November 19, 2022
November 03, 2022
The Silver Cord — Love Connects Everything
Gary Courtland-Miles October 30, 2022
Saturna Island, British Columbia
Temple of Light service
Gary Courtland-Miles — Good morning everyone. It's wonderful to see you all and feel the brightness of your spirit. It’s my delight to welcome you all to this Service as we move forward from our gathering last month. I’d like to extend appreciation and thanks to all who offered such a potent 90th Anniversary Service last month. There was indeed “a sacred silence” generated in heaven, and we heard the Voice of our KING. We heard His encouragement to continue the work which He has given us all—to let His Kingdom come on earth exactly where we are, so that the Cosmic Cycles of Divine Purpose might be made manifest on earth. We are blessed to be about this work together. I know most all of you by name from over 50 years of association with Emissaries of Divine Light, and it's a real privilege to have been offered the opportunity to speak with all of you today.
The totality of service, inspiration, attunement, teaching and blessing by and through all of you is remarkable. The world is a better place for all of us. I give deep thanks for this, and I am honored to continue on in this with you. Our task is awesome; some might think daunting; but thankfully, the Way is easy when we let Love flow, when we speak the Truth, and let Life blossom—let it blossom as we interact with all those in our worlds, as we let it uplift them, encourage them, provide evidence of the spirit of our KING. We have all been richly, richly blessed! The spiritual education that we have had, provided through Uranda, Martin, Grace, Bill Bahan, Alan Hammond and many others was wondrous and enlightening. It was delightful. And of course, we've had years of opportunity to learn by doing, to learn by being, to learn by serving, offering attunement, and more. So let us continue. Let’s share a moment of Devotion.
Our Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father, we come before You this morning in your Temple of Light, to offer our deep thanksgiving for all that you provide so freely, here and throughout the Cosmos. We bow in awe to Your Majesty and Glory. We come with open hearts and open minds, and seek only to become ever more attuned with Your Great Love. We offer praise and thanksgiving for all of Your wonderful works, and all of the manifold blessings You give so free freely to all of the children of men. May we serve You with passion, with clarity, and let Your Holy Spirit guide us that Your Kingdom come on earth, and man be restored to the Divine Estate to which You appointed him. In the Christ, Aumen.
In a few minutes, with Robert’s help, I would like to share a movie with you that is an homage to the creative power, majesty and glory of the Most High, as it relates to the Universe in which we all dwell. I didn't make the movie itself, I merely borrowed; but I did write the music for it, and that will be its soundtrack. Much of my ministry has been through ‘sound’ over the years—taking piano lessons as a youngster, and then studying at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and eventually Colorado College, and with Maestro Manoah Leide Tedesco, who introduced the music of Ravel and Debussy to the world. Through this I came to love how music could express a deeper range of emotion than I felt words ever could! Lately, I have been corresponding with creative musicians worldwide via — a platform for musicians and spoken word artists the world over. I have also collaborated with quite a few on various compositions. It has been a lot of fun; but I use the music as a means of encouraging, lifting-up, and always pointing to the light. The piece that will accompany the movie is titled Cosmic Cycles. It was written over several months, some seven years ago, as I sought to describe the sounds of the Creation of the Universe, and what is called the “Cosmic Background Radiation” which still lingers some 13.5 billion years after what has been called the Big Bang. Now that’s a seemingly impossible task, and it was, but I had to try. It was like answering the Koan, “What is the sound of Creation?”
Yes, it took several months to compose the music you are going to hear. Nevertheless, I persevered. And I just ask that you let go and relax deeply into a pattern of radiant listening, expecting nothing—but simply enjoy. Perhaps though, we could use this time of radiant listening, and appreciation of the Majesty and Glory of the Creator, to let a blessing go forth to all the Earth in the current of Attunement Radiation to bless and to gather in the longings of responding ones everywhere, so they have a home on Earth in and through us. We have been well prepared—over 90 years, and infinitely longer. So let them come. Let me begin by reading Psalm 8, a Psalm that has inspired me since I was a youngster.
“O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens…
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained.
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet…
O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!”
This is a Psalm of immense beauty—immense beauty! So, in showing this movie of the wonder and glory of the Most High's creation, my intent is to call attention to the fact that the spirit, reality, and current of Love flows through the Whole Cosmos, from the Most High through all of creation. It flows visibly and invisibly; and in fact only about 5% of the Universe is visible to us. However, insofar as this exotic substance we call matter is concerned, it is now known that this current does so via the pneumaplasmic essences of what are called dusty complex plasmas that literally fill the entire Universe. [] These plasmas are an aspect of the Truth and provide the channel through which the creative power flows and makes all things manifest. In fact, they ultimately provide the skeletal framework for the billions of galaxies in the Universe. As the Master said, “In my Father's House there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.” So with that, we will begin the film and the music, Cosmic Cycles—A Journey Through The Stars.
