonstrated, is the ultimate power of experience. You know Robert. your vocabulary and imaginative way of expressing which heightens to another level when the current is coming through you, is just an example of the harps that are played through our facilities. So I trust that both the exquisite nature of your example and the deep prayer behind it—which is what the Lord needs now—will encourage us to fully give it all, because in so giving we're not losing anything of value. What we receive instead is who we truly are. So. Thank you, my brother, I am thrilled.

Anne Blaney — Robert, you mentioned the Korean group that we're aware of now, who speak—what was it you called it?—audible light. One of the things I've noticed with those newly awakening ones, is that they always speak from their immediate experience. It's made me realize how our Western minds have this tendency to separate from and to talk about something that has already happened, even if it's just a moment ago. I've been brought to humility in that regard: to challenge awareness in how I offer response, to express what is happening, right now, current! That's what I loved about our time together. We were all together in an exquisite heaven, and the heaven was pouring through those five windows, these five windows in our heads that you mentioned. The world can be assured that there are those right now who have blessed them. But we were certainly blessed, and here I am again talking about something that was in the past! I so enjoyed being present with you every step of the way, and that presence, as you were saying, continues, because we are all present, and now we're all aware of this exquisite connection, that we began, in the Word this morning—the beginning for our moments ahead. Thank you so much.

Laura Fisher — How wondrous and great are the works of our God. How wondrous and great Robert, are your works this morning, and our works that join you. Let's be audacious. Let's listen to the promise of the Lord our God, and be it. Your poem, your writing was exquisite. Such life and color in it. Exquisite! How I appreciate you, my friend, always, and particularly in this hour. Well done, our good and faithful servant! We are one in that expression. Thank you.

David Barnes — Hey Robert. It is such a rich and heart-opening hour that we spent together, brought into the substance of the KING of Love more fully, because there's more of us here to be in that enlarged heart realm, full of love for the KING and for those who compose His Body on earth. I found myself scanning the Zoom gallery view throughout the hour looking at the faces and feeling the current of love moving from each one of us here as individuals, and found it so easy to love each one in the love of the KING—sharing His love. And even though we talk about casting down our golden crowns of whatever human nature impression that may linger and wants to make itself known, make itself impressive, at the same time, when the crowns of self-centeredness are cast down, we immediately are aware that this is the Body of the Crowning Creation. So we discover that there really was no loss, and the crown is still here, but it's of a different nature—for Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor, made him a little lower than the angels, that angels might walk the earth in human form. So this Body, which is a representative sample of the Body of the KING growing on earth, wears a crown, naturally, which isn't of the human nature variety, but it's the crown that is natural to the Body of the KING. It's His Crown. And I feel, through what you have brought us into this morning Robert, so exquisitely, that we're all feeling something of our own Royal nature, as we look at each other and recognize the presence of the KING and QUEEN of Heaven incarnate in this Body— in this representation of the Body right here, right now. I am so thankful for all that you brought us through—bold, daring I would say, to go where many fear to tread. But not here, because it's the place of the love of the KING, for the KING, in His Body, now present here, in us and others here on earth. Thank you my friend.

Robert Merriman — Thank you each one, for your creative participation in both listening and in speaking. We have a little time left and it feels that the substance is present to read a poem that Yujin Pak wrote, presciently, about 43 years ago. It's called The Temple:

     In the womb of earth's silence stands, finished,

     a fused new holy temple

     ... delicate and shimmering, of the living Word,

     born of the fresh winds of creation.

     On crystal-fused edges of temple steps

     fall the first dew drops of a sacred new earth;

     and holy nectared flowers unseen by earthly man

     bloom in the temple's sunlit court.

     In morning glory shines the new conscious temple,

     built without human hands:

     One Mind, One Heart, fused in divine proportion,

     a One-splendored Arch of angels,

     spinning the One Fire of holy creation …


     Completed is the temple.

     And from the core of its silence, its immovable mass,

     goes forth an incandescent beam,

     a signal from the Lord Most High,

     to the waiting flame in the earth's molten core.

     Beloved Earth,

     Fair Goddess of ancient of days.

     Glow again thy passion's sacred flame.

     Once again there is, on earth, a holy place,

     where Lord meets Lord ... in blended flame.

     Sacred heart,

     though earthen veils hid thy countenance fair,

     thine was the holy nectar that filled Eden's air,

     the music that graced the heavenly spheres.

     Beloved Earth,

     New Jerusalem’s sacred bride.

     Brace thyself in passion's deepest molten flame,

     and remember this day ... thy spirit’s true name.

     Rise, sacred flame!

     Release thy veil, and return to thy place.

     The temple is finished. A path is made.

     Speed thy way.

     ... The Lord awaits.”

Robert Merriman — A regality is the reality of Spiritual Expression. Let it be so.

Steve Ventola — The moments we shared are precious indeed. Robert, you've talked about powering up into a rarified atmosphere. But the simplicity of it is that we just have to say “Yes”—yes to playing our harp. If we've played it off chord at times, we just need to tune it and say, “Yes, let go.” Let the influences extend into the earth, that our earth may become a sun, that we may share radiantly, with each of us in appreciation from the heart of love. Our next Temple of Light service will be led by Gary Courtland-Miles on May 28th. I is a pleasure to be with you all.

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Robert Merriman —