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I am absolutely in awe at the creative power of our Creator. The current of Love flows through it all. It is delightful to sense the depth of substance we have generated together, in these last few minutes, and to feel the love response of so many people worldwide, finding repose and encouragement in the Love substance generated through this attunement time.
The Silver Cord runs throughout the entire Universe, from the central Sun of Suns all the way through the Galactic Groups, to our Milky Way, to our Sun, and from there to each of us as individuals, created by the same Creator. It runs through all of that and comes to point in us in the Temple of Light—in His Temple of Light where we serve. We are a Nucleus for the manifestation of the Divine Design on earth. We provide a key aspect of the control pattern for the Whole Holy World. So even as plasma provides the living skeleton through the whole Universe in its outer manifestation, we provide something absolutely essential on earth at this time. The Silver Cord is our intimate connection with the creative power of Love, brought to point through the nucleus of the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek. We are those who enfold and lift up the Love response of all responding ones everywhere. Through us, through the guiding action of the Holy Spirit, the Creator’s Will is made manifest on earth. We certainly don’t have to figure anything out. Our attention is best centered in generating and keeping holy the substance of pneumaplasm through which the creative power flows moment by moment. The more we generate in our living, the more of the Creator’s intent becomes known and is made manifest on earth. Simple. In this regard, I’d like to share a few paragraphs with you from Uranda’s service of August 22, 1948, entitled, The Seventh Seal Of The Silver Cord Of Eternal Life.
“The reality of the Oneness of the Inner and the outer is established in you when the Kingdom is manifest through you. Then you provide the Seventh Seal, as it were, as a Unit, as a Nucleus—for the Silver Cord is connected to you, and the Current of the Spirit from the Divine Source is established through you. Then, through you as a Nucleus, an awareness of these things can be carried out into the consciousness of the world body of humanity. That development of awareness in the world body will have to work out more or less along the lines of its development in you, and yet it will be different, because you are to be the manifest expression of that which you, in the beginning, could not see or definitely know of. The Silver Cord of the Spirit, established in you the Nucleus, as the Seventh Seal, then provides the fact of the union, or the Oneness, between Heaven and earth, whether the world knows it or not; for the average human being certainly knows nothing of the Silver Cord or the Seventh Seal in himself, and, from the ordinary standpoint of perception, he does not need to know.
“Some have been surprised, in time past, that I did not try to get people to become aware of some gland or see, in some fashion, supposedly a silver cord—as if that meant anything! That was a mystical way of telling a great truth. That was symbolic. That had meaning, and does have meaning, only in relationship to the fact that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand… and as you function truly, not as a mixture of iron and miry clay, but as a Pure Gland of Life in the Archangelic Body, you are aware of the Silver Cord that connects the Current or flow of the Holy Spirit through you into the world”—and our means of connection with responding ones everywhere. “You are aware of what that Holy Spirit is doing in the world, though the world may not be aware, just as your consciousness may not be aware of what that Current of Life is doing in all phases of your organism” in this moment—"but if that Silver Cord were broken the body would… die quickly. So, also, with the relationship of all Responding Ones with the Kingdom that is coming on earth. That can manifest only when there is a strong, vibrant Silver Cord, the flow of the Divine Current of Being flowing through the Nucleus into the world body, that all who will may be drawn to share in the building of the Whole Body…
“Here, in a different sense, not merely from the standpoint of that which permits physical life, but from the standpoint of that which permits the fulness of life, we are privileged to be the Nucleus, a formation of the Seventh Seal, which provides the connecting link between the Inner and the outer, which permits the manifest expression, the true function, of the Silver Cord of the Holy Spirit in relationship to the world body of Responding Ones. When there is a realization of the importance and the responsibility that rests upon us in relationship to our function, we cannot set this in the scale against anything else in the world, because to do so would be to reject our Divine Calling.” This realization also “reveals the fact that we have the privilege of utilizing the Power of God in a manner that the world knows not of, in a way that you are only now beginning to barely glimpse…
“So, as we, with one accord in one place,” in the Temple of Light, “in that Place provided of the Lord on the face of the earth, reach the point of being” the fulness of “that Nucleus, that Seventh Seal, by which the Silver Cord of the Holy Spirit is permitted to work on earth… then, having sought and found the Kingdom—where? in Heaven? no, on earth”—then we are truly serving God, and those who are Responding to His Love. “Therefore, let us function according to the Word of our LORD and KING. Let us be true to our KING, and let us serve without wavering, without denying Him, without causing our thoughts and words and acts to say that we do not believe what He said,”—when He called His true disciples, when He called us His friends. If we do not believe that the Kingdom can come on Earth, then “we classify Him as a liar, and to do such a thing is to give allegiance to the prince of liars, the prince of this world.”
“We cannot serve two masters. It must be one or the other, and there must be a cleansing… an elimination of the unreal, so that here the pure, true expression of that Seventh Seal”, which is open in Heaven and manifest on earth, can “permit the glorious and wonderful outworking” of His Creative Purposes. And through the reality of The Silver Cord, the Creative Design of Love, the Holy Spirit, may draw all responding substance into pattern, and let His Kingdom come, to the blessing of this planet, and all responding ones everywhere.
From the Central SUN of Suns, through the myriad of galaxies, through our galaxy, to our Sun, to us, instantaneously in every moment, the creative cycles move forward. So may we move forward in service, providing the substance of living awareness, through which the Kingdom of Heaven may come again on earth. What an adventure! It’s a delight to share in this with all of you. I’d like to invite David to continue.
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David Barnes — Well Gary, you've left David speechless. Truly I don't really think I need to say anything further. What could I say, to do any finer than you have done in bringing this in which all of us are sharing this morning. So why don't you continue Gary, and receive any comments, responses, any of us would like to make; and we won't make this service period this morning overly long. It's my great pleasure to recede, and acknowledge the way in which you have come forth in our midst—an example of what happens when each one of us takes our turn in the holy place in service. It is possible, because the Silver Cord has been established, thick and strong and clear, superfluid and superconducting of the current of response flowing to the Most High, and able then to receive what flows down and out through us, extending through all the rootlets of that Silver Cord into the realms of creation that we each, and all of us are together, are responsible for, letting life increase. So, Gary, back to you, to receive what will come from the rest of our colleagues, our friends, here this morning. Thank you so much.
Shirley Malin — Gary, I just cherish the quiet moments we've had together, and I'm so glad that you and David have been able to honor this precious time. Your beautiful display through the movie was quite moving. I saw a lot of beautiful symbolism in what was played out there. And music has a very important part of expressing through me. I'm a dancer, and I love to feel the music and express it. You just so beautifully expressed your sense of cosmic connectedness through this movie. I feel it's been so well done so that all of us, in a sense, feel that need to be so thankful and consciously still, in the midst of all this—so we don't have a lot of chatter. I also appreciate David calling to have it in a controlled passion, so that we don't go over long, because sometimes when we go over-long we get chatty, and the substance dissipates, and we have such a beautiful power of substance right now. I'm so grateful to be able to share in this with you, and my heart surrounds you with thankfulness. Amen.
Christina Pivarnik — I too would like to voice my deepest appreciation Gary. Your visual images of the cosmos, accompanied by your exquisite music, let us have a wordless experience. And I think that that's a precious thing these days, to have a wordless experience. Music lets us do that in such a fine way. Dance does too, Shirley. I'm one of those, and isn't that a glorious thing to let our love for the LORD, for the KING of Kings come forward in non-verbal ways. I have to put it in words to tell you that, but you get the sense of what I'm trying to say here. I really appreciate what you've done, and the hours that you put into that piece. I know, it doesn't come fast, but it comes powerfully and beautifully. And thank you.
Anthony Palombo — I too would like to thank you Gary, for the beautiful presentation that you offered today. Your love was tangible, delicious. Your love for the Creator, your love for creation. What a journey this was this morning! Thank you so much. I love you, brother.
Marsha Bogolin — Gary, it was like looking into the face of God through the video as well as the music. And actually, I delighted in your face, and the purity that I felt in it, speaking as one of the Priests of the Order of Melchizedek. You described how the Silver Cord is our intimate love connection with the LORD, with the central GOD of Gods, with all that is above and beyond us, as well as all that comes through us in our service on this planet. And lastly, the sense that you brought through everything that you did, of the large cycles that are moving, immediately, every second of which we are a part, and how they integrally relate to what we are doing, was very palpable. And your calling for the easy thing, of sustaining the fine pneumaplasm that allows that creative power to move through us. I also loved how now science knows it as “dusty complex plasma”—my, such parallels over and over again. Thank you, just brilliant.
Laura Fisher — Thank you Marsha, and thank you Gary, and David. I remember Uranda's words: the body is beautiful beyond description; within it are the secrets of the universe. And what I saw in those glorious pictures is what the body looks like in various places: in the nervous system, the brain, the circulatory system—it was all there. The body truly has the secrets of the universe. And the universe obviously is one thing; it moves and dances and sings, and does everything together, and each part is essential for the wholeness of the action. And then we come to earth, where wholeness seems to be a difficult task. But it isn't, not at all! We've made that up: some people aren't doing it wrong; some people are doing it right; some people... on and on it goes! It's boring actually. But the wonder of the universe as you presented it—magnificent is a small word to use to talk of the experience of matching the body to the universe, matching the beating of the heart to the universe, and we all do it all the time. What beautiful freedom you have presented this morning. And I thank you.
Robert Merriman — Gary, thank you so much for sharing this wondrous journey with us, ushering us into the pristine vision of this moment. The instantaneousness of our connection with the All-That-Is, is so vivid to me right now, thanks to what you've initiated here. Science has spoken of light years and great distances. And yet, in the tone of what we've shared together, I can see that, all that is connected through the Silver Cord is right now; and as Shekinah is manifest in living through the unit that I am, and that we all are together right here, right now, all is blessed, and it is vast. Thank you so much for this window you have given us. What a beautiful view!
Deborah Starrs — Gary, I hope I can find the words to do justice to what has come to my mind, in all you've offered this morning, that we truly have our home and being among the stars. It's where we truly live, right here on earth: home among the stars. I remember at Sunrise seeing a depiction of Siomra, with dance and music and words; that was quite moving. This came to my mind this morning: that it now is manifesting in reality. We're living among the stars. We're at home, bringing it right here on earth. Thank you so much.
Sunwha Choi — Well, here in South Korea it's 3 o'clock clock in the morning, and it’s a very difficult time to join together; but what a comfort, and what a sweet and healing time it was. I'm sure you've all have heard the news of what happened in Seoul; and we are all shocked, and very heavy all day long. So, I was compelled to join this service, with a kind of urge to join. And, well, just the sweetness of this togetherness and the atmosphere that we generated, I want to send it to all Korea, and all the people who are connected, and the healing and loving, soothing touch for them, and really doing what needs to be done. We don't know, I don't know what's really needed in this situation. Everybody keeps quiet and we don't know what to do. But just to send loving and healing current to them all. That's why I joined, and that's why I live, and that's why, still, my Silver Cord is connected. Thank you very much.
Gary — Thank you Sunwha. I was thinking that we are the friends, we are our Master's friends. Did He not say, “Henceforth I no longer call you servants, for the servants know not what the Master does; but I call you friends. For all things that I've heard from my Father, I have made known to you.” We are friends. We are attached by that Silver Cord which runs throughout the entire universe. It resonate moment by moment. So powerful. Let this inform our actions as friends of the LORD of Lords. We know His character, and we know the Way. We know it to the degree that we resonate with the love flows that forth from the Central SUN of Suns via the Silver Cord. It's instantly available to the entire universe—so beautiful. And again, I'm reminded, the Master said in the Book of John, “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go forth and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” We have been ordained. We are ordained in each moment we resonate with the Truth of Love, which is instantly available. And we bring forth fruit in our relations with whomsoever we're with, as well as in quiet times, tending and keeping the Garden; keeping the essences safe, letting them grow; letting the Garden come forth. So, let's continue to play our part in the Nucleus of Knowing that is the Temple of Light. I'd like to thank everyone for their response, and particularly my dear friend David Barnes for inviting me to share something with you all. It's been a long time coming. I suppose I haven't spoken publicly in perhaps 40 years, but I always loved it. Perhaps this will be the beginning of something new for me; hopefully for all of us. So let us be a comforter to all who respond to the Truth of Love, wheresoever they may be. Thank you all. Now I’ll turn it over to Steve.
Steve Ventola — I think you've said it all, for all of us. Robert, you can play another selection of music composed and played by Gary—and we can radiate to our world, in light of what Sunwha shared with us, and what Gary brought to us, and let that Silver Cord extend out to that part of the world, but actually to all the world. Our next service in the Temple of Light will be on November 27th, with Millicent Holiday, Terry Kauffman and Carol Smith from Atlanta.
Gary Courtland-Miles:
Gary's music on Soundcloud under the name Anomon
Love Is Forever:
The Beauty:
Cosmic Cycles:
